Border walls are no longer racist

Anyone who has read/posted on the old ZZLP knows that there is no way, that I've seen, to support improved border security without being called a racist. Racism is assumed to be true, much like multiple people have assumed that I'm a MAGA/Trump supporter because I've taken a position that doesn't align with the liberal view of the border and/or pointed out that agreeing to more border wall can magically become not racist.
Please share one simple example of an individual, news program, publication, editorial review, ANYTHING, that called the bipartisan border bill that Trump killed, as racist.

Give the nonsense and victimhood a rest.
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Clarifying my post above...

There are certain posters who will, based on a desire to have a more secure border, label you a racist and there appears to be no way to convince those individuals otherwise. They will reference data saying that, since they (those who sneak across) commit less crimes per capital, there's essentially no justification for supporting better border security.

The board as a whole won't collectively label someone.

Even with a functioning search tool, trying to sift through the thousands of pages of posts on the topic isn't realistic.
This board has many of the same posters as the old board. Has it happened here yet? Has a single person on this thread said that anyone who expresses a desire for a more secure border is racist? What about on the other immigration threads we've had here?

You don't have to search through the old board if you don't want to. I understand. But please understand that if you have zero evidence for this supposed phenomenon of numerous posters jumping all over anyone who called for any form of border security "racist," the rest of us are going to continue to call BS on it. The burden of proof is on the person making an assertion of fact.
I kind of feel like there's a possibility that this is OCS. Not saying for sure, but the telltale giveaway is the bizarre obsession with posts that were "supposedly"(wink wink) made on the old ZZLP years ago and the weird, almost creepy, fixation with SnoopRop in particular. That, and one of OCS's aliases has made an appearance on this thread- it hasn't posted, but it has sat off by itself over in the corner "liking" posts instead of engaging, which is another signature OCS move.
Not enough misogynistic poasts to be OCS89.
This board has many of the same posters as the old board. Has it happened here yet? Has a single person on this thread said that anyone who expresses a desire for a more secure border is racist? What about on the other immigration threads we've had here?

You don't have to search through the old board if you don't want to. I understand. But please understand that if you have zero evidence for this supposed phenomenon of numerous posters jumping all over anyone who called for any form of border security "racist," the rest of us are going to continue to call BS on it. The burden of proof is on the person making an assertion of fact.
Here’s one example from 2018 in a thread entitled “'Build the wall,’ Florida gov candidate tells his daughter in ad”. Just picked a random one from a random poaster; you’re free to search for more.

Here’s one example from 2018 in a thread entitled “'Build the wall,’ Florida gov candidate tells his daughter in ad”. Just picked a random one from a random poaster; you’re free to search for more.

I’m beginning to think you need some help with your reading comprehension. Nowhere does that post claim that building a wall is racist. It does point out factual historical events related to immigration that were correlated with racism. It’s certainly true that a significant component of MAGA is racist, just go online they aren’t shy about it. So it is true that for some people racism is part of their aversion to immigrants. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t address the problem, which is what Biden tried to do with the bi-partisan border bill that Trump killed to benefit himself personally.
Are you serious? This post is about anti-immigrant sentiment. Where does it reference the wall or that we do not want secure borders or a better immigration system?

Do you see boogeymen at night when there is nobody there?
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I’m beginning to think you need some help with your reading comprehension. Nowhere does that post claim that building a wall is racist. It does point out factual historical events related to immigration that were correlated with racism. It’s certainly true that a significant component of MAGA is racist, just go online they aren’t shy about it. So it is true that for some people racism is part of their aversion to immigrants. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t address the problem, which is what Biden tried to do with the bi-partisan border bill that Trump killed to benefit himself personally.
Hell, not only that, but neither the word "wall" nor the word "racist" even appear anywhere in the screenshot!
And who is Highland Heel? I’ve been around a long time and that name doesn’t ring a bell.
Wow the least enlightened Buddhist and most lost of the Lost Colony show up supporting their mutual ignorance and Trumpiness in one thread about a well determined to be bullshit problem. Color me not surprised. I just dig the fact most left or right here tolerate it to a point then send them off tail between their legs. 2018 are you serious dude?
Did you catch the title of the thread?
The title of what thread, the screenshot you took? There is no title there.

Are you okay, seriously?

Allright, I see it referenced in your original quote, about a FL politician telling daughter. "Build the wall." So what? I do not understand your ridiculous correlation.

You started a foolish stupid thread that makes no sense, and you have done nothing to change that.

This is where threads would be locked on IC for absolute lunacy and fake rage, and a waste of everyone's time.

I've never used ignore, but I am losing brain cells reading this garbage and am done with it.
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You don't know enough? Really? You can't say that walls, whether they be those that enclose your home, a business, or the border, are effective in physically slowing human movement? Hell, there's research that shows that easily circumvented barriers are effective due to the psychological impact, but you just can't figure out if 10-20 foot walls have any impact on the movement of people from point A to point B?

Not only are you not as reasonable as you claim, you are apparently also dishonest.

I didn't move goalposts. The discussion evolved.
So, how does a wall stop people arriving on airplanes?

Quote from the link:

"Most Illegal Immigration Isn’t Coming From The Mexican Border"​

It’s also from 2018, so he went back six years to find it.

You agreed with me when you wrote this earlier in the thread:

“Ok. If I grant to you that some people on the old ZZL message board called it racist (not Harris, but message board posters)…”

Do you need newer examples to stand by what you’ve already confirmed?
Instead of "childish", I would say "child-like".

My observation over a long posting career on the ZZL, ZZLP, and now here is that some folks need the discussion to be simple, for lack of a better phrase. The discussion must be centered around largely black-and-white, binary, a vs b differences and any introduction of nuance or context is avoided at all costs.

You can see this clearly in this thread.

It's just my opinion, but the inability to understand context/nuance and to operate out of context-based, nuanced understanding of particular situations is one of the major differences between the main parties and their supporters.
I'm just gonna leave this here from earlier in the thread...seems relevant.
Here’s one example from 2018 in a thread entitled “'Build the wall,’ Florida gov candidate tells his daughter in ad”. Just picked a random one from a random poaster; you’re free to search for more.

LOL it's telling that the best example you can find says literally nothing about a border wall being racist.
Here's the thread Croatoan referenced above if anyone wants to actually read it:

You will see conservative posters accusing liberals of calling them racist, but (shocker) no conservative posters being called racist. So in other words, this whole thread is just typical conservative victimhood BS, complaining that everyone was super mean and unfair to them when really they just lack critical thinking skills and reading comprehension.

Also, based on that thread, my guess would be that Croatoan is FloHeel.
You agreed with me when you wrote this earlier in the thread:

“Ok. If I grant to you that some people on the old ZZL message board called it racist (not Harris, but message board posters)…”

Do you need newer examples to stand by what you’ve already confirmed?
Yep you need to head back to grade school reading comprehension. I said “IF” I grant to you . . . I have no idea if some message board poster at some point said a wall was racist, but I thought if we could move past that ridiculous piece of personal grievance maybe we could have an actual conversation about policy. But apparently all you are here to do is whine.