I do want conservatives on here

I wish I had your optimism…..I might call some aspects of your outlook as zealous……often new converts are zealous while longer-term adherents are lower key.

The GOP has structural advantages because our system favors land over people. The Democrats are a longshot to win the Senate in 2026. It’ll be hard for the Democrats to win more than a slim majority in the House in 2026 - people have to realize how gerrymandered Congressional seats are.

People have to realize how gerrymandered many state legislatures are.

CFord, you might be 55-70 years-old before today’s gerrymandering is defeated.
'Tis true. The jig is up and has been since 2010 mid-terms. The "Red" states, the Old Confederacy and it's sympathizers, simply could not stand the thought of a black man in the white house. That's all they needed to coalesce and take over State Houses... and they were lucky enough to do it just as the new Census came out - and new districts could be drawn. They Gerrymandered the living daylights out of each and every State they now "owned".

The Tea Party was born... which led to MAGA... and here we are.

Also, in regards to the Media - they've all been bought up or summarily owned by rich folk and corporations who are just fine with their tax cuts. The so-called "legacy" media and the "fake news" "liberal media" are all in the same boat. Peas in a pod. Follow the money... they were all just as complicit. Just look at them now, white-washing and sanitizing as we speak. And Miller still gets to "call them out" for a "hoax" re: memos and executive orders... and the media simply sits back and takes one up the poop shoot because... you know... bottom line.
Because I would rather vote (and live) in a political environment where both candidates can comfortably speak out against taxpayer funded sex changes for prisoners and get out of the wacko-land the Democratic party is currently operating in.
Have you looked up the stats on how many tax payer funded sex changes there have been in the prison system?
True dat. Working on Michigan , Pennsylvania and New Jersey… and maybe California.
Working = gerrymandering

When it should mean having policies that people actually support. Well other than we will do away with taxes.
Have you looked up the stats on how many tax payer funded sex changes there have been in the prison system?
Nope, but I know it was a critical issue in deciding at least 1 POTUS election, because one candidate couldn't renounce even a ridiculous position like that.
Do we still want conservatives on here?
Are there any still commenting on threads? Posting new threads? I haven’t noticed much presence lately.
I’ve got some on Super Ignore so I may not see their posts.
Is Callatroy still around? Has he been defending the shit-show that is the trump admin the past two days? Is he agreeing with Stephen Miller that it’s all been a media hoax?
Calling all conservatives on the board… wazzup y’all?
Your Master is here. Out of town working with only an iPad to educate all of you less cerebrally endowed, emotional snowflakes.
... and I'll never know anything about it. Calla is comfortably entombed in the Super Ignore vault.

ray donovan death GIF by Showtime
Some of you can pass on my words to the board chief snowflake (or not). Putting people on ignore is the ultimate indicator of a lack of intelligence and an emotional weakling.
Calla's been laying REALLY low. I don't blame him. He's by far the smartest of our Pub friends here, and he knows how bad it is right now.
What am I going to do? Defend trump’s comments on the plane crash? I don’t support his comments, think they are extremely premature, aren’t presidential, and make him look like a flaming idiot. So, what are we supposed to debate? Really nothing for a smart conservative to say so why hang out here and get the liberal dog shit stench all over my shoes. ;):)
I've seen Calla actually admit some things are bad. He still shows up to defend the shit show sometimes though.

Calla is probably making pizza for the family. (y)
I wish. Probably gonna take a month off after this job concludes to travel to my son’s events and perfect the art of at home pizza making. Super excited to start the experimentation.
Nope, but I know it was a critical issue in deciding at least 1 POTUS election, because one candidate couldn't renounce even a ridiculous position like that.
It was court mandated during Trump’s 1st term.

I think 2 surgeries happened.
I posted a couple of months ago that once Trump took office and started running things again that many of our Trumper posters would quickly vanish. And while there are still some hanging around, I suspect that after another month or two of this entirely expected and predicted shitshow (by Trump critics) nearly all of them will be gone for a good while.
You simply don’t understand that we don’t have any desire to spend productive time in an echo chamber where 90% of all the comments are nothing more than you guys circle jerking each other with slight modifications of saying the same thing and somehow garnering self validation from that. Yep, trumps comments on the crash are bad. Acknowledging that seemingly would end any further participation I might have right?
I can think of a few “conservatives:”
  • Cford
  • Lawtig
  • Chileg
  • Krafty
I know there are more.

They just aren’t Trumplicans.
If by conservative you mean less liberal democrats then say the board’s chief snowflake then you would be right.
You simply don’t understand that we don’t have any desire to spend productive time in an echo chamber where 90% of all the comments are nothing more than you guys circle jerking each other with slight modifications of saying the same thing and somehow garnering self validation from that. Yep, trumps comments on the crash are bad. Acknowledging that seemingly would end any further participation I might have right?
I always post more during campaigns and less during times like these where the next election or midterm is far off.

It’s funny. On this board, if the Republican loses, the sentiment here is “ha, all the Pubs ran away once they got beat! Bye bye trolls!”

But this new mentality is a new one lol. Trump kicks their ass again, conservatives like me laugh for a while and then generally move on with life and turn our attention to sports or other hobbies, and the narrative is “ha! The conservatives aren’t here because they can’t defend this shit!” Lol.
OP is a fool for seriously wanting conservatives on this board lol. They’re not interested in having a discussion. They just want to call you a snowflake or condescendingly remind you how much they don’t actually care about politics, even though they post in here regularly. Just look at the pathetic circle jerk exchange above this lol. They aren’t serious people.
OP is a fool for seriously wanting conservatives on this board lol. They’re not interested in having a discussion. They just want to call you a snowflake or condescendingly remind you how much they don’t actually care about politics, even though they post in here regularly. Just look at the pathetic circle jerk exchange above this lol. They aren’t serious people.
Lol. What would you call it when the majority of comments are just repeats of some version of “Trump is evil, trump is the worst, trump is despicable, trump is ……..”. Not exactly riveting dialogue. So, 10 days in, has trump done a single positive thing that you approve of?
OP is a fool for seriously wanting conservatives on this board lol. They’re not interested in having a discussion. They just want to call you a snowflake or condescendingly remind you how much they don’t actually care about politics, even though they post in here regularly. Just look at the pathetic circle jerk exchange above this lol. They aren’t serious people.
Yeah, ain’t no damn body with a lick of sense buying that bullshit that those dudes “ don’t care” lololol. They’re here every day like the rest of us. Nothing wrong with that- this shit is fun. I love it. I want more people posting here more often- all ideological bents welcome. But, yeah, go on and get on outta here with this “we’re too busy doing other things to post here even though one of us spammed another thread just this evening with Transgender Derangement Syndrome and the other one of us is busy trying to find a synonym for the word snowflake before we wear out those particular keys on the keyboard.”
I always post more during campaigns and less during times like these where the next election or midterm is far off.

It’s funny. On this board, if the Republican loses, the sentiment here is “ha, all the Pubs ran away once they got beat! Bye bye trolls!”

But this new mentality is a new one lol. Trump kicks their ass again, conservatives like me laugh for a while and then generally move on with life and turn our attention to sports or other hobbies, and the narrative is “ha! The conservatives aren’t here because they can’t defend this shit!” Lol.
Hard to debate when most of the comments are geared to how bad trump is vs actually talking about policy. I can’t do it from an iPad but someone should start a thread topic on “Good Moves By Trump”. Would highlight who the “serious” and objective posters are vs those that have terminal TDS. If you can’t identify a single positive action then you are just a board simp.
If by conservative you mean less liberal democrats then say the board’s chief snowflake then you would be right.
Won’t presume to speak for the others but I identify these days as a conservative (adjective) liberal (noun). I’d consider myself to maintain the classical bonafides of “government as small as possible to still be effective; strongest military in the world projecting strength and deterrence; preservation of individual freedom and liberties above all else; low taxes, broadening the tax base, and enforcing the tax code as written; harsh punishment of violent crime; right to own guns but also common sense gun safety laws and regulations; every able-bodied soul should work to earn a living and safety net programs are supposed to be temporary helping hands up, not permanent handouts; strong, secure borders while having a system of legal immigration that is efficient and humane; pro-democratic allies and anti-axis of evil (Russia, Iran, North Korea).” Those are my core classically conservative ideological principles.

Where I lean more liberal than many conservatives is in my belief that we should do more to expand social safety nets much further than we currently do. I’m especially talking education, healthcare, child care, and maternal care, and not just for the poor and destitute but also for the middle class family working hard but struggling to make ends meet.

You and I would probably agree philosophically and ideologically on many things and reasonably disagree on others or on how to best accomplish our ideological objectives.
Yeah, ain’t no damn body with a lick of sense buying that bullshit that those dudes “ don’t care” lololol. They’re here every day like the rest of us. Nothing wrong with that- this shit is fun. I love it. I want more people posting here more often- all ideological bents welcome. But, yeah, go on and get on outta here with this “we’re too busy doing other things to post here even though one of us spammed another thread just this evening with Transgender Derangement Syndrome and the other one of us is busy trying to find a synonym for the word snowflake before we wear out those particular keys on the keyboard.”
Can’t think of a more appropriate term for someone who uses the ignore feature. The ultimate close your eyes, hold your breath, and cover your ears move.
Can’t think of a more appropriate term for someone who uses the ignore feature. The ultimate close your eyes, hold your breath, and cover your ears move.
On that we agree. I could never bring myself to ignore anyone on a message board, just on principle.