Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

JD Vance was a freaking combat correspondent. He was Joker in Full Metal Jacket, and now he's accusing Walz of stolen valor? Once again, all the GOP has are lies. Lies. Lies.
Heck, who even cares about Vance. If the top of the ticket, Private Bone Spurs, wants to make "dodging military deployment" the central theme of their campaign, bring it.
I realize “active” is different from “reserve” (although I can’t define the difference) and both are different from the National Guard (and, I can’t define that difference).

Just what is a “Command Sergeant Major?” Does a “Command Sergeant Major” in the National Guard matter at all?
Active is someone who wears the uniform as their full-time job. They are in a duty status 24/7, but when not deployed typically work 40-ish hour weeks training for the next deployment. Members of most of the units you’ve heard of are active (82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne, most infantry divisions, etc.).

Reserves are “weekend warriors” who serve (typically) one weekend per month, two weeks per year. Most have other full-time jobs to support themselves and the reserves are essentially a side-hustle. They are entirely under federal control and can only be mobilized by POTUS or his/her designee in support of federal missions. Reserves typically augment active duty with additional logistics capabilities.

National Guard are similar to reserves, except they belong to both a state and the federal government. The governor of the state they serve is their commander in chief unless they are mobilized for a federal mission. NG is typically who responds to natural disasters, civil unrest, etc. NG are more likely than reserves to be in a direct combat role such as infantry, artillery, or armor (tanks).

A command sergeant major is an E-9, which is the highest enlisted rank in the Army. A CSM is the senior enlisted Soldier within a unit, working in tandem with an officer in command of either a Battalion, Brigade, or Division. The CSM is in charge of all enlisted issues for the command they serve and the CSM reports directly to the commander. It is extremely rare for a Soldier to make CSM. While even a Lieutenant technically outranks a CSM, if a Lieutenant and a CSM disagree the commander will side with the CSM every day of the week and twice on Sundays. The CSM is essentially the commander’s right hand and his/her eyes and ears within the unit.
While even a Lieutenant technically outranks a CSM, if a Lieutenant and a CSM disagree the commander will side with the CSM every day of the week and twice on Sundays. The CSM is essentially the commander’s right hand and his/her eyes and ears within the unit.
Change this to either Captain or Major, and the point pretty much stands as well. You better be damn sure of yourself before you take a view that does not align with the CSM and their (typically) 25+ years of experience.
Change this to either Captain or Major, and the point pretty much stands as well. You better be damn sure of yourself before you take a view that does not align with the CSM and their (typically) 25+ years of experience.
Yep. It was Air Force, but saw a CMSgt (our CSM equivalent) put a Major in his place once, and it wasn’t pretty.
JD Vance was a freaking combat correspondent. He was Joker in Full Metal Jacket, and now he's accusing Walz of stolen valor? Once again, all the GOP has are lies. Lies. Lies.

If you're trying to say that being a combat correspondent kept him out of harms way, that may or may not be true. But, comparison to Private Joker does not support your point. I mean, Joker seen some things and did some things.
Much to my surprise, I've really enjoyed Cuban's perspective over the past several months on the Presidential race and politics in general.
The GOP is really grasping at straws when they attack the military service of a 20 year veteran who rose to the top enlisted rank. He clearly retired before his unit was called up by they accuse him of 'abandoning his troops' and he had a single misspeak about war when he clearly used those weapons for 20+ years.