Border walls are no longer racist

This thread is a masterclass in shifting goalposts...
football touchdown GIF by The Undefeated

"Ha, now you all have to eat your words about border walls being racist!"

Errrr, no. We never said border walls are racist. We said the call to build border walls was a dog whistle to excite racists to vote. The walls themselves are just an idiotic waste of money. But the reason Trump backed them was to bring out the racist

Of course, part of the premise of the thread was that other poasters have called supporters of border wall construction “racist” in the past. That’s absolutely true. Throughout this thread and according to all the usual suspects here (save Enigma - props for at least being honest) that never happened. That or “you see what we really meant was…”. You might see where I find it kind of laughable. Do you deny that line of argument has been used on these boards in the past too or are we going to be honest about the subject put forth?
Fellow Zizzlers, this man came here with a dishonest and idiotic point to make and your continued efforts to engage in fact-based discussion will not stop him from his mission. Do you not understand that?
Haven’t you ruined enough boards?
Of course, part of the premise of the thread was that other poasters have called supporters of border wall construction “racist” in the past. That’s absolutely true. Throughout this thread and according to all the usual suspects here (save Enigma - props for at least being honest) that never happened. That or “you see what we really meant was…”. You might see where I find it kind of laughable. Do you deny that line of argument has been used on these boards in the past too or are we going to be honest about the subject put forth?
If all you want to do is re-litigate old grievances from the previous ZZL, I don't think your time here will be productive. Why not engage in discussion about why you think a wall is good policy and the border bill that Trump killed was misguided?
Of course, part of the premise of the thread was that other poasters have called supporters of border wall construction “racist” in the past.
That's because the supporters are. The wall isn't racist. It's all the other stuff that comes with it. It's like the ways public swimming pools suddenly started closing in the 60s and 70s after they couldn't segregate any more. Sure, the claim that a public swimming pool is "expensive" isn't racist, but the people who were suddenly clamoring for their closure, who were suddenly interested in the cost -- those people were racist and it was why they did a 180 on public swimming pools.

Again, support for the border wall is predicted by racial resentment. The vast majority of ardent wall supporters are the people who answer on surveys things like "I think black people are lazy" or "white people have it really hard in this country."

The fact is that the border wall is the same dynamic as closing the swimming pools. You are destroying nice things because you resent people of a different race. You want to spend billions upon billions of dollars and destroy scenic and ecologically sensitive areas, just to stop people from coming here who improve our country and make us collectively wealthier. The rest of us decline to do so. I'd prefer to swim in a public pool to not, and it doesn't really matter to me who is swimming next to me.
Jorts is the new PurpleNurple on here, I believe. I always had a favorable impression of jorts and I never got the impression that jorts was militantly moronic like this guy is.
The reason I changed my mind is that this guy has the single-mindedness of jorts, but jorts is certainly smarter.
If I wanted to discuss the policy particulars, I would’ve poasted about the policy particulars. I didn’t. I poasted:

“…the argument that the border wall and anyone that supported its construction were racist has been made many times on these boards, often by the very same usernames that seem to be the most vociferous of Harris supporters. As someone who has contunuously supported the construction of a wall as a part of efforts to increase control of illegal immigration, I’d be interested in hearing from those who have made that argument in the past. Do they hide behind the “it’s just a compromise” nonsense, have they changed their opinions on the issue, or are they okay with just a little racism in order to pick up a few votes? That’s a fair question to ask after years of being labeled racist, no?”

Do you see the difference?
Translation: I’m just here to troll and have no interest in discussing anything. I’m just here to make juvenile Trump-level false comparisons and then point and laugh at how clever I am.

PS: you aren’t at all clever and you’re laughably over matched by “the usual suspects.”
Lololol Snoop how many different monthly mortgages are you having to pay with all of the real estate you occupy inside some of these peoples' heads.
Yet we’re not poasting on the board you moderated for years. What happened to that one?
Why are you here if it makes you so miserable? If you just go away, you'll never have to deal with Snoop ever again. I think you'd be happier too.
Of course, part of the premise of the thread was that other poasters have called supporters of border wall construction “racist” in the past. That’s absolutely true. Throughout this thread and according to all the usual suspects here (save Enigma - props for at least being honest) that never happened. That or “you see what we really meant was…”. You might see where I find it kind of laughable. Do you deny that line of argument has been used on these boards in the past too or are we going to be honest about the subject put forth?
I don't know, maybe you could start by providing, possibly, a single shred of evidence of the kind of posts you're talking about? How are the rest of us supposed to apologize for unidentified posts made years ago that may or may not exist?
I kind of feel like there's a possibility that this is OCS. Not saying for sure, but the telltale giveaway is the bizarre obsession with posts that were "supposedly"(wink wink) made on the old ZZLP years ago and the weird, almost creepy, fixation with SnoopRop in particular. That, and one of OCS's aliases has made an appearance on this thread- it hasn't posted, but it has sat off by itself over in the corner "liking" posts instead of engaging, which is another signature OCS move.