Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

At his PC, Trump revealed that Walz is “very into the transgender world.”
I was just at the Dead Mule in Chapel Hill talking to the young staff and saying that since I read a recent article and I was born in 1958 I am a proud Generation Jones member. I mentioned that when we were coming up everybody from Flip Wilson to Milton Burle did Drag Queens and we loved it. Karma Chameleon w/Boy George and Tiny Tim singing "Tip Toe through the Tulips".
Bottom line if you're straight you need to STFU and understand when folks are trying to just get a new life and love whoever they want you need to help or leave alone.
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At his PC, Trump revealed that Walz is “very into the transgender world.”
I was just at the Dead Mule in Chapel Hill talking to the young staff and saying that since I read a recent article and I was born in 1958 I am a proud Generation Jones member. I mentioned that when we were coming up everybody from Flip Wilson to Milton Burle did Drag Queens and we loved it. Karma Chameleon w/Boy George and Tiny Tim singing "Tip Toe through the Tulips".
Bottom line if you're not straight you ain't and you need to get the fact like being black if you're not you don't know which as a know it all like me...last word is a m...u...s
...t Nevermind.

I imagine the Swift Boaters for truth part II will be able to find a former student or peer from his decades of teaching who is willing to claim he was a terrible teacher who promoted Godless communism or whatever. I mean he did expose innocent children to trips to China.

Gift link: https://wapo.st/46VYPcd

The Washington Post reported that at least three former Guard colleagues have publicly voiced bitterness at Walz’s decision to leave their unit shortly before a possible deployment to Iraq — a deployment that, because it was extended, lasted 19 months. The record shows that Walz made his decision to retire after the National Guard announced the unit might be deployed to Iraq. Walz initially issued a news release indicating he would deploy with his unit.
We constructed the following timeline from interviews, National Guard records and news reports.
April 8, 1981 — Two days after he turns 17, Walz joins the Nebraska National Guard.
1996 — Walz transfers to Minnesota National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery.
September 2001 — Though Walz qualified for retirement at 20 years of service, he said in an interview for a Library of Congress oral history project that the Sept. 11 attacks convinced him to reenlist.
Aug. 3, 2003 — Walz’s unit deploys for nine months of active duty, based in Vicenza, Italy, to support Operation Enduring Freedom, the war in Afghanistan. The troops provided security for Air Force bases in Turkey, Italy, Belgium and Britain, with some elements deployed to support stability operations in Bosnia and Kosovo, a unit history says. In the Library of Congress interview, Walz said the experience made him more politically aware.
April 2004 — Walz returns to Minnesota.
Feb. 5, 2005 — Walz, describing himself in a news release as “Mankato West High School teacher and Command Sergeant Major in the National Guard,” files paperwork saying he is exploring running for Congress.
March 17 — The National Guard announces possible partial mobilization of 2,000 troops. “The announcement from the National Guard PAO [Public Affairs Office] specified that all or a portion of Walz’s battalion could be mobilized to serve in Iraq within the next two years,” according to a March 20 news release issued by the Walz campaign. “Walz Still Planning to Run for Congress Despite Possible Call to Duty in Iraq,” the headline said.

In the news release, Walz said he “had no plans to drop out of the race.” He also said: “As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington DC or in Iraq.”
March 21 — KEYC, a radio station in North Mankato, Minn., broadcasts a report that highlighted Walz’s “unique position” in light of the National Guard announcement. “He will continue his campaign for the congressional seat, despite his possible deployment to Iraq,” the newscast said. “Walz also says if called to active duty in Iraq, his family will continue his campaign back home in Mankato.”
May 16 — The Harris campaign did not respond to a request to provide the day when Walz submitted his retirement papers, but records show this is Walz’s last day with the National Guard. He is 41. His daughter, Hope, is 4. In the Library of Congress interview, Walz said he left the Guard in April “to run for this office.” He said that “we were concerned we would try to do both” and “I decided to retire to focus full time on running.”

Maj. Gen. Randy Manner, U.S. National Guard (ret.), who oversaw overseas deployments, told The Fact Checker that it usually takes at least 90 days to process retirement requests so “60 days would be extraordinarily fast.” Manner said that the Minnesota adjutant general has the final say and could have blocked Walz’s retirement if he thought it would have had a negative impact on the possible deployment.
A former top official in the Minnesota National Guard at the time, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid being entangled in politics, told The Fact Checker that there was no consideration of blocking Walz’s retirement.

July 14 — Walz’s unit officially receives orders to deploy.
Oct. 14 Unit is mobilized.
March 2006 — Unit deploys.
November 2006 Walz elected to Congress.
October 2007 Unit returns after deployment was extended.

Assessment: Walz knew that he might soon be deployed to Iraq. However, he had served nearly a quarter-century in the guard and had already announced he was considering a congressional race. He has said he could not do both, and so chose to run for Congress. Whether he abandoned his troops is a matter of perspective, but it is noteworthy that his retirement request was not blocked.

In a statement, the Harris campaign said: “After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform — and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families.” The campaign did not respond directly to a question about the timing of his resignation and why he left.

Operation Enduring Freedom
“Tim Walz Falsely Claimed He Served in Afghanistan.”
— Washington Free Beacon headline, Wednesday
Walz’s deployment overseas was in support of the war in Afghanistan, dubbed Operation Enduring Freedom, Augé said, saying “the battalion supported security missions at various locations in Europe and Turkey.”

Generally, Walz makes that clear. “I deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom,” he said in a 2007 C-SPAN interview. “My battalion provided base security throughout the European Theater from Turkey to England in the early stages of the war in Afghanistan.”

But Republicans have pointed to a 2006 news release by his congressional campaign, which called him “a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom” and also a 2004 photo in which he is holding a sign saying “Enduring Freedom — Veterans for Kerry.”
Augé said Walz earned a Global War on Terrorism medal but the records are unclear on whether it was a Global War on Terrorism Service Medal or a Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal. A Harris-Walz campaign aide said it was the service medal, which is for individuals who either directly or indirectly supported these designated operations: Airport security, Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Assessment: This is also on the line. We can find no evidence Walz ever claimed he served in Afghanistan. He served overseas in support of the Afghanistan war, but sometimes his phrasing might mislead people into thinking he was an Afghanistan veteran.


I personally think assessing this as "on the line" is ridiculous.
It's a narrow scope, but facebook looks like teachers and more moderate folks seem really, REALLY excited about a teacher/coach on the ticket.

There's an energy for a ticket I haven't seen since 2008. Yeah the hard core western NC conservative teachers and stuff are still just quiet and will likely go with Trump because of (religion? hell I dont get it)...but the amount of people where I grew up that are commenting positively about this is stunning
I'm a retired teacher/coach and I approve and I'm REALLY excited.
“Well, I wonder. Tim Walz, when were you ever in war?”
— Vance, Wednesday
The Harris campaign circulated a 2018 clip of Walz arguing in support of gun restrictions. “We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at,” he said.
There is no evidence that Walz served in combat — and he has not claimed he did. He did receive ribbons for proficiency in sharpshooting and hand grenades, according to military records obtained through an open records request by MPR News.
“In his 24 years of service, the governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times,” a Harris-Walz campaign aide said. “Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country — in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way.” The aide did not address his use of the phrase “in war.”
Assessment: Walz’s language was sloppy and false. He did carry weapons of war — just not in war.


Yes, that was sloppy rhetoric at best -- he needed only refer to the weapons of war that he carried and snip out "in war", though he was serving in wartime for part of his service, he was not personally in combat. But this is the only example anyone seems to have and it is from an off-the-cuff remark, not a prepared statement.

The Walz distraction​

While Republicans have been attacking Walz, Harris has been building relationships and improving her image.​

AUG 09, 2024

After Kamala Harris named Tim Walz as her running mate, Republicans leveled much of their fire at him instead of her. They went after his military career, falsely accusing Walz of stolen valor. Trump’s campaign manager, Chis LaCivita, made his name in politics producing the Swift Boat attacks against John Kerry that shifted the dynamics of that race. This time, though, the Harris campaign is pushing back on multiple fronts. Veterans from both parties quickly came to defend Walz and his record of service. So far, the attacks aren’t gaining significant traction.

Another attack may backfire, highlighting Walz as a compassionate man looking out for children, especially those less fortunate. Walz signed a bill that requires school to “provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge.” Republicans pounced, creating a hashtag, #TamponTim.

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Apparently, Republicans convinced themselves that the law required tampons be placed in boys bathrooms, but that’s not what the law says. The falsehood originated from the Trump campaign and they tried to make it true by making it viral on social media. I’m shocked.

The attack wasn’t supposed to be about providing the free menstrual products. It was accusing Walz of showing too much compassion for transgender kids. Now, Republicans are complaining that they aren’t against giving tampons to kids who need them. They just want to hate on transgender people.

Republicans may have inadvertently given air to a problem that has struggled to get attention. An organization called Alliance for Period Supplies has been advocating for free tampons and pads in public institutions. Their cause may get a boost from the publicity.

Walz, for his part, is probably looking even better to women voters. The attack just highlights his commitments to students. He also signed legislation providing free breakfast and lunch for all public school students. He wants kids to go to school and be able to focus on education and activities while not worrying about basic needs.

Tim Walz provided a lift to an already rising Harris campaign. Republicans moved quickly to squash it—first with a false accusation for stolen valor and then a misguided attempt to wrap him around transgender rights. The first one is failing because too many veterans and veterans groups are coming to his defense. The second one was just made up and has been exposed, making Walz even more appealing as a running mate.

At some point, Republicans will realize they need to lay off of Walz. He’s not the candidate for whom people will come out to vote. Harris is the principle here and while they’ve been leveling their fire at Walz, she’s been shoring up her relationship with labor and steadily improving her image with voters. Not only has she built a campaign that’s working well, she’s causing her opponents to lose focus and flounder.
“… Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard in Nebraska in 1981 and retired honorably in 2005 as the top enlisted soldier for 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery Regiment, in the Minnesota National Guard, according to a copy of his records provided by the Minnesota Guard. He reached the rank of command sergeant major and served in that role, but he officially retired as a master sergeant for benefits purposes because he didn't finish a required training course, according to the records and a statement from the Minnesota Guard.

His Guard career included responding to natural disasters in the United States, as well as a deployment to Italy to support U.S. operations in Afghanistan, according to a 2018 article by Minnesota Public Radio. Walz earned several awards, including the Army Commendation Medal and two Army Achievement Medals, according to his military records. Working a civilian job as a high school teacher and football coach, the Nebraska native was also named that state's Citizen Soldier of the Year in 1989, according to official biographies.

During the 2022 Minnesota governor's race, Walz' opponent accused him of leaving the Guard when he did in order to avoid a deployment to Iraq, though Walz maintained he retired in order to focus on running for Congress, according to the Star Tribune newspaper.

Far-right commentators and media resurfaced those allegations and knocked him for never serving in combat -- something he has never claimed to do -- in contrast with Vance's deployment to Iraq as a combat correspondent. …”

There will be no "swift-boating". The E9 down to E8 was more "paper" than reality. The key was that he actually served in the E9 capacity, and in retiring the gubment is always going to bust somebody down a peg if it means paying less in a pension - which is EXACTLY what happened. As far as the "retired before deployment" - look at the dates involved. Walz announced his candidacy for congress in February 2005, a solid MONTH BEFORE his unit was even notified of "possible deployment". And the ACTUAL deployment didn't occur until March 2006!

WSJ Editorial Board -- urges Vance et al to move along (but can't help but defend the original Swiftboating of John Kerry)

"There are plenty of reasons to criticize Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, and we’ve told you about several. But the charges leveled so far about his military service look like “thin gruel,” as our friends at the New York Sun put it.

J.D. Vance has accused Mr. Walz of “stolen valor” despite his 24 years in the National Guard because the Minnesota Governor didn’t deploy to Iraq with his unit.

Before his political career, Mr. Walz rose to the highest enlisted rank of Command Sergeant Major. He retired in May 2005, shortly before the unit was notified in July 2005 that it would be deployed to Iraq. Fox News reports that the Pentagon says Mr. Walz put in his retirement request several months earlier, though it’s fair to ask if he was aware of the possible Iraq deployment.

His retirement timing wasn’t ideal, leaving his leadership position when his unit was headed into a war zone. But if he had been deemed essential to the operation, the Guard could have declined to approve it. People retire from service for a variety of reasons. Mr. Walz had served since he was 17 years old and had decided to run for Congress.

Mr. Walz has also been accused of lying about his record because he retired one rank below Command Sergeant Major. But that seems to have been a bureaucratic issue since to retire at that rank required longer service in the role and coursework he didn’t complete. So he retired at a lower rank, but there’s no doubt he had reached the higher position while active.

Mr. Vance has alleged that Mr. Walz misrepresented his service by referring to weapons he carried “in war.” That may have been a deceptive boast, though a minor one. Iraq war veteran and former Michigan Rep. Peter Meijer posted on X that Mr. Walz “played fast & loose with his military bio to stay above water as his congressional district drifted right.” But that doesn’t amount to stolen valor, and a simple concession by Mr. Walz on that point would put the matter to rest. ..."
Nothing Walz said was wrong. People are acting as if the phrase "in war" means "in combat" or "under fire." It does not. My grandfather spent years in the Navy during WWII. He was deployed in the Pacific. He was a cook. To my knowledge, his ship was never fired on. It was part of the rear guard. My grandfather served in war. Period. He did not see combat.

The questions to ask when assessing Walz's claim of carrying a weapon in war:

1. Was he deployed overseas during a war, in support of the war mission? Yes.
2. Did his job require him to carry a weapon? Yes.

He carried a weapon in war. End of story.
Don't know if anyone else has heard this, but I just got a fund-raising text announcing that VP Harris had selected Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota as her running mate! WOW! Really good choice.
Don't know if anyone else has heard this, but I just got a fund-raising text announcing that VP Harris had selected Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota as her running mate! WOW! Really good choice.
It's a really great choice, Philadelphia will love the guy . . . 🤔

Based on the story, I can excuse that one as not being "stolen valor." He was simply trying to highlight that the weapons used in school shootings are the types of guns routinely handled by military members of which he was one.