Border walls are no longer racist

I don't know, maybe you could start by providing, possibly, a single shred of evidence of the kind of posts you're talking about? How are the rest of us supposed to apologize for unidentified posts made years ago that may or may not exist?
If you want to deny that those discussions took place on this board or if you were simply unaware of them, fine, we don’t have anything to discuss. I don’t know how many other ways to say that this thread isn’t for you. I asked for the opinions of those who are truthful about a line of opposition to border wall support that they took in the past and whether Harris’ agreement to continue limited construction (as part of a larger bill proposal) in anyway altered their argument against wall supporters they once besmirched. It’s a fairly straightforward question asked to a particular group of people. Not getting any answers is no surprise, but it is amusing.
If you want to deny that those discussions took place on this board or if you were simply unaware of them, fine, we don’t have anything to discuss. I don’t know how many other ways to say that this thread isn’t for you. I asked for the opinions of those who are truthful about a line of opposition to border wall support that they took in the past and whether Harris’ agreement to continue limited construction (as part of a larger bill proposal) in anyway altered their argument against wall supporters they once besmirched. It’s a fairly straightforward question asked to a particular group of people. Not getting any answers is no surprise, but it is amusing.
If you will provide one- just one- screenshot of evidence that anyone on this thread argued on the old board that the border wall in and of itself is racist- just one (!)- I will send you $100 via Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, or carrier pigeon. Your choice. Just one.

If you'll go back and provide a coherent, evidence-backed rebuttal (that proves the poster whom you are rebutting wrong) to any one of the dozens upon dozens of posts on each of the last 8 pages that showed you to be an idiot with an idiotic stance, I'll send you another $100. Per post.
If you want to deny that those discussions took place on this board or if you were simply unaware of them, fine, we don’t have anything to discuss. I don’t know how many other ways to say that this thread isn’t for you. I asked for the opinions of those who are truthful about a line of opposition to border wall support that they took in the past and whether Harris’ agreement to continue limited construction (as part of a larger bill proposal) in anyway altered their argument against wall supporters they once besmirched. It’s a fairly straightforward question asked to a particular group of people. Not getting any answers is no surprise, but it is amusing.
Actually it's been answered over and over again.

Why don't you go away? That seems like the best idea, whether voluntary or not.
I asked for the opinions of those who are truthful about a line of opposition to border wall support that they took in the past and whether Harris’ agreement to continue limited construction (as part of a larger bill proposal) in anyway altered their argument against wall supporters they once besmirched. It’s a fairly straightforward question asked to a particular group of people. Not getting any answers is no surprise, but it is amusing.
Who? You are so full of shit.
Of course, part of the premise of the thread was that other poasters have called supporters of border wall construction “racist” in the past. That’s absolutely true. Throughout this thread and according to all the usual suspects here (save Enigma - props for at least being honest) that never happened. That or “you see what we really meant was…”. You might see where I find it kind of laughable. Do you deny that line of argument has been used on these boards in the past too or are we going to be honest about the subject put forth?
Anyone who has read/posted on the old ZZLP knows that there is no way, that I've seen, to support improved border security without being called a racist. Racism is assumed to be true, much like multiple people have assumed that I'm a MAGA/Trump supporter because I've taken a position that doesn't align with the liberal view of the border and/or pointed out that agreeing to more border wall can magically become not racist.
Anyone who has read/posted on the old ZZLP knows that there is no way to support improved border security without being called a racist. Racism is assumed to be true, much like multiple people have assumed that I'm a MAGA/Trump supporter because I've taken a position that doesn't align with the liberal view of the border and/or pointed out that agreeing to more border wall can magically become not racist.
I think you're a trump supporter because you cited trump saying he didn't support project 2025 like his word means anything. Try to hide it all you like but the only people who do that ish support the con.
If you want to deny that those discussions took place on this board or if you were simply unaware of them, fine, we don’t have anything to discuss. I don’t know how many other ways to say that this thread isn’t for you. I asked for the opinions of those who are truthful about a line of opposition to border wall support that they took in the past and whether Harris’ agreement to continue limited construction (as part of a larger bill proposal) in anyway altered their argument against wall supporters they once besmirched. It’s a fairly straightforward question asked to a particular group of people. Not getting any answers is no surprise, but it is amusing.
lol you don't want answers, you're just trolling. You've gotten the answers you supposedly want several times over; you just ignore them because that's not really your goal.

You said on the first pages of this thread:

"Problem is, I have a memory. Not a great one, but good enough to remember as far back as to Trump’s presidency. While you might not agree with its validity, the argument that the border wall and anyone that supported its construction were racist has been made many times on these boards, often by the very same usernames that seem to be the most vociferous of Harris supporters."

OK, Mr, Memory, tell us who are "the very same usernames that seem to be the most vociferous of Harris supporters" who supposedly said that "the border wall and anyone that supported its construction were racist." At least be man enough to say who you are accusing of something so they can respond. Rather than this vague BS where you ask the board to collectively answer for years-ago unidentified posts that you claim to remember so well you can tie them to specific usernames. And while you're at it, why don't you tell us your username on the old ZZLP (or perhaps usernames, plural?) so we can better remember our own conversations with you?
Anyone who has read/posted on the old ZZLP knows that there is no way, that I've seen, to support improved border security without being called a racist. Racism is assumed to be true, much like multiple people have assumed that I'm a MAGA/Trump supporter because I've taken a position that doesn't align with the liberal view of the border and/or pointed out that agreeing to more border wall can magically become not racist.
That's so weird, because there are tons of people who read/posted on the old ZZLP- many of them are on this very thread!- who have called for both immigration system reform AND much stronger border security- physical, technological, and with increased manpower. You must be having a hard time locating those folks and those posts. Let me know if you need help- I'm always happy to lend a hand.
Anyone who has read/posted on the old ZZLP knows that there is no way, that I've seen, to support improved border security without being called a racist. Racism is assumed to be true, much like multiple people have assumed that I'm a MAGA/Trump supporter because I've taken a position that doesn't align with the liberal view of the border and/or pointed out that agreeing to more border wall can magically become not racist.
OK link some examples from the old ZZLP so we can understand the context of your claim that "there was no way to support improved border security without being called a racist."
Anyone who has read/posted on the old ZZLP knows that there is no way, that I've seen, to support improved border security without being called a racist. Racism is assumed to be true, much like multiple people have assumed that I'm a MAGA/Trump supporter because I've taken a position that doesn't align with the liberal view of the border and/or pointed out that agreeing to more border wall can magically become not racist.
Me to daughter: yes, I agree that if I ever win the lottery I will fly with you to a city of your choice to see a Taylor Swift concert if you agree to keep up with your laundry every week and and get all As in school.

MAGAs: Look who suddenly loves Taylor Swift!
part of the premise of the thread was that other poasters have called supporters of border wall construction “racist” in the past. That’s absolutely true.
So you're admitting that supporters of border wall construction are racist? Cool...
Anyone who has read/posted on the old ZZLP knows that there is no way, that I've seen, to support improved border security without being called a racist. Racism is assumed to be true, much like multiple people have assumed that I'm a MAGA/Trump supporter because I've taken a position that doesn't align with the liberal view of the border and/or pointed out that agreeing to more border wall can magically become not racist.
Let’s see how it goes in this board.

I support improved security at our southern border.
I repeat, I support sensible measures to help make our southern border more secure.

In conjunction, I also support making an easier quicker pathway for immigrants as it is in the economic interests of this country to do so.

But I do support measures to make all of our borders more secure.
Anyone who has read/posted on the old ZZLP knows that there is no way, that I've seen, to support improved border security without being called a racist. Racism is assumed to be true, much like multiple people have assumed that I'm a MAGA/Trump supporter because I've taken a position that doesn't align with the liberal view of the border and/or pointed out that agreeing to more border wall can magically become not racist.
Clarifying my post above...

There are certain posters who will, based on a desire to have a more secure border, label you a racist and there appears to be no way to convince those individuals otherwise. They will reference data saying that, since they (those who sneak across) commit less crimes per capital, there's essentially no justification for supporting better border security.

The board as a whole won't collectively label someone.

Even with a functioning search tool, trying to sift through the thousands of pages of posts on the topic isn't realistic.
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Let’s see how it goes in this board.

I support improved security at our southern border.

I do too.

Also, some of the people who wanted to build a wall, including Trump himself, are racist asshats.