MAGA - The family impact

My mom died about 20 years ago, but she was Democrat. I'm pretty sure that my Dad was as well. My dad re-married and his wife is definitely a conservative and a "reluctant" Trump supporter. She commented earlier in the year that she couldn't stand Trump, but simply couldn't vote for Biden. "If the Democrats had nominated virtually anybody else..." I'm sure that this will come as a total shock, but when Harris got the nod, needless to say she didn't switch her vote. We basically don't speak to each other. One of the those people who led a wild life growing up, found Jesus, and then gets all judgy on other people now.
I never understand this statement.

In a direct comparison what issue or concern over Biden/Democrat, that would make someone willing to support a person they admittedly can't stand.
I never understand this statement.

In a direct comparison what issue or concern over Biden/Democrat, that would make someone willing to support a person they admittedly can't stand.
Beyond being a way to not take responsibility for their vote, I think there are a good number of Pubs who don't like Trump's personal life or his more extreme behavior, but are perfectly fine with the actions he wants to take if put into office.

For a lot of these folks, I think it's the presentation rather than the substance they don't like.
Beyond being a way to not take responsibility for their vote, I think there are a good number of Pubs who don't like Trump's personal life or his more extreme behavior, but are perfectly fine with the actions he wants to take if put into office.

For a lot of these folks, I think it's the presentation rather than the substance they don't like.
Or, in the alternative, it's the presentation they like. Maybe they love that he calls everyone names, feels unencumbered by norms and thus lets his true self show. There's also been a social component to MAGA since the beginning. In a sense, Trump's rally tour is like a weird, unentertaining, sober Grateful Dead tour.
What if he’s the one doing the threatening?
Would depend on who and why, but he's very peaceful when not deployed. I just can't agree with much of his politics. He does still have great vision and that's probably why when he left and went DOJ, he joined HRT. Regardless, it would just depend.
Or, in the alternative, it's the presentation they like. Maybe they love that he calls everyone names, feels unencumbered by norms and thus lets his true self show. There's also been a social component to MAGA since the beginning. In a sense, Trump's rally tour is like a weird, unentertaining, sober Grateful Dead tour.
I'm specifically speaking about the folks who take tack of "I don't like Trump, but...". In my experience, these tend to be either the white collar business or the very Christian types.

I agree that for the more hardcore MAGA folks, the presentation is certainly a major draw.
Haven't talked to my uncle since early 2021. We were going to California and, since he's single and never leaves his house, he was our designated dog babysitter. I called him to ask if he could watch our dogs for a long weekend. He lost his mind (because we were going to CA), yelled something at me and hung up. Haven't talked to him since.
Rural NC born and raised but my Deddy was a New Deal Democrat through and through and while my Momma was a Boll Weevil and not really very down with liberal FDR-spirited policies, they both were strongly anti-republican and thus never split their vote. They were apparently somewhat suspicious about that just the same because they always went into the voting booth together to mark their ballots. My Deddy was a real policy wonk and followed the news religiously. They both frequented Democratic Party rallies and gatherings with great reliability. Deddy's business partner for many years was the NC 4th District Congressman and he was at the house often. My Momma had his home number and would call him up to talk education legislation, which was her only really liberal interest.

We lost my brother to Jesse Helms and he remains a republican and a trumper last I heard. He and I don't talk. He also went to Carolina and is a big sports fan and from time to time if I find myself in the same space as him I'll try to talk hoops. Doherty's right-wing nuttiness and Coach Williams' open support of Democratic candidates and policies have kind of made that topic a bit touchy. No way we could talk about Coach Smith's Left-of-Center politics (though my brother once loved that about Coach).

When my Deddy was in his last hours of life he pulled me close and said to me, "You've got to vote every time...cancel out your brother."

Wouldn't it be interesting if I were to find out that my brother is so Republican that he's a "Never Trumper!"
Rural NC born and raised but my Deddy was a New Deal Democrat through and through and while my Momma was a Boll Weevil and not really very down with liberal FDR-spirited policies, they both were strongly anti-republican and thus never split their vote. They were apparently somewhat suspicious about that just the same because they always went into the voting booth together to mark their ballots. My Deddy was a real policy wonk and followed the news religiously. They both frequented Democratic Party rallies and gatherings with great reliability. Deddy's business partner for many years was the NC 4th District Congressman and he was at the house often. My Momma had his home number and would call him up to talk education legislation, which was her only really liberal interest.

We lost my brother to Jesse Helms and he remains a republican and a trumper last I heard. He and I don't talk. He also went to Carolina and is a big sports fan and from time to time if I find myself in the same space as him I'll try to talk hoops. Doherty's right-wing nuttiness and Coach Williams' open support of Democratic candidates and policies have kind of made that topic a bit touchy. No way we could talk about Coach Smith's Left-of-Center politics (though my brother once loved that about Coach).

When my Deddy was in his last hours of life he pulled me close and said to me, "You've got to vote every time...cancel out your brother."
My one sibling of three that went MAGA has two kids . They be DEMS