Pretty far, I would assume.
The question for Trump is does he have a bounce back in him? I think he probably will get one when they eventually pass his tax cuts and maybe if Ukraine ever gets to a peace deal, but how long will it be before then?
Maybe one day we will look back and say wow, Trump’s decision to go from 0 to 60 on the politically negative scale during what is usually a honeymoon period really paid off — but right now he seems to be having a bonfire of his political capital assuming his supply is unlimited. And with about 38-42% of the country, it probably is. MAGA true-believers would probably cry with joy if Trump personally drove a Tesla through their wall and burned down their own house and then claim Bidenomics was the cause of their subsequent suffering.
Reagan’s approval rating sunk to 35% in 1982 but by 1984 it was morning in America. And Trump doesn’t have to worry about running for reelection.