2024 races other than POTUS…

NC is very much in play now. Will take a continuation of the current glide path, but the state GOP candidates are uniquely unqualified to change the current momentum
James Taylor and his all-star band starts their tour in Philly on August 30th. Why not get James to do a Kamala benefit concert performance leading into the convention or a few days after the convention in BKS ?
Michelle Morrow would be the worst thing to happen to public education in the state in my lifetime. Her beliefs about public school are bad enough, but her general lack of knowledge about how schools operate is the truly concerning point. Mo Green, meanwhile, has successfully run one of the largest school systems in the state. If there is anything that I can do to convince you to switch from “might” to “will” vote for Mo agree, then let me know. She isn’t qualified to run for a district’s board of education, let alone a state level position.

Thanks for the heads up. My wife is a teacher in Wake County and I know she was always fine with the incumbent, but I doubt she knows much about Michelle Morrow. As a conservative teacher she typically just doesn’t talk politics much since she’s surrounded by liberals as her peers, but I will definitely vouch for Mo Greene to her!
Thanks for the heads up. My wife is a teacher in Wake County and I know she was always fine with the incumbent, but I doubt she knows much about Michelle Morrow. As a conservative teacher she typically just doesn’t talk politics much since she’s surrounded by liberals as her peers, but I will definitely vouch for Mo Greene to her!
I appreciate it. And, if she has a different perspective on Morrow, pass it along. I’ve yet to see much positive about her political agenda, but she has clearly convinced enough people that she got her party nomination and has a good chance of winning.

In Alamance, the teaching profession is pretty evenly divided between liberal and conservative, but the elementary teachers tend to run more conservative, whereas high school (where I work) teachers tend to lean more liberal.
With Harris coming on and not being a vegetable like Biden, you know guys like Josh Stein and Jeff Jackson have to be breathing a sigh of relief. For a minute there it seemed like Biden may destroy the Dems down ballot in swing states like NC.

Knowing that Stein and Jackson will run a couple points ahead of Harris (due to folks like me who will split our tickets), I really think Stein and Jackson are pretty safe now - especially Stein, since his opponent is a lunatic.
I appreciate it. And, if she has a different perspective on Morrow, pass it along. I’ve yet to see much positive about her political agenda, but she has clearly convinced enough people that she got her party nomination and has a good chance of winning.

In Alamance, the teaching profession is pretty evenly divided between liberal and conservative, but the elementary teachers tend to run more conservative, whereas high school (where I work) teachers tend to lean more liberal.
That makes sense. Alamance is probably a pretty middle-of-the road county in general, whereas obviously Wake is a blue outlier overall.

My wife being conservative overall is based on economics more than anything else (she has an economics degree from UVA and then got her masters in teaching), but obviously as a teacher we also want what is best for public education too.
Everything I have read implies that it is a dead heat, at best. . So, I am not as confident as you are:

This is from an article today: “Republicans are polling above Democrats in every other Council of State race. The strongest lead is in the State Superintendent’s race. Republican Michele Morrow (41.5%) is ahead of Democrat Maurice “Mo” Green (37%) by 4.5 points. Approximately 21.5% of voters are still undecided in this race.”

And this is probably the most balanced perspective, btw: North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction election, 2024
My wife being conservative overall is based on economics more than anything else (she has an economics degree from UVA and then got her masters in teaching), but obviously as a teacher we also want what is best for public education too.
And with those credentials, I’d vote for your wife before voting for Morrow.
Michelle Morrow would be the worst thing to happen to public education in the state in my lifetime. Her beliefs about public school are bad enough, but her general lack of knowledge about how schools operate is the truly concerning point. Mo Green, meanwhile, has successfully run one of the largest school systems in the state. If there is anything that I can do to convince you to switch from “might” to “will” vote for Mo agree, then let me know. She isn’t qualified to run for a district’s board of education, let alone a state level position.

Yikes at that Morrow article. Your post just swung two additional votes for Green in my household.
Everything I have read implies that it is a dead heat, at best. . So, I am not as confident as you are:

This is from an article today: “Republicans are polling above Democrats in every other Council of State race. The strongest lead is in the State Superintendent’s race. Republican Michele Morrow (41.5%) is ahead of Democrat Maurice “Mo” Green (37%) by 4.5 points. Approximately 21.5% of voters are still undecided in this race.”

And this is probably the most balanced perspective, btw: North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction election, 2024
Approximately 21.5% of voters are still undecided in this race.”

I bet 80% of voters know ZIP about either-and won't at election day , except the D or R they see . There are way to many elected Officials at the State level in my opinion
Approximately 21.5% of voters are still undecided in this race.”

I bet 80% of voters know ZIP about either-and won't at election day , except the D or R they see . There are way to many elected Officials at the State level in my opinion
I’d argue that the bigger issue is that those races aren’t well outlined, explained, or even promoted. The positions, themselves, matter - we just have to take on the responsibility of knowing more about them, and the candidates who run for those offices.
Approximately 21.5% of voters are still undecided in this race.”

I bet 80% of voters know ZIP about either-and won't at election day , except the D or R they see . There are way to many elected Officials at the State level in my opinion
To add to this, Mo Greene is in a tougher spot than Josh Stein for sure because the governor’s race is “high profile” enough that moderate Republicans know Robinson is crazy. But yeah, I’ll be honest and admit I didn’t know Morrow was crazy until reading this thread. Now mind you, I do have a plan in place to become educated on all races in my ballot before the election, but I didn’t know she was crazy just from living my day-to-day life (whereas I know for sure Robinson is crazy).
To add to this, Mo Greene is in a tougher spot than Josh Stein for sure because the governor’s race is “high profile” enough that moderate Republicans know Robinson is crazy. But yeah, I’ll be honest and admit I didn’t know Morrow was crazy until reading this thread. Now mind you, I do have a plan in place to become educated on all races in my ballot before the election, but I didn’t know she was crazy just from living my day-to-day life (whereas I know for sure Robinson is crazy).
I don’t blame you. There are a lot of races at the state and local level that I don’t know as much about as I would like, and there is a long time between now and Election Day. I just happen to have been paying closer to attention to this one than most have. And while I believe that you will do your due diligence to learn about some of these races, a lot of folks won’t.

And I linked to her race earlier, but Ballotpedia does a pretty good job of being fair and balanced as they educate folks about the candidates. If there are races that you’d like to know more about, then it is a quick and easy start: North Carolina
I fully agree that Morrow getting elected would be a disaster for NC public schools, but the biggest problem with that race, as others have said, is that it is typically a low-profile race. Green desperately needs enough campaign funds to start a heavy advertising campaign showing just how radical and truly crazy she is - like her statements about wanting to see Obama shot in a public execution on pay-per-view. My guess is that the great majority of voters in this state have no idea who she is (or Green, for that matter). Unless Green can start a major ad and publicity campaign this fall then my fear is that the usual GOP majority for these statewide races will show up and she'll win out of voter ignorance. If she does win then I have no doubt that every NC resident with a school-age kid will soon learn exactly who she is once she starts trying to implement her batshit-crazy ideas into practice. She's basically a Moms for Liberty type who's running not for a local school board but to run the entire state public school system.
I’d argue that the bigger issue is that those races aren’t well outlined, explained, or even promoted. The positions, themselves, matter - we just have to take on the responsibility of knowing more about them, and the candidates who run for those offices.
Well put They however get zero "election money" and so we don't hear about them-80% of the poulation doesn't research such stuff
I fully agree that Morrow getting elected would be a disaster for NC public schools, but the biggest problem with that race, as others have said, is that it is typically a low-profile race. Green desperately needs enough campaign funds to start a heavy advertising campaign showing just how radical and truly crazy she is - like her statements about wanting to see Obama shot in a public execution on pay-per-view. My guess is that the great majority of voters in this state have no idea who she is (or Green, for that matter). Unless Green can start a major ad and publicity campaign this fall then my fear is that the usual GOP majority for these statewide races will show up and she'll win out of voter ignorance. If she does win then I have no doubt that every NC resident with a school-age kid will soon learn exactly who she is once she starts trying to implement her batshit-crazy ideas into practice. She's basically a Moms for Liberty type who's running not for a local school board but to run the entire state public school system.
Agree with all this. There needs to be a campaign to make people aware.

If suburban women and other swing voters receive a handout on Election Day that says something to the effect of “Vote Michelle Morrow, keep wokeness out of our schools” I could easily see her winning, as most voters won’t take the time to actually research her and learn about her public death wishes to Democratic politicians. And a lot of people in the middle of the spectrum are scared of woke indoctrination in schools in general. But this lady goes wayyyyyyy too far and seems like a total lunatic.
To add to this, Mo Greene is in a tougher spot than Josh Stein for sure because the governor’s race is “high profile” enough that moderate Republicans know Robinson is crazy. But yeah, I’ll be honest and admit I didn’t know Morrow was crazy until reading this thread. Now mind you, I do have a plan in place to become educated on all races in my ballot before the election, but I didn’t know she was crazy just from living my day-to-day life (whereas I know for sure Robinson is crazy).
Morrow is the craziest person running for a state race

It's really mind blowing to say that
I’d argue that the bigger issue is that those races aren’t well outlined, explained, or even promoted. The positions, themselves, matter - we just have to take on the responsibility of knowing more about them, and the candidates who run for those offices.
I'll buy it