2024 races other than POTUS…

“… Lake's campaign never publicly announced the time or place of the event, which by Thursday had devolved into a hastily thrown together press conference. Lake arrived 15 minutes late to a podium decorated with a pre-JD Vance Trump lawn sign, not a Kari Lake for Senate sign.

… In an apparent move to counter the 40 Republicans who endorsed her opponent, Lake then introduced three members of the crowd standing behind her whom she stated were former or current Democrats who would be voting for Donald Trump this year.

Each spoke for less than 5 minutes in heavily scripted tones that echoed Republican grievances on the economy and "wokeism," and included Lake politicizing the death of one of her supporters' children from fentanyl poisoning.

Then Lake took questions from the press for 20 minutes and predictably attacked the reporters …”
Michelle Morrow would be the worst thing to happen to public education in the state in my lifetime. Her beliefs about public school are bad enough, but her general lack of knowledge about how schools operate is the truly concerning point. Mo Green, meanwhile, has successfully run one of the largest school systems in the state. If there is anything that I can do to convince you to switch from “might” to “will” vote for Mo agree, then let me know. She isn’t qualified to run for a district’s board of education, let alone a state level position.

The Phil Berger/Thom Tillis/Tim Moore run Legislature is the worst thing to happen to education in North Carolina in my lifetime. I’m 62.
I’d argue that the bigger issue is that those races aren’t well outlined, explained, or even promoted. The positions, themselves, matter - we just have to take on the responsibility of knowing more about them, and the candidates who run for those offices.
Most voters don’t know squat about US Senate or US House candidates. You expect them to “educate themselves” about Council of State candidates?

Let’s walk down Franklin Street 10 afternoons for 5 hours each time and ask each person what the “Council of State” is.

Less than 10% will know.

Florida GOP surpasses Democratic voters by 1 million in political milestone​

Significant number of voters affiliated with no political party or minor parties​

"The number of registered Republican voters in Florida officially surpassed Democrats by more than 1 million on Sunday, a milestone reflecting political shifts in the Sunshine State and the largest margin for the GOP since the late 1980s.

The newest figures – based on up-to-date numbers from county election supervisors — showed 5.33 million active Republican voters, compared to 4.33 million Democrats — a difference of 1,000,024 voters ..."
The Phil Berger/Thom Tillis/Tim Moore run Legislature is the worst thing to happen to education in North Carolina in my lifetime. I’m 62.
State employee here. They're also the worst thing to happen to my pension fund. And my state health plan. And adequate staffing. They refuse to allow anything close to competitive wages.

Also pay raises. Every year, I make less money than I did the year before.

But they have a $1 Billion surplus, so they have that going for them. Which is nice.
Trump-endorsed Senate candidate Kari Lake (after losing the governor's race to a potted plant) beat out Mark Lamb in the Republican primary.
Lake is now polling ELEVEN points behind Democratic candidate Ruben Gallego. 😂
State employee here. They're also the worst thing to happen to my pension fund. And my state health plan. And adequate staffing. They refuse to allow anything close to competitive wages.

Also pay raises. Every year, I make less money than I did the year before.

But they have a $1 Billion surplus, so they have that going for them. Which is nice.
The Republicans- Dale Folwell- have been terrible for the North Carolina state pension. He raised the cash allocation target to 5%, compared to the one percent that the majority of our peer state pension funds select, and recently even exceeded that excessive cash allocation by over 60%. During his tenure overseeing the state pension plan since 2017, he has cost the fund around $20 billion in unrealized investment returns, but has repeatedly bragged about “saving” $700 million in “Wall Street fees.”
I may be preaching to the choir here, but I'm going to say this anyways:

I mightily disagree with people who vote R at the national office level - but there is at least a semblance of ideology and reasoning behind those votes.

For state and community-level races, though, there is legitimately no sense in voting R. Party politics and platforms are ancillary to those races. A vote for Dems is a vote for bringing money to your community and a vote for Repubs is a vote against bringing money to your community. Anybody interested in making their and their loved ones' lives better should be voting Dem down-ballot.
I may be preaching to the choir here, but I'm going to say this anyways:

I mightily disagree with people who vote R at the national office level - but there is at least a semblance of ideology and reasoning behind those votes.

For state and community-level races, though, there is legitimately no sense in voting R. Party politics and platforms are ancillary to those races. A vote for Dems is a vote for bringing money to your community and a vote for Repubs is a vote against bringing money to your community. Anybody interested in making their and their loved ones' lives better should be voting Dem down-ballot.
I know Stein won't do this because it is a calculated risk-and in NC State political campaigns-it is all vanilla...But I wish they would run a good old "Education Governor" race. Ads would focus on various Stats that show the absolute decline in funding Education under the pubs It is very real and damn if the Pubs don't get away with it
I know Stein won't do this because it is a calculated risk-and in NC State political campaigns-it is all vanilla...But I wish they would run a good old "Education Governor" race. Ads would focus on various Stats that show the absolute decline in funding Education under the pubs It is very real and damn if the Pubs don't get away with it
Should state over and over how the Pubs want to use tax dollars to fund private schools that most kids won't go to while gutting public schools that most kids do attend. Need to do the same in the Superintendent of Public Education race about the crazy Pub candidate, as well as all the crazy things she has said.
I know Stein won't do this because it is a calculated risk-and in NC State political campaigns-it is all vanilla...But I wish they would run a good old "Education Governor" race. Ads would focus on various Stats that show the absolute decline in funding Education under the pubs It is very real and damn if the Pubs don't get away with it
Agreed, but it's long past time for Democratic politicians to start speaking up and vigorously defending public ed and public school teachers, imo. I'm hoping that since Walz was a public school teacher and coach for many years that he will make defending public ed a top priority. It's long past time for somebody take on the Chris Rufos and Moms for Liberty and their ilk, and to criticize anti-public ed state officials like the crazy Oklahoma Public Schools Superintendent.