Racist! Misogynistic Country

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Trump made so many in-roads with blacks and Hispanics. Democrats need to get back to focusing on day to day issues and get away from the social wacko stuff.
Itā€™s not the democrats that are looking for social wacko stuff. The democrats basic position is that ā€œall are created equal and deserve equal treatment.ā€ When one group looks like theyā€™re at the doorstep of normalcy, the republicans look for the next group that they can bully. And, in the process, paint the democrats as supporting wacko stuff.
For me this was big, how did a racist get across to black and Latino men? How did a misoginist get women's votes?

His daily conversation hammered how he is against everyone that isn't exactly like him, how does this resonate beyond the white racist, homophobes, and incels?
Donā€™t think of it in terms of race or gender. Instead, think of it in overly simple terms: bully, observers, and victims.

When pubs go after trans (or any other group), some African Americans and Hispanics see am opportunity to move from the victims to the observers if not to the bullies - anything to stop being the victim.
Again, Trump gained ground in large percentages with African Americans and Latinos. That was a big reason why he won. How is that an indication of racism deciding the election?

As for "how can latinos/Hispanics support Trump when he attacks illegal immigrants and says they are poisoning the blood of Americans? Well, first of all, only legal immigrants can vote. They or their parents went through years of processing, waiting, mindless beaurocracy, and did it the legal way. They don't appreciate others jumping straight to the front of the line, just crossing the border and staying indefinitely,just like most Americans. Many also escaped leftist countries, and Trump's hyberbole or not about Marxist Commie Dems, they do fear a movement to the left and closer to what they escaped (even though Trump was the authoritarian candidate.)

Dems have taken the black and minority votes for granted for far too long. The claim of racism to explain every negative outcome for Dems does not help. Biden saying, "if you are Black and vote Republican, you aren't really black." So dumb and obviously showing the view that AA are mindless pawns and in the pockets of Dems. So incredibly stupid.
There are a couple of major flaws in this argument.

First, you omit recognition of racism (and misogyny) among ethnic minorities. You might be surprised how many Blacks have a visceral antagonism to members of their race (see: John McWhorter, Candace Owens, that Sowell geezer).

Second, there is a vast history research evidencing high correlation to negative racial attitudes and affinity for the Republican Party (see: Southern Strategy)

Your argument is both disingenuous and obscurantist, perhaps because you don't like the self-inference. Most people are racist, though, but its prominence aligns with conservatism.
Good point about the press. They did not do their job on this one. The more reputable sources by and large tried to treat each side evenly, and failed to delve with any significance into damaging Trump stories. When most certainly both sides were not equitable, either morally or capability wise. They absolutely abdicated their responsibility that they have espoused since the very beginning of our grand experiment.
And yet the press deliberately censored stories damaging to biden in 20. Zuckerberg and twitter deliberately censored conservative voices to aid the dem party. CBS is rewriting her answers from it's interview to make her look less like an idiot. The amount of negative coverage of trump swamped the negative coverage of harris and biden. The 3 major late night show hosts are nothing but dem propaganda machines, as are msnbc, cnn, nbc, abc, npr, nyt, wapo, and 100 others. What you are really saying is that they weren't as corrupt as you would like them to be and that you care absolutely nothing about having an impartial press. Good to know. a democrat complaining about the press is the same as dook fans complaining about referees.
Of course Center, we've all known that a large percentage of the hardcore MAGA party supporters are, at their core; racist, white nationalist and support christo-fascism. But that is not nearly enough to carry Trump over the finish line in any race.

I suspect the following fact is still true, the only demographic Trump has ever won is the "uneducated white male." He may have also picked up and won the "uneducated white female" this time, he has always been close there.

But I assume he still lost all other groups, just by less than before.
As I say all of the above, it all can be true at the same time.
Iā€™m going with WAPO/NYTimes/ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/LATimes either genuflecting or openly supporting Trumpism.
Yuppers. This will be the core "State-run-media" You'll only see positive Republican/Maga stuff from them (especially in the Op-ed pages) and only negative stuff about Dems and liberals
And yet the press deliberately censored stories damaging to biden in 20. Zuckerberg and twitter deliberately censored conservative voices to aid the dem party. CBS is rewriting her answers from it's interview to make her look less like an idiot. The amount of negative coverage of trump swamped the negative coverage of harris and biden. The 3 major late night show hosts are nothing but dem propaganda machines, as are msnbc, cnn, nbc, abc, npr, nyt, wapo, and 100 others. What you are really saying is that they weren't as corrupt as you would like them to be and that you care absolutely nothing about having an impartial press. Good to know. a democrat complaining about the press is the same as dook fans complaining about referees.
lol. Okies.
There are a couple of major flaws in this argument.

First, you omit recognition of racism (and misogyny) among ethnic minorities. You might be surprised how many Blacks have a visceral antagonism to members of their race (see: John McWhorter, Candace Owens, that Sowell geezer).

Second, there is a vast history research evidencing high correlation to negative racial attitudes and affinity for the Republican Party (see: Southern Strategy)

Your argument is both disingenuous and obscurantist, perhaps because you don't like the self-inference. Most people are racist, though, but its prominence aligns with conservatism.
Where have I ever disagreed with what you said? Earlier in this very thread, I said that a large group of MAGA (the former Republican party) and Trump himself are racists and cling to racist strategies. So you missed big time on that.

Then, you call my thoughts (disingenuos) because I never thought of or agree with your outlandish hypothesis that Trump doubled his votes with African Americans because most of them are racist against other African Americans like themselves. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read here. You gave Candace Owen's as an example. She is bi-racial and indeed tries to deny her black heritage, align with the whites, and denounce the black voice and concerns. She has some serious self respect issues. There are probably a few others like her but not many.

No, those black voters flipped from Democrats to supporting Trump primarily same reason that others flipped. They are struggling to make ends meet due to inflation, and whether Biden was the cause or not, and even if a remarkable turnaround has occurred and inflation now very low, things are not suddenly cheaper. The current Prez gets blamed for that, always has, always will. So nice try but major whiff. And I did say there was some mysogony as well with black men voting for an evil white man over a black woman.

I imagine they also flipped due in lesser part to extreme trans views on the left, immigration, and also religion could be a factor.

And finally, I have been told by liberals for many years on these boards that no minority can EVER be racist, so please explain that one.
Because a lot of Latinos are racist. Why do you think Trump started shifting the skin color of the invaders? They were supposedly coming from Mexico, but then Venezuela. And then Congo. And Haiti. And of course they picked on the Haitians in Springfield.

The key to success with black men, of course, was the misogyny. Probably Latino voters as well. This has long been a paradox of democracy. How can you create a virtuous polity out of unvirtuous people?
So black and Hispanic men are sexist, whoā€™s the racist? You need a safe space bro.
Strikingly, Trumpā€™s support among white voters dropped by 3 percentage point from 2016 ā€” and Harris gained 8 points among white voters.

In total, 12% of black voters reported casting ballots for Trump in 2024, compared with just 8% eight years earlier. Twenty percent of black men said they supported the former president over Harris.

Among Latinos, 45% broke for him this cycle, whereas just 29% voted for him in 2016 ā€” a 16 percentage point shift.

Saw 24% on the tube, this says 20%
Credible link?
The guy just said on Nicolle s show that the biggest issue with Latino men is that they won't vote for a woman

And it was intimated that it was exacerbated by her being a woman of color
Again, Trump gained ground in large percentages with African Americans and Latinos. That was a big reason why he won. How is that an indication of racism deciding the election?

As for "how can latinos/Hispanics support Trump when he attacks illegal immigrants and says they are poisoning the blood of Americans? Well, first of all, only legal immigrants can vote. They or their parents went through years of processing, waiting, mindless beaurocracy, and did it the legal way. They don't appreciate others jumping straight to the front of the line, just crossing the border and staying indefinitely,just like most Americans. Many also escaped leftist countries, and Trump's hyberbole or not about Marxist Commie Dems, they do fear a movement to the left and closer to what they escaped (even though Trump was the authoritarian candidate.)

Dems have taken the black and minority votes for granted for far too long. The claim of racism to explain every negative outcome for Dems does not help. Biden saying, "if you are Black and vote Republican, you aren't really black." So dumb and obviously showing the view that AA are mindless pawns and in the pockets of Dems. So incredibly stupid.
Far more likely for Latinos in the US, other than Puerto Ricans, either they came to the US as undocumented workers and received amnesty from Reagan, their ancestors came as undocumented workers, they came seeking asylum, or they came from Cuba on boats and were allowed to stay based on the wet feet / dry feet policy.

Not many went through years of processing. Some may have a revisionist history of what their ancestors did but more likely than not they just showed up at the US border.
Yeah I thought of that as well
Yeah, anyone trying to explain away this loss because of Hispanic men being racist or sexist is just in pure cope mode.

The truth has been staring Democrats in the face since at least 2014. The answer to winning back working class whites is the same answer to why Harris lost support from working class Black and Hispanic men.