Of course you can be both.
I hope you believe he’s a better man coach since it’s obvious you think he’s a horrible coach.
I don't know Hubert personally and only have to go by what I read online.
From everything I read about him, he's a terrific human being. He's wonderful to those around him and wants to make the world a better place. He seems like someone that anyone would be lucky to know.
But that doesn't make him appropriate to be the HC at Carolina.
However, to be clear, I don't think he's a horrible basketball coach. Based on the 3.5 years of his time as HC, I'd say he's a decent coach with potential to be better. It's just that I think Carolina Basketball can and should do a lot better than "decent".
I feel bad for Hubert in a similar way that I felt bad for Matt Doherty when he was here. Both were put into a position as UNCBB HC that they simply weren't ready for, largely due to forces beyond their own control. I'm sure both felt that they needed to say yes when they were called upon and, to their respective credits, they each did so. And both are/were less-than-stellar in their performance of the position, although to Hubert's credit he's handled the stress of the position much, much better than Doh did. The part that to me is sad for each of them is that both seemingly had a great deal of potential as a HC when they were hired by UNC, but both could have used a great deal more experience outside of the pressure cooker of UNC to have reached that potential before taking over a program the level of Carolina. Of course, we don't know how life would have gone for either of them if they hadn't been made the HC at Carolina when they were, but it's not hard to imagine for either of them that learning to be a HC on a smaller stage for a longer period of time might have helped them improve in ways that could have later prepared them for a job at or near the top of CBB like Carolina.
Also, part of the reason that I'm skeptical of giving Hubert another year is because I think we're putting him largely in almost a no-win situation if we bring him back (barring a major change to the trajectory of this season). If we either make the NCAAT as a bubble team or miss the tourney altogether, it puts a ton of pressure on him next year to be very successful. Whatever would be the minimum amount of success in 2025-26 for him to remain as HC, it would be a much, much higher bar for a significant number of fans to be comfortable/happy with him as coach. So let's say he gets to come back next year and we finish 3rd in conference in the regular season against yet again a fairly mediocre ACC, go to the semifinals of the ACCT, and make the NCAAT as a 6 seed and get beat in a close game in the round of 32. Is that enough to keep his job? I'm not sure, but it's entirely possible. But is that enough to really cool his seat down considerably? Probably not. So then he's back spending another season presumably coaching for his job. I can't imagine that's a fun place to be and I'd hate to see someone like him go through that kind of crap.
Also, I think an even worse scenario is that he's brought back next year (again barring a major change to the trajectory of this season) but once we get to the middle of the summer and the best of the transfer portal have committed to schools, we are looking at a team not dissimilar to this one that has at least one major hole in it. If that happens, it's not hard to see that next season may be another rough one and I can't imagine that would be fun to live through again.
In many ways (again barring major trajectory changes for this season), unless Bubba and the donors are ready to provide significantly more resources in NIL and, probably, in terms of basketball-related staff, it feels like having Hubert come back for another year may be just setting him up for further failure.