I do want conservatives on here

I’m guessing the few trump voters who still come here (not sure who all, because I’ve prolly got them on super ignore) are loving everything that’s happening. It’s like Christmas Groundhog Day. It just keeps repeating and getting better and better each day. They’re loving it! They are getting EXACTLY what the voted for and then some. I’m sure it’s easy for them to come here and gloat on a daily basis. They don’t give a rat’s ass about Democracy or the Constitution or the rule of law. They don’t give a shit about other humans or living things on this planet except for them and theirs. They have not one iota of empathy for other living creatures. Their brain is not wired that way. They are the ones who will herd you onto a cattle car, take you to a concentration camp and gleefully strip you and force you into a gas chamber where they will pull the lever to release the gas with a wry grin on their face which says: “Ha! Owned the libs!”
I am truly shocked by people who are so blinded by partisanship that they have blind trust in the same media sources who admittedly deceived them over and over. Only a blind, dumb fool would believe there is no, or little amount of fraud and abuse in our G’ment spending. That anyone would support that or decry efforts to identify and eliminate it is partisanship at its worst and those people shouldn’t be taken seriously.

I'm sure there is waste, fraud, and abuse in government. I support efforts to minimize and eliminate it. That isn't what trump, musk and the doge bros are doing.
Head scratcher. Trump/Musk have painted the libs/media into defending government inefficiencies/fraud and general guardians of the stats quos. Another 80/20 issue that they’re on the losing side.
I'm sure there is waste, fraud, and abuse in government. I support efforts to minimize and eliminate it. That isn't what trump, musk and the doge bros are doing.
theres no winning side in all this vile division but both sides are too controlled to see it
How does it feel knowing that you are always going to be the biggest loser? You may feel like your stance assures you of never being wrong but you're never going to be right, either. Looks like a chickenshit way to live to me. I guess if you're happy, then I'm good. Otoh, I'm seriously bored with your public mental onanism.
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Head scratcher. Trump/Musk have painted the libs/media into defending government inefficiencies/fraud and general guardians of the stats quos. Another 80/20 issue that they’re on the losing side.
I don’t think “the libs/media” are “defending government inefficiencies” and I certainly don’t think they’re defending fraud. I don’t think anyone of any political persuasion thinks that outright fraud or blatant wasteful spending by government is okay.

What “the libs/media” are upset about it is that instead of a methodical, systematic audit and review of what government programs are necessary and which aren’t, what spending is “wasteful” and what isn’t, which federal personnel are necessary/critical for the efficient operation of government and which aren’t- what’s happening is one single person is essentially taking a blowtorch, chainsaw, and flamethrower to the entire federal government haphazardly. What “the libs/media” are concerned about is how taking a blowtorch to the federal government could and likely will have very dire consequences.

Look, it’s pretty well-documented that I can’t stand Donald Trump. It’s pretty well-documented that I think the entire Republican Party and its voters have gone completely off the rails. But just because I don’t like Trump doesn’t mean that I don’t want him to succeed in making America stronger, safer, and more prosperous for all Americans. I’m certainly cheering for him to do so and to defy my expectations, and for me to be completely wrong about him. I can easily dislike someone personally, disagree with them vehemently from a policy and ideological standpoint, completely hate their methods….and still want them to succeed in making our country better.

Like any sane, reasonable person, I don’t want there to be waste, fraud, or inefficiency in our government. What rational person would argue otherwise? In principle, I don’t inherently disagree with Trump or anyone who says that we should reduce or eliminate those things. I pay a lot in taxes. I want to get great value out of paying those taxes, and I don’t want those hard earned tax dollars that I pay to be used fraudulently or wastefully. But I also don’t want the entire federal government to have a chainsaw taken to it without a thorough, methodical approach- and what Musk/Trump are doing are anything but.

There are going to be real world consequences for what has already happpened and what will continue to happen as it pertains to how the federal government is getting decimated. The food that we eat and the water that we drink will become less safe; air travel will become less safe; our ability to respond to natural disasters will be impeded; and much more. Those things will affect Republicans and Democrats alike, which is I why I think that celebrating the demolition of the federal government is foolish at best and sinister at worst.
I hear what you're saying about the proper "process" but we've tried that before (committees, blue ribbon panels) and it's failed or got bogged down in the bureaucratic swamp. We need this out of the box approach of a genius billionaire who doesn't give a f**k, with his tech bro assistants. Are they a bull in a china shop, probably, but I'll defer to them until I see that they've committed some real offenses - like leaking personal information everyone is so concerned about (although you weren't concerned when the personal information was Trump's tax returns).
I hear what you're saying about the proper "process" but we've tried that before (committees, blue ribbon panels) and it's failed or got bogged down in the bureaucratic swamp. We need this out of the box approach of a genius billionaire who doesn't give a f**k, with his tech bro assistants. Are they a bull in a china shop, probably, but I'll defer to them until I see that they've committed some real offenses - like leaking personal information everyone is so concerned about (although you weren't concerned when the personal information was Trump's tax returns).
But Musk does give a fuck. So much so that he continuously lies about their “findings.” Does the fact that Musk is lying and that the solution for the “fraud and inefficiency” he “finds” always includes a consulting contract with a Musk company? Gullible.

I hear what you're saying about the proper "process" but we've tried that before (committees, blue ribbon panels) and it's failed or got bogged down in the bureaucratic swamp. We need this out of the box approach of a genius billionaire who doesn't give a f**k, with his tech bro assistants. Are they a bull in a china shop, probably, but I'll defer to them until I see that they've committed some real offenses - like leaking personal information everyone is so concerned about (although you weren't concerned when the personal information was Trump's tax returns).
I truly don’t even have the slightest clue what you’re talking about with regard to Trump‘s tax returns, so that statement does not apply to me. Otherwise, fair points on what you said above. We shall soon see which method is better – the slash and burn method, or the systematic methodical method. I certainly have my opinion as to which is better, but my opinion doesn’t matter, because it’s going to play out how it’s going to play out regardless. My hope is that you and I and people that we love and care about are not harmed in the process.
I certainly have my opinion as to which is better, but my opinion doesn’t matter, because it’s going to play out how it’s going to play out regardless. My hope is that you and I and people that we love and care about are not harmed in the process.

Call your congressional representatives. If they're Republicans, ask why they are abrogating the power of the purse to hurt state economies and cede the future of scientific and medical technology to China.

Do you know anyone who is going to die in the next 0 to 90 years? Destroying the NIH is going to hasten that process.
400 probationary employees of the FAA were fired (none traffic controllers) out of 45,000 employees of the FAA so let's not overreact. I admit I don't understand the rationale for all of these firings (outside of DEI administrators) but I'm definitely in favor of substantially reducing the federal workforce through better technology and better productivity.

I was referring to the IRS leaking Trump's tax returns to Rachel Maddow and she and her audience were absolutely giddy in examining them for weeks on end.
400 probationary employees of the FAA were fired (none traffic controllers) out of 45,000 employees of the FAA so let's not overreact. I admit I don't understand the rationale for all of these firings (outside of DEI administrators) but I'm definitely in favor of substantially reducing the federal workforce through better technology and better productivity.

I was referring to the IRS leaking Trump's tax returns to Rachel Maddow and she and her audience were absolutely giddy in examining them for weeks on end.
you better bet your tiny fragile sheep balls that dump and musk intention is only something that will only make them richer and more powerful. any other conspiracies are just that. neither givs a rats azz about wasteful govt spending but they know it gives their sheep instant hard ons and diverts from their true intent
Some folks need to learn a lot more about musk. I’m continually baffled by pub willingness to create superheroes out of the rich, merely for their richness.

Musk hasn’t shown genius in any aspect of his wealth building, aside from self promotion, myth building, and getting rich off government subsidies. His original online payment site got swept up in the dot com boom and was poorly coded, he bought Tesla at a time government was dumping billions into renewables, space x was propped up for decades, boring company is a clown show. He started with millions in backing, to begin. I’m not going to deny that millions of people like Tesla vehicles, but musk literally appropriated other people’s patents. He is a cynical and sadistic corporatist that has propped up by our collective billions. Nothing, and I mean nothing, that he’s done is new or would’ve failed to come to pass if not for musk. He’s ruthless, he’s antisocial, he’s a myth maker, he’s not a genius, just like Bezos, Zuck, etc ain’t either.

Jurassic Park Ian Malcom GIF
Some folks need to learn a lot more about musk. I’m continually baffled by pub willingness to create superheroes out of the rich, merely for their richness.

Musk hasn’t shown genius in any aspect of his wealth building, aside from self promotion, myth building, and getting rich off government subsidies. His original online payment site got swept up in the dot com boom and was poorly coded, he bought Tesla at a time government was dumping billions into renewables, space x was propped up for decades, boring company is a clown show. He started with millions in backing, to begin. I’m not going to deny that millions of people like Tesla vehicles, but musk literally appropriated other people’s patents. He is a cynical and sadistic corporatist that has propped up by our collective billions. Nothing, and I mean nothing, that he’s done is new or would’ve failed to come to pass if not for musk. He’s ruthless, he’s antisocial, he’s a myth maker, he’s not a genius, just like Bezos, Zuck, etc ain’t either.

Jurassic Park Ian Malcom GIF
If he has that much money, he must be smart and moral. Right?
I've worked with many incredibly wealthy folks in my career. I don't find intelligence to be one of the top attributes of those people. Some of them are intelligent and it certainly helps, but it isn't a ubiquitous quality. The top two traits I've observed are risk tolerance and work ethic. They are willing to push their chips into the middle of the table over and over and it doesn't seem to bother them one bit and they typically work excessive hours. Just an anecdotal observation.