What's the history behind the Zigga Zoomba Lounge?

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I recall Charlie’s visit to LA and we met at the old Spanish Kitchen. I remember you were there and the woman came up from Orange County (Heels‘nDores?) it seems like there another couple of people but I can’t recall. Lurid had to back out…he had something else going on that night. I just remember Charlie sampling the various añejos that were available. I was chauffeuring him so I had to be responsible!
I recall Charlie’s visit to LA and we met at the old Spanish Kitchen. I remember you were there and the woman came up from Orange County (Heels‘nDores?) it seems like there another couple of people but I can’t recall. Lurid had to back out…he had something else going on that night. I just remember Charlie sampling the various añejos that were available. I was chauffeuring him so I had to be responsible!
I believe it was Heels'nDores. I regret I can't remember the couple either, but I remember them being there. I was likely late due to my schedule being dictated by the film industry and their 12-16 hour days.
I guess so... ? I went with him three times I think? One was with the zzl mods at the time. Sotticus (RIP), ktc, luvy, and Tommy Ashley. I think the other time was when he had last second cancellations. Since I lived in Chapel Hill and was easy to reach, I got the call.

I am pretty sure it was the 2004 UConn game and not the 2003 one, because don't think the court was stormed in 2003. It for sure happened in 2004. I remember discussing Justin Bohlander in Charlie's vehicle as we rode to the game.

That year I had access to sweet seats for nearly every game. For UConn, a horrid old woman in row F told me to sit down. I politely told her "No."
Charlie first asked me because I started the wine and cheese thread that got some traction back in the day.

I seem to remember that we went to a game together with Charlie. Maybe GhostintheRafters (RIP) was also along?

My wife and i went to see Desmond Tutu speak in GSO with Charlie and Et. I’m sad that we lost touch with them.
I also remember dinner once in Chapel Hill with altmin, ktc, Luvy, Scotticus, and of all people Gern/Bort.
This is a really cool thread. Love reading all the history.

I started following uncbasketball.com maybe around 1999 or so, right after I moved to the Bay Area. Lurked on IC for a looong time. Finally started posting (on ZZL-P) in the last year or two. Never really had much to say on the basketball board - although I read it religiously. Got banned out of the blue. Set up a new account and posted on the basketball forums for a bit to establish my bona fides (taught Eric Montross when I was a grad student/debate coach at UNC - I think I figured out at some point that @CRHeel94 was in that class). Started posting on the politics boards and was banned again. Finally just gave up and started lurking again.

For the former mods, was a new person posting on ZZL-P just a huge red flag because so many people got banned and then would come back under a new alias to cause trouble? It didn't bother me too much, but I could never figure out why it was happening. I've always been curious.

Anyways, glad to be here.
Yes, folks who created a new account and headed straight to the ZZLP (or spent a week or so on the sports boards before coming to the ZZLP) were a red flag, as many of them were previously banned posters who were trying to get around the ban.

Without knowing what your ban was for under your original username, it'd be hard to have any comment on that.
This is an example of content that is over the line. Personal attacks like this will not be tolerated.
You really are an asshole. Go back to the swamp. Also you don't know shit about movies.
would that be the swamp that creates any and all theatrical movies you've enjoyed over the past two decades, or the swamp of your mom's gastrointestinal tract?

Point out a single thing I've ever said that's wrong.

You can't.

You can't successfully argue against a thing I've ever said once.

Supposed to be a lawyer yet you can't even win an argument against a rando on a message board. What'd you score on the lsat? A 20?

Sorry if being blunt allegedly makes me an asshole in your point of view. Inferiors often consider the bluntness of their superiors to be assholeishness when their superiors were merely being frank.

and frank doesn't have time to coddle to fragile egos.
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The best seat I ever got at Carmichael, I traded for a worse seat. A group of us waited in line for tickets for the Maryland (Len Elmore, John Lucas, Tom McMillen, and Jim O'Brian) game, January, 1974. When my turn in line came, I was just about to ask for a seat next to the guys just ahead of me, when the person giving out the ticket said, "I've got one right behind the Maryland bench. You want it?" I immediately said yes. While not in this particular group, there was a guy in my dorm who got a ticket near the rest of the group and had red hair. When we compared tickets, the red headed guy said, "I'm going to dress up like Bozo the Clown for the game, if we switch tickets, then I can sit directly behind Jim O'Brian." We did. The whole game, everytime O'Brian came within earshot, this guy was yelling, "Hey, where's Butchy Boy?" Neither O'Brian nor Coach Drisell every looked around, but I know they saw him. UNC beat Maryland.
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Yes, folks who created a new account and headed straight to the ZZLP (or spent a week or so on the sports boards before coming to the ZZLP) were a red flag, as many of them were previously banned posters who were trying to get around the ban.

Without knowing what your ban was for under your original username, it'd be hard to have any comment on that.
Thanks, that makes sense. It doesn't really matter, but I was curious.
Charlie had his 60th b-day party at spice Street and I'm sure I saw a lot of zzlers there. Tending to be an introvert with a terrible name recall (not good for a doctor in a small town) I'm not sure who else was there but it was great fun

That was quite a soireé
I must have poured you all cokes in the Skipper Bowles room. I got to town in 1981 and wound up working at the Rams Club and Dean Dome when it opened up in December 1984 for Neal Harrell and the Ed Foundation.
ETA: I got paid to watch football and basketball games which looking back was pretty cool. We stood in the visitor's tunnel if there were no seats but usually some of the Bowles room high mucky mucks would have extras.
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