Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

IIRC, Beshear has the highest approval rating of any Democratic governor.
Yeah, Beshear would be a good addition to the ticket, too, no question about it. I just think that, because Kentucky is not even remotely in play for Democrats as Pennsylvania (Shapiro) and Arizona (Kelly) are, it doesn't make much sense IMO to choose Beshear over the other two. And even though Dems aren't in danger of losing Minnesota, Tim Walz can almost certainly make the Dems' chances of delivering Michigan and Wisconsin increase. So I just think it's got to be one of those three- nothing at all against Beshear, who I think is a fantastic governor.
The thing is, though, if Pennsylvania doesn't go Democratic, the election is over anyway. Kamala has no shot at without winning Pennsylvania. Shapiro, IMO, gives the Harris campaign the *best and most likely* opportunity to win PA (though, obviously nothing is a guarantee) because he is unbelievably popular in Pennsylvania, and not just among Democrats/liberals. His approval rating is jaw-dropping in this age of hyperpartisan politics.

To be clear, though, I'll be thrilled with any one of Shapiro, Walz, or Kelly in really no particular order. All three would be fantastic additions to the ticket. But I think that, as it pertains to Shapiro, if you can virtually guarantee that he can deliver PA, it's almost a no-brainer (to me).
I pretty much agree here although I personally like Walz and he was the one who delivered the "weird" playbook that has the GOP reeling. There's just something super authentic about him and I think people around the country would really like him. Shapiro has more upside and I could see him actually being the president in his own right one day, but I think Walz is the right guy for right now.

But if it's Shapiro or Kelly or even Beshear I'm not going to be mad. The only one I would really disagree with would be Pete.
Yeah, Beshear would be a good addition to the ticket, too, no question about it. I just think that, because Kentucky is not even remotely in play for Democrats as Pennsylvania (Shapiro) and Arizona (Kelly) are, it doesn't make much sense IMO to choose Beshear over the other two. And even though Dems aren't in danger of losing Minnesota, Tim Walz can almost certainly make the Dems' chances of delivering Michigan and Wisconsin increase. So I just think it's got to be one of those three- nothing at all against Beshear, who I think is a fantastic governor.
Agreed that Kentucky is not in play, but I’m of the mind that no VP choice delivers their state. I don’t think Cooper would’ve done it here either. Beshear is able to speak to a demographic that Harris is not as well equipped to.

Shapiro speaks to the same people as Harris, IMO. Look at Beshear’s appearance in Forsyth Co, GA, for example. Dems have to stop the bleeding in rural areas to win statewide in many of these states. I think Beshear helps win over more rural voters and even some conservative leaning independents.

That’s why I’d have:

1A: Beshear
1B: Walz
2: the rest
I pretty much agree here although I personally like Walz and he was the one who delivered the "weird" playbook that has the GOP reeling. There's just something super authentic about him and I think people around the country would really like him. Shapiro has more upside and I could see him actually being the president in his own right one day, but I think Walz is the right guy for right now.

But if it's Shapiro or Kelly or even Beshear I'm not going to be mad. The only one I would really disagree with would be Pete.

What do you have against Pete?
Agreed that Kentucky is not in play, but I’m of the mind that no VP choice delivers their state. I don’t think Cooper would’ve done it here either. Beshear is able to speak to a demographic that Harris is not as well equipped to.

Shapiro speaks to the same people as Harris, IMO. Look at Beshear’s appearance in Forsyth Co, GA, for example. Dems have to stop the bleeding in rural areas to win statewide in many of these states. I think Beshear helps win over more rural voters and even some conservative leaning independents.

That’s why I’d have:

1A: Beshear
1B: Walz
2: the rest
I can't disagree with this. I also have a hard time believing one VP pick will flip any state.
I pretty much agree here although I personally like Walz and he was the one who delivered the "weird" playbook that has the GOP reeling. There's just something super authentic about him and I think people around the country would really like him. Shapiro has more upside and I could see him actually being the president in his own right one day, but I think Walz is the right guy for right now.

But if it's Shapiro or Kelly or even Beshear I'm not going to be mad. The only one I would really disagree with would be Pete.
Walz is definitely the real deal. My parents, like many people, didn't know much about him even a week or so ago, and now they are totally on board with him. Mehdi Hassan himself didn't know about him until recently, either, and now is a complete fan. It makes me wonder if Biden had stepped aside sooner, Walz's name would have also been out there sooner, and his support would be even greater. But Harris has to make her decision in the next few days, so that tends to favor the Shapiros and Kellys, who already had a bit higher name recognition.

Shapiro is third for me after Walz and Beshear, but I think all are good choices.
Agreed that Kentucky is not in play, but I’m of the mind that no VP choice delivers their state. I don’t think Cooper would’ve done it here either. Beshear is able to speak to a demographic that Harris is not as well equipped to.

Shapiro speaks to the same people as Harris, IMO. Look at Beshear’s appearance in Forsyth Co, GA, for example. Dems have to stop the bleeding in rural areas to win statewide in many of these states. I think Beshear helps win over more rural voters and even some conservative leaning independents.

That’s why I’d have:

1A: Beshear
1B: Walz
2: the rest
Those are all very good points, for sure! Will be fascinating to see who Kamala chooses. I feel like I'm going to be pretty darn happy with any one of Shapiro, Kelly, Walz, Beshear.
If Pete is not the choice, I hope he gets an even better job in the next administration (if he wants). But ultimately I want him to find the best career path that would put him on the best trajectory for the Presidency someday. That would most likely mean running for statewide office somewhere.
. . . Seagal under his breath calls him a "little E-1 prick." Always makes me chuckle.
Don't get it. Just getting through Basic Training bumps people from E-1 to E-2.
Same here. I actually like Pete a ton. He is unbelievably brilliant. I just don't trust enough of my fellow Americans to be okay with a ticket consisting of a black woman and a gay man.
This 100%. I’d be fine with him in either spot on the ticket if not alongside Harris…I just have no faith in people who look like me to do the right thing.
If Pete is not the choice, I hope he gets an even better job in the next administration (if he wants). But ultimately I want him to find the best career path that would put him on the best trajectory for the Presidency someday. That would most likely mean running for statewide office somewhere.

Secretary of State or Defense
Don't get it. Just getting through Basic Training bumps people from E-1 to E-2.
I mean he is just denigrating the soldier who's task it is to keep him locked up in the fridge by saying he is a lowly E-1. Like saying rookie or boot.
Same here. I actually like Pete a ton. He is unbelievably brilliant. I just don't trust enough of my fellow Americans to be okay with a ticket consisting of a black woman and a gay man.
Exactly. Somebody else already said if Pete wasn't gay he'd already be president, and I think that's true. But he's young enough that hopefully in 2032 he'll be the nominee and the winner...
I mean he is just denigrating the soldier who's task it is to keep him locked up in the fridge by saying he is a lowly E-1. Like saying rookie or boot.
OK, just not familiar with that particular insult.