Second Failed Assassination Attempt on Trump

The rhetoric from the left really never slowed down after the first assassination attempt a couple months ago, which occurred days after Biden publicly talked about putting a “bullseye” on Trump.
Ah yes, it's all this dangerous rhetoric from the left that's the problem. because the right's rhetoric is all about sunshine and rainbows and kittens. Remind me, which side's insane rhetoric has caused bomb threats and school closings in Springfield, Ohio? Which side's white nationalist rhetoric inspired Dylann Roof and Payton Gendron and Patrick Crusius? Or is it only when someone takes a gun near Trump that rhetoric is somehow the problem?

“… In response to a user who asked, “Why they want to kill Donald Trump?” Mr. Musk, who has endorsed the former president and comments frequently on the U.S. presidential campaign, wrote: “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala.” His post, which was captured by X users, included a thinking-face emoji. …”
Ah yes, it's all this dangerous rhetoric from the left that's the problem. because the right's rhetoric is all about sunshine and rainbows and kittens. Remind me, which side's insane rhetoric has caused bomb threats and school closings in Springfield, Ohio? Which side's white nationalist rhetoric inspired Dylann Roof and Payton Gendron and Patrick Crusius? Or is it only when someone takes a gun near Trump that rhetoric is somehow the problem?
Part of their rhetoric is about kittens.
Ah yes, it's all this dangerous rhetoric from the left that's the problem. because the right's rhetoric is all about sunshine and rainbows and kittens. Remind me, which side's insane rhetoric has caused bomb threats and school closings in Springfield, Ohio? Which side's white nationalist rhetoric inspired Dylann Roof and Payton Gendron and Patrick Crusius? Or is it only when someone takes a gun near Trump that rhetoric is somehow the problem?
Not to mention a number people over the past 4 or so years that either made it all the way to the White House or were intercepted prior to getting there, that wanted/intended to harm Biden. Hell, I'd bet that J6 put way more way politician's lives at risk than all the events combined since Trump came down that golden escalator.

I mean, for fucks sake, Trump had a crowd so fired up on J6 that it wanted to "hang Mike Pence." And HY2012 is in this thread clutching his pearls. GTFOH

Billionaire almost discovers that when his entourage of yes men laughs at every “joke” he tosses out, it doesn’t actually mean he is funny.
Seriously. How has he not figured that out by now? Most rich people figure that out really quickly because people take advantage of them if they don't.
NEWSFLASH! - It has been reported that there is an evil consortium made up of Fox News, Sean Hannity, Kellyann Conway, Majorie Taylor Greene, Mike Johnson, JD Vance, Ron DeSantis, HeelYeah2012 and Matt Gaetz which has paid for the two assassination attempts on Trump. Unnamed* sources reveal that those involved believe that Trump is losing the campaign and will surely lose the election. Sources say they want the RNC to dump Trump in the same manner the DNC dumped Biden, thereby getting a younger, more dynamic nominee in place to boost their chances. Exactly the way the Democrats have done with Kamala Harris.
However, they know Trump won’t voluntarily back away in the same, selfless manner in which Biden did. They seem to think the only solution is to “take him out” (to quote one of the conspirators)

*The unnamed source only goes by the initials: HY

"... Authorities don’t believe Routh himself fired a shot, but he pointed the weapon through a fence, the officials said. At least one Secret Service agent, who was one or two holes ahead of Trump on the course, spotted Routh and fired at least four shots at him. Routh took off in a black Nissan but was captured soon after as he fled down I-95.

He is expected to make his first appearance in a federal court in Florida Monday morning. ..."