Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

If it’s Walz, it means one of 2 things (and maybe both)
1. Harris feels good about PA or
2. Shapiro was a big damper in Michigan
Agreed. My guess is it is 1. Even if Shapiro were to be a little bit of an electoral liability among the Arab population in Michigan, I think that the ticket’s strength with UAW and unions would more than make up for it.
If it is Walz, there is no real downside other than name recognition, but that will be quickly remedied.

Shapiro has a higher ceiling, but he does come with some baggage that will have to be worked through.

Pennsylvania is the key. We’ve gotta win Pennsylvania.
Neither Shapiro nor Walz is perfect. The Shapiro warts are well-known, Walz has a DUI etc. So either one will get attacked. Pick the who helps get to 270.
Didn't know he got a DUI so went looking...

It being in the past, the story kind of makes me laugh but yeah, drinking and driving isn't cool. I'm sure he feels bad about it.
If it’s Walz, it means one of 2 things (and maybe both)
1. Harris feels good about PA or
2. Shapiro was a big damper in Michigan
3. Being Jewish and very pro-Israel may exacerbate an existing intra-party divide.
I don’t want Walz because he brings the 2020 Floyd protests to the forefront in ways that could be very unhelpful. Not his fault but he was Governor then.
I don’t want Walz because he brings the 2020 Floyd protests to the forefront in ways that could be very unhelpful. Not his fault but he was Governor then.
That's a very valid concern. Unfortunately for Trump, he's literally the one politician who can't bring that to the forefront because he was having protestors pepper-sprayed by law enforcement during that time.

Of course, that still could be a problem for black voters, though.
Still a bit concerned that a Harris/Walz ticket will be seen (fairl\y or not) as too liberal by indie voters and in states like PA, MI, WI, VA and GA. As someone noted above, it is not his fault but Walz plays right into R ridiculous but potent talking points about riots, defunding the police etc. Picking Shapiro (and Beshear to a lesser extent) destroys a lot of Republican talking points, while Walz throws Trump a lifeline to a small degree IMO. Hope I am wrong re the above.