Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

"Walz’s most recent disclosure to the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board listed no stocks, real estate or horse racing interests."

That seems kinda odd that they put horse racing interests up there with stocks and real estate on the disclosure form questionnaire...
I read where Walz has a full pension and retirement benefits from his 20 years as a teacher, a full pension and retirement benefits from his 24 years in the National Guard, a pension and retirement benefits from his 12 years in Congress, and then a pension from serving as governor. And of course he would have a pension for serving 4-8 years as vice president should that happen.
As the British say, he's a pensioner.

All of it earned
I read where Walz has a full pension and retirement benefits from his 20 years as a teacher, a full pension and retirement benefits from his 24 years in the National Guard, a pension and retirement benefits from his 12 years in Congress, and then a pension from serving as governor. And of course he would have a pension for serving 4-8 years as vice president should that happen.
I'm a bit concerned about the Swift boating. People learned from that, right? That it was all BS.

This is a bunch of BS also, but if they could make people believe that Kerry never did anything heroic, maybe they can get people hooked on this stolen valor garbage.
I'm a bit concerned about the Swift boating. People learned from that, right? That it was all BS.

This is a bunch of BS also, but if they could make people believe that Kerry never did anything heroic, maybe they can get people hooked on this stolen valor garbage.
Kamala loves this. Walz will go straight at Trump’s bone spurs.
Walz acts like a conservative in many ways: hunting, being a handyman, football coach, etc. but is still progressive enough in his values that he doesn't like shitting on people. They are saying many out there had dads like this but that FoxNews turned those dads into the MAGA POS type by brainwashing them.
And Fox News dads have no idea how mean they have gotten. Politics sneak into everything they do, even though they insist otherwise. Snide remarks and casual Trump defenses make it clear to their daughters that they would not be supported them in the case of sexual assault. Their children know that if they are LGBTQ+ they will not be loved. Walz is the sort of guy they think they are, but they are unaware of just how mean spirited they have become.

Walz connects with some people because he represents an opportunity to mourn the loss of their still living father.
I'm a bit concerned about the Swift boating. People learned from that, right? That it was all BS.

This is a bunch of BS also, but if they could make people believe that Kerry never did anything heroic, maybe they can get people hooked on this stolen valor garbage.
Chris LaCivita, Trump’s campaign senior advisor, actually was behind the original Swift Boat campaign against Kerry.

“… Two decades ago, LaCivita helped write and produce television ads for Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group that falsely claimed Kerry was misrepresenting his service as a Swift boat captain in the Vietnam War — for which Kerry was awarded three Purple Hearts, a Silver Star and a Bronze Star. …”

On that subject here is a very long Twitter thread regarding Walz exit situation from the military.
