United Healthcare CEO shot and killed

Back to the topic of the thread:

Reports are that a jacket was found in the backpack. No gun. They also found Monopoly money.

NYPD says they have officers in Atlanta continuing their investigation. If I recall, the bus the shooter arrived on in NYC originated in Atlanta.
Back to the topic of the thread:

Reports are that a jacket was found in the backpack. No gun. They also found Monopoly money.

NYPD says they have officers in Atlanta continuing their investigation. If I recall, the bus the shooter arrived on in NYC originated in Atlanta.
And it was found by a very
Merry go round

Feels like he is trolling them. It's fascinating
So do insurance executives need to sit down and try to understand the people who want them dead? Would it be wrong to stop dialogue between those two groups as that's the only way out of this? Is there a diner we can visit to interview people?
So do insurance executives need to sit down and try to understand the people who want them dead? Would it be wrong to stop dialogue between those two groups as that's the only way out of this? Is there a diner we can visit to interview people?
The way out is to stop for profit insurance

Zero else
And it was found by a very
Merry go round

Feels like he is trolling them. It's fascinating
The words on the bullets and now the Monopoly money makes me start thinking this could be an activist as opposed to a disgruntled employee or client.
Yeah I was reading your first part thinking, Amen. Then it turned lol

I want for profit insurance burned. I think when they contribute to death they should be punished. It's different than doctors who are trying to help. They literally put price limits on your life
To some extent there has to be price limits. We can't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on the last couple months of our lives. Ultimately we all have to pay for that.

But that is mostly Medicare. What UHC is doing goes beyond controlling costs to control premium prices.

Here’s hoping the FBI monitors these boards. Do you want to murder everyone who works for health insurance companies, or just the head honchos? How close do you live to Chapel Hill? Does BCBS need to put your face on a poster?

Also, "I would take the job, but I would be better and more caring" is complete BS. That's like saying, "if I played in the NFL I would just throw touchdowns and not any interceptions." You have no idea what this guy was doing on a day to day basis. Additionally, pinning the entirety of everything wrong with healthcare in the US on one person is delusional. You are just a different version of the nutjobs who want to assassinate Fauci, and should be treated as such. Instead, the usual suspects will chime in and say, "well, he wasn't actually gloating, why are you changing the subject?"
God! I hope the FBI doesn’t waste time monitoring opinion boards. Imagine size of staff that would entail.
God! I hope the FBI doesn’t waste time monitoring opinion boards. Imagine size of staff that would entail.
I agree but also let’s not use this site for vigilantism or promoting violence, either [not your post, the one that caused the FBI comment].
I do think we may be starting to see the rebellion against the oligarchy starting.

I do wonder how many death threats are made against Elon. Gotta be a lot right? And he doesn't get government protection even though he bought the government
Funny thing…Elonia bought the government with our money!
Jump Circle Defense. It comes from the old, old days when Duke students used to rush the floor after a loss and form a human chain around the jump circle to prevent any opposing players from defiling it.
I thought that they first did it after being defeated by UNC?
“FBI: I was being facetious about the guillotines… I was merely pointing out that humanity has been down this road before.” Not trying to incite a riot - just a month or so before der Führer takes control of my iPad mini..