I do want conservatives on here

Working = gerrymandering

When it should mean having policies that people actually support. Well other than we will do away with taxes.
No. The Persistence and others are doing a great job registering new Republican voters in Penn and NJ. Cali may get red pilled.
Trump kicks their ass again
This is your second post about Trump kicking ass. I am not sure if this is a sarcastic trolling thing, or if you really think his victory falls into the "kick ass" category. But on the off chance you don't realize how close the election was as a historical matter, I present you two columns below. First column are the elections that were bigger kick asses than 2024 and the second column are the ones that were closer than 2024 (starting in 1900)

More Kick Ass
1900 Teddy R
1904 Teddy R
1908 Taft
1912 Wilson
1920 Harding
1924 Coolidge
1928 Hoover
1932 FDR
1936 FDR
1940 FDR
1944 FDR
1948 Truman
1952 Ike
1956 Ike
1964 LBJ
1968 Nixon
1972 Nixon
1980 Reagan
1984 Reagan
1988 GHW Bush
1992 Clinton
1996 Clinton
2008 Obama
2012 Obama
2020 Biden (This one is close, as Trump got slightly more electoral votes, but Biden got way more popular votes)

Less Kick Ass
1916 Wilson
1960 JFK
1976 Carter
2000 GW Bush
2004 GW Bush
2016 Trump

In other words, this was the seventh closest election out of the past 32 elections. It was a historically close election. A 1.5% delta in the popular vote almost never happens. If you want to see some ass kicking, go look at Nixon or Reagan or FDR.
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Hard to debate when most of the comments are geared to how bad trump is vs actually talking about policy. I can’t do it from an iPad but someone should start a thread topic on “Good Moves By Trump”. Would highlight who the “serious” and objective posters are vs those that have terminal TDS. If you can’t identify a single positive action then you are just a board simp.
It's laughable to me to think that anyone can find "policy" in a Trump administration. What, pray tell, are the policy moves that you've seen? I see a lot of histrionics and tweet storms but I don't see much in the way of policy.
Still here. Just not as much to talk about now that the election is over. Have always said that win or lose, politics doesn’t dictate my daily mood much and it shouldn’t yours either.

I have been intentional about not gloating too much about the ass kicking Trump laid on Harris because I know I am in a big minority here as a Trump voter.

I remain hopeful that the result of the election will lead to some careful introspection from Democrats about why they lost every single swing state and lost ground with every single demographic. But do I think most on this board are willing to have that conversation? No. I think most of you just want to bitch about Trump every day for 4 more years.
Not as much to talk about?

Your godking has totally botched a number of things in his first couple weeks. We’re staring down the barrel of trade wars and potentially military wars with out allies (which, I might add, were not part of his platform, so you’ve got nothing to gloat about, since you didn’t see this coming).

And he’s shown himself, as usual, to be an

You’ve got the entire federal workforce as well as every government contractor in edge,
This is your second post about Trump kicking ass. I am not sure if this is a sarcastic trolling thing, or if you really think his victory falls into the "kick ass" category. But on the off chance you don't realize how close the election was as a historical matter, I present you two columns below. First column are the elections that were bigger kick asses than 2024 and the second column are the ones that were closer than 2024 (starting in 1900)

More Kick Ass
1900 Teddy R
1904 Teddy R
1908 Taft
1912 Wilson
1920 Harding
1924 Coolidge
1928 Hoover
1932 FDR
1936 FDR
1940 FDR
1944 FDR
1948 Truman
1952 Ike
1956 Ike
1964 LBJ
1968 Nixon
1972 Nixon
1980 Reagan
1984 Reagan
1988 GHW Bush
1992 Clinton
1996 Clinton
2008 Obama
2012 Obama
2020 Biden (This one is close, as Trump got slightly more electoral votes, but Biden got way more popular votes)

Less Kick Ass
1916 Wilson
1960 JFK
1976 Carter
2000 GW Bush
2004 GW Bush
2016 Trump

In other words, this was the seventh closest election out of the past 32 elections. It was a historically close election. A 1.5% delta in the popular vote almost never happens. If you want to see some ass kicking, go look at Nixon or Reagan or FDR.
you do realize that HY2012 is impervious to facts, right?
This is your second post about Trump kicking ass. I am not sure if this is a sarcastic trolling thing, or if you really think his victory falls into the "kick ass" category. But on the off chance you don't realize how close the election was as a historical matter, I present you two columns below. First column are the elections that were bigger kick asses than 2024 and the second column are the ones that were closer than 2024 (starting in 1900)

More Kick Ass
1900 Teddy R
1904 Teddy R
1908 Taft
1912 Wilson
1920 Harding
1924 Coolidge
1928 Hoover
1932 FDR
1936 FDR
1940 FDR
1944 FDR
1948 Truman
1952 Ike
1956 Ike
1964 LBJ
1968 Nixon
1972 Nixon
1980 Reagan
1984 Reagan
1988 GHW Bush
1992 Clinton
1996 Clinton
2008 Obama
2012 Obama
2020 Biden (This one is close, as Trump got slightly more electoral votes, but Biden got way more popular votes)

Less Kick Ass
1916 Wilson
1960 JFK
1976 Carter
2000 GW Bush
2004 GW Bush
2016 Trump

In other words, this was the seventh closest election out of the past 32 elections. It was a historically close election. A 1.5% delta in the popular vote almost never happens. If you want to see some ass kicking, go look at Nixon or Reagan or FDR.
There’s more to it than margin of victory. Trump won the popular vote narrowly but who really cares about the popular vote other than liberals who try to bemoan our electoral college. He won every single state that was up for grabs heading into the election and made gains in quite literally almost every single demographic. And he won the election in the face of tons of unique factors - everything from having the DOJ weaponized against him to having the Dems pull an undemocratic bait & switch halfway through the campaign when Biden’s dementia was exposed.

If you want to say it is wasn’t a blowout by margin of victory that’s fine. But Trump still kicked Harris’ ass. As an analogy, NC state hasn’t blown UNC football out by huge margins many times lately (they did once), but I would still say we’ve been getting our ass kicked by them because they’ve consistently beat us in a high stakes game that we all hate losing so much.
Yeah, ain’t no damn body with a lick of sense buying that bullshit that those dudes “ don’t care” lololol. They’re here every day like the rest of us. Nothing wrong with that- this shit is fun. I love it. I want more people posting here more often- all ideological bents welcome. But, yeah, go on and get on outta here with this “we’re too busy doing other things…
Every day? Check my posting history, I posted way less ever since the immediate aftermath of the election until literally the last few days. The plane crash sucked me back in (so sad), not some goofy executive order by Trump or something.

A week or two ago I finally logged in here after a couple weeks away and there was a thread of people asking if you were ok because I think you were taking a similar break from politics! A good thing, btw. Nothing wrong with that and something we should all do.

But just odd for you to make this post above coming fresh off the heels of your own extended break from the noise here.

Similarly to what you posted upon your return, lots going on at home since the election. Busy season at work, 3 month old, 3 year old, etc. Have had way more going on this January than feuding with a board full of liberals about politics when we are 22 months until the next significant election, ha!
Every day? Check my posting history, I posted way less ever since the immediate aftermath of the election until literally the last few days. The plane crash sucked me back in (so sad), not some goofy executive order by Trump or something.

A week or two ago I finally logged in here after a couple weeks away and there was a thread of people asking if you were ok because I think you were taking a similar break from politics! A good thing, btw. Nothing wrong with that and something we should all do.

But just odd for you to make this post above coming fresh off the heels of your own extended break from the noise here.

Similarly to what you posted upon your return, lots going on at home since the election. Busy season at work, 3 month old, 3 year old, etc. Have had way more going on this January than feuding with a board full of liberals about politics when we are 22 months until the next significant election, ha!
Lol. I ain't checking anyone's posting history, man. I literally could not care less about how often someone does or doesn't post. My point was in responding to another poster who was laughing at y'all for acting like you "don't care" or are somehow above the fray of caring about politics.

Oh, and I didn't "take a break from politics" or "from the noise here." The end of the calendar year is the busiest time of the year for me professionally. Coupled with working to put a house on the market in one city, looking to buy or build in another city, and just generally spending time with family over the holidays, I just didn't have the inclination to post. I still read most every day. It's not like Donald Trump winning an election was somehow some impetus for my not posting here on the ZZLP for a month in December. You must not know me well enough if you think that the outcome of an election in either direction negatively impacts my mental or emotional well-being, or if you think that a friggin' internet message board is something that I take seriously enough to "need a break from the noise."
No. The Persistence and others are doing a great job registering new Republican voters in Penn and NJ. Cali may get red pilled.
I guess they are using the trump plan of just lying and telling everyone what they want to hear.

When they see the results of his policies...

I mean, to this point he basically only decreased the efficiency of government and increased unemployment. And he has shown the mob boss / dictator approach that he wants to use.
i enjoy the drama queens and the holier than thou attitudes on messageboards. its the same ole pissing contests that are absolutely meaningless....no diff than life.
It's still in the concept phase.
seriously diid his taxes ever come out of audit so he could release them? not that his sheep would care thats the irony cause they wouldnt care if he didnt pay a dime. dont know why he didnt just release them
Have you looked up the stats on how many tax payer funded sex changes there have been in the prison system?
There's something to be said for not being able to disavow such a ridiculous premise at face value., regardless if not one illegal, incarcerated transgender prisoner ever gets a taxpayer-funded sex change operation.
seriously diid his taxes ever come out of audit so he could release them? not that his sheep would care thats the irony cause they wouldnt care if he didnt pay a dime. dont know why he didnt just release them
I think his accountants are still compiling the data that shows the 2020 election was stolen.
It's a very serious post. What is the policy? What things are actually being advanced in a way that won't be enjoined immediately by courts? What things are being done for substance rather than theater?
I, too, would be interested in calla's opinion regarding the positive things Trump has done since taking office. Earlier he asked us liberals if we thought Trump had done anything that is positive since taking office. I can't think of anything positive that he has done, but I'm open to hearing Calla list the positives since Trump took office.