What can the right really throw at Harris?

I think the Trump campaign thought Biden would stick it out, then when it was clear they wouldn't they said "ok, we'll pounce on them after they finish fighting for the candidate," they weren't expecting the Democrats to not break stride.
This ^^^

It seemed to all happen so quickly. That said, it didn’t take long for people on this board to dig up some dirt to sling at Harris so we can rest assured team trump is hard at work. At first they seemed to be grasping at straws, plastic ones.
They quit wearing sheets and coming out only at night. Now they’re out in broad daylight wearing the red hats and parading around with their rebel flags. It won’t be long now…
One particular vulnerability is her lack of Executive experience. There is a notion out there that former Governors make for better Presidents than former Senators. And while Trump had never held office, the CEO "credentials" helped the perception that he got things done (even though its quite obvious that running a private company is a totally different animal than managing in the public sector).

Not sure that this is something that really moves voter intent.

Her biggest political liability is that she's from California. we've already been hearing from the GOP and their mouthpieces about what a disaster California is...expect that to get ramped up even more.
One particular vulnerability is her lack of Executive experience. There is a notion out there that former Governors make for better Presidents than former Senators. And while Trump had never held office, the CEO "credentials" helped the perception that he got things done (even though its quite obvious that running a private company is a totally different animal than managing in the public sector).

Not sure that this is something that really moves voter intent.

Her biggest political liability is that she's from California. we've already been hearing from the GOP and their mouthpieces about what a disaster California is...expect that to get ramped up even more.
I agree to an extent, but Trump's "executive" cred has been weighed, measured and found wanting to say the least. He ran his private companies into the ground and was also found guilty of some dodgy bits in his position of "executive" as CEO.

And Harris should get some "executive experience" cred for being Attorney General of the largest State, serving on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and also as VP for 4 years. All that should add up to something.

But as you point out, not sure if any of that moves the needle for voters.

As far as being from California, if you listen to Fox news on the subject... well... OK... but the truth often lies somewhere in the middle. According to U.S. News & World Report (not a shabby source): Cali scores high in things like Heath Care and Education and in the low 30's (out of 50 States) in things like Infrastructure, Natural Environment, Crime and Corrections and Economy (which is larger that a lot of entire Countries). Also, it's not as if Harris was the Governor of that State, but Attorney General, so she can't take a lot - if any - blame for the state of the State.
They got nuthin’
Stewart can be a funny at times. The segment at the end where he goes to the corespondent on the ground in DC nails it, trying to describe what the pubs will try to hit Harris with:
She was part of an administration that saw housing prices and simple things as groceries reach almost unaffordable levels for the average American. Part of the administration that allowed more illegals in the country then ever before. Part of the administration that was lead by a man with dementia covered it up. Was the least popular polling VP ever and now her party wants to act like she’s the best thing since Obama. She sounds like a 5 year old when she discusses real American issues because she has no idea what she’s talking about. She’s probably the most useless do nothing candidate that has ever run but half the country will vote for her just so they can say her side won. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. It’s actually pretty easy to throw stuff at her.
She was part of an administration that saw housing prices and simple things as groceries reach almost unaffordable levels for the average American. Part of the administration that allowed more illegals in the country then ever before. Part of the administration that was lead by a man with dementia covered it up. Was the least popular polling VP ever and now her party wants to act like she’s the best thing since Obama. She sounds like a 5 year old when she discusses real American issues because she has no idea what she’s talking about. She’s probably the most useless do nothing candidate that has ever run but half the country will vote for her just so they can say her side won. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. It’s actually pretty easy to throw stuff at her.
Well well well, you decided to post something of substance instead of your other trollish crap. I had you pegged for nothing but a troll. A MAGA troll.
Could it be you’re simply an old school republican who has come here to discuss policy issues and differences of opinion about finances and such? Maybe you’re of the Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, John Kasich. George Will type Republican who has disavowed MAGA and the Trumpism BS? Could that be you from up there in Illinois?

Seems as if you’re triggered and afraid. All those things won’t stick, and most are simply straw men. But thanks for playing.
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She was part of an administration that saw housing prices and simple things as groceries reach almost unaffordable levels for the average American. Part of the administration that allowed more illegals in the country then ever before. Part of the administration that was lead by a man with dementia covered it up. Was the least popular polling VP ever and now her party wants to act like she’s the best thing since Obama. She sounds like a 5 year old when she discusses real American issues because she has no idea what she’s talking about. She’s probably the most useless do nothing candidate that has ever run but half the country will vote for her just so they can say her side won. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. It’s actually pretty easy to throw stuff at her.
Global inflation will do that to an economy. Just so we're clear: every country around the globe has inflation post-pandemic, but you want to blame Biden specifically for that.

Walk me through why the US should be immune to inflationary change post-pandemic?

If you actually cared about the economy, you would rather evaluate the recovery to which Biden's economic policy has produced the greatest global rebound relative to our peers.

It's always embarrassing to watch MAGA flounder around this topic when every economist notes the specific drivers and you simpletons just keep yelling 'Biden did it!'.
Global inflation will do that to an economy. Just so we're clear: every country around the globe has inflation post-pandemic, but you want to blame Biden specifically for that.

Walk me through why the US should be immune to inflationary change post-pandemic?

If you actually cared about the economy, you would rather evaluate the recovery to which Biden's economic policy has produced the greatest global rebound relative to our peers.

It's always embarrassing to watch MAGA flounder around this topic when every economist notes the specific drivers and you simpletons just keep yelling 'Biden did it!'.
Exactly. I noticed old heel-from-Illinois early on. His poasts were all trollish. The guy is a Maga troll. This is his first poast of any substance, but it’s got no meat on the bone. It’s all straw man BS. Look at what else he wrote:
“She sounds like… “. “She’s probably…”. “Part of….”
“Half the country will vote for her just so they can say…”

What total BS.

And this guy wants to be my latex salesman in Illinois…
What can Trump/Vance/Fox/Maga really throw at Presumptive Nominee Kamala Harris that will actually stick and/or hurt her enough to resonate with voters?

Plastic straws?
She’s a woman?
She’s black?
She has no children of her own?
She likes cats?
She feels women should have control over their own bodies and reproductive rights?
She was/is a member of a Sorority?

Perhaps her record as a prosecutor? An AG? From California no less?
Maybe her record as VP? Maybe the Biden admin’s accomplishments the past 3.5 years?

Let’s start with her affiliation with the current administration. If there are things which the majority of the American people can agree are good, and help the average American (ex. Infrastructure) then VP Harris can claim some credit for those things. She can say “yes, that’s good stuff and I helped Cool Joe and the admin bring that to fruition.” On the flip side, if there are things which the average American can look at and evaluate around the kitchen table as inherently bad, or agree that they are hurtful, for the most part, then VP Harris could have plausible deniability and simply claim “Yeah, that’s messed up, and I tried to tell Old Joe that wasn’t a good idea, but he didn’t listen to me and did it anyway…”

Now of course the latter probably wouldn’t happen. I feel sure that if VP Harris had anything to do with a mistake, or something bad, she would own it, apologize for it and try to make up for it, no doubt. As opposed to trump who simply denies, denies, denies and calls it fake news. I can’t see VP Harris pulling stupid stunts like that.

So what is it going to be? What are the arrows in the quiver with which the Pubs will sling at Kamala? Plastic straws? Really? Is that all you got?
That she’s the most radical left candidate in history and is likely a supporter of. a communist state. That’s a good start.
I’m 4-5 years younger than you are.

I’m happy Biden stepped aside; Kamala has a good shot. She also has some baggage in terms of statements she has to overcome - and, she’ll get no help from the “mainstream media” or the Trumplican media (Trump’s lies matter none to either) and center-left-to-left media will do what it has done for decades - SAVAGE the Democrat if she isn’t sufficiently Left.

I’m curious - did you pay much attention to North Carolina and national politics in:
  • 1972 (Vote Jesse, He’s One of Us; against a native North Carolinian; but one with the name of Nick Galifinakis)
  • 1976 - Jesse Helms’s Congressional Club absolutely going after Gerald Ford during the North Carolina Primary and resurrecting Ronald Reagan’s dying political career
  • 1980 - Jesse Helms’s Congressional Club just going after Democratic US Senator Robert Morgan. “Too Liberal for North Carolina.” Bob Morgan was no Liberal. Jesse Helms managed to elect right-wing John East, an ECU Poli Sci professor with no prior successful political experience (ran for and lost a U.S. House race in 1966). After the election, a majority of North Carolinians had no clue that John East was in a wheelchair (polio in the ‘50’s)
  • In 1984, the Helms Campaign tattooed Jim Hunt with the “too Liberal for North Carolina crap;” and Mondale said in his acceptance speech, “I’ll be honest with you. They won’t tell you they’ll raise taxes. I’m telling you we will (the deficit was a big deal to all but Reaganauts and “moderates” and “Independents” - lower taxes were a bigger deal). Mondale lost NC 67-68 to 32-33; Hunt lost to Jesse by 2-3 points
  • 1990 - Gantt vs. Helms - “The Hands” ad…..the white hands ad
  • 2008 and 2012 - nationally. Birtherism.
The GOP and Trumplican Party will come after Kamala HARD and VICIOUSLY. They’ll lie and exaggerate. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, WAPO, NYTimes, etc. will repeat the lies and ask the questions that the Trump Campaign and GOP want them to ask.

The questions will be equivalent to, “Mr. Smith, do you still beat your wife?”

She’s an underdog and she has a HARD row to how.
You think those media outlets are in the pocket of Trump?