Roll Call: Who is voting early? Who is waiting til Nov. 5 (and why?)

I had forgotten the Pubes put another Constitutional amendment on the Ballot Blah blah only american citizens can vote in NC Of course that is already the law and this is a waste of time and somehow they will try in some counties to harrass mexican americans What aholes
I went to vote at the library in Rocky Mount yesterday but couldn't even get into the parking lot. My daughter and granddaughter are visiting today so I'll try again Monday.
Just got back from voting. I live in deep red Davidson county and it was MAGA Hee-Haw down there when I went. Trump folks turned up all decked out in their red hats & "Fuck Biden" gear. Pretty much voted straight "D" and wrote in "Jimmy Carter" for any R's running unopposed in local seats. All in, took about 45 minutes.
Just got back from voting. I live in deep red Davidson county and it was MAGA Hee-Haw down there when I went. Trump folks turned up all decked out in their red hats & "Fuck Biden" gear. Pretty much voted straight "D" and wrote in "Jimmy Carter" for any R's running unopposed in local seats. All in, took about 45 minutes.
Yeah Davidson, yadkin and Davie are the reddest counties in the state
Just got back from voting. I live in deep red Davidson county and it was MAGA Hee-Haw down there when I went. Trump folks turned up all decked out in their red hats & "Fuck Biden" gear. Pretty much voted straight "D" and wrote in "Jimmy Carter" for any R's running unopposed in local seats. All in, took about 45 minutes.
How do you stand to live there? If I was surrounded by MAGA, I don't think I could last even a year.
True. I mean the whole belt around Winston from Randolph to Wilkes and around to Stokes is the deep red belt.

Yadkin leads the way though. 80% Trump
Is that Elkin? We had to detour through Elkin once when there was a wreck in a construction zone on I-77 south and the single southbound lane was closed. It was like a trip through Trumpville. This was 2021 so there was no election but there were Trump signs everywhere.
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Just got back from voting. I live in deep red Davidson county and it was MAGA Hee-Haw down there when I went. Trump folks turned up all decked out in their red hats & "Fuck Biden" gear. Pretty much voted straight "D" and wrote in "Jimmy Carter" for any R's running unopposed in local seats. All in, took about 45 minutes.
Fuckers are probably too stupid to even know they haven't been running against Biden for three months now.

Is that Elkin. We had to detour through Elgin once when there was a wreck in a construction zone on I-77 south and the single southbound lane was closed. It was like a trip through Trumpville. This was 2021 so there was no election but there were Trump signs everywhere.
That’s probably where I’ve seen the most confederate flags.
I voted no. I want 16 to be the age
I voted no, as well. It's already a law that only citizens can vote. It only seems nefarious as to why our Republican supermajority are trying to add it on the state constitution.

One thing that I did find alarming while voting today were the two Republican "observers". They were just angry looking old white ladies who are deluded into thinking they're saving democracy or some other nonsense.