Our jests and more. I got a text from my step-daughter this morning that was a picture of a CD case with the sister of a B-list celebrity on the cover (this CD was released ~20 years ago), I replied "That looks kinda like Janet (sister of the step-daughter who sent the text and not her real name, although of course I used my other step-daughter's real name when I replied) when she was in high school," about 3 minutes later my step-daughter who sent the original text texted "Apple AI just said 'CD cover resembles Janet (but of course used her real name) in high school.'" I don't even know what that means, but it seems kinda... something. I guess it's not that big of a deal, anybody with a Facebook page or Instagram or any other social media has plastered pictures of themselves online for years, AI has plenty of opportunity to associate a face with a name, but I still thought it was creepy that it harvested this "info" from our texts...