Second Failed Assassination Attempt on Trump

Here's one.

Its actually a pretty big story on all major media outlets. If you aren't sure how to use the google, you can wait until tomorrow for the newspaper.
Lmao you’re not even good at this anymore. Sad!

It’s exactly as I said. No shots were fired by a would-be assassin, ergo it is appropriate to question whether this can accurately be described as “an assassination attempt.” Did they not teach you how to read or how to comprehend what you are reading at Georgia Tech?

Weird that CBS and FOX have decided to continue with their NFL coverage instead of coverage of this horrific attempted assassination on the life of the former president without so much as a special news report break-in! Oops!
Lmao you’re not even good at this anymore. Sad!

It’s exactly as I said. No shots were fired by a would-be assassin, ergo it is appropriate to question whether this can accurately be described as “an assassination attempt.” Did they not teach you how to read or how to comprehend what you are reading at Georgia Tech?
Dumbest argument ever. Feel free to continue it with anyone else who will talk to you.
Lmao you’re not even good at this anymore. Sad!

It’s exactly as I said. No shots were fired by a would-be assassin, ergo it is appropriate to question whether this can accurately be described as “an assassination attempt.” Did they not teach you how to read or how to comprehend what you are reading at Georgia Tech?

Weird that CBS and FOX have decided to continue with their NFL coverage instead of coverage of this horrific attempted assassination on the life of the former president without so much as a special news report break-in! Oops!
From a criminal law perspective, pointing a rifle with a scope at an area where you thought Trump would be is definitely enough to qualify as attempted murder. You don’t have to actually fire the shot. You just have to take one direct step toward the act with intent. Like hiring a hit man would qualify.
Lmao you’re not even good at this anymore. Sad!

It’s exactly as I said. No shots were fired by a would-be assassin, ergo it is appropriate to question whether this can accurately be described as “an assassination attempt.” Did they not teach you how to read or how to comprehend what you are reading at Georgia Tech?

Weird that CBS and FOX have decided to continue with their NFL coverage instead of coverage of this horrific attempted assassination on the life of the former president without so much as a special news report break-in! Oops!
Dude, unless more info comes out that changes the narrative...we have a guy show up with a gun at the golf course where Trump is playing and is caught by the Secret Service hiding in the bushes seemingly lying in wait for Trump to come nearby.

That's an assassination attempt by any reasonable metric.
From a criminal law perspective, pointing a rifle with a scope at an area where you thought Trump would be is definitely enough to qualify as attempted murder. You don’t have to actually fire the shot. You just have to take one direct step toward the act with intent. Like hiring a hit man would qualify.
Fascinating. Thanks for that info. I’m not familiar with the intricacies of criminal law so I appreciate the information. I can now see why the media is describing it as an attempted assassination, then.
Dude, unless more info comes out that changes the narrative...we have a guy show up with a gun at the golf course where Trump is playing and is caught by the Secret Service hiding in the bushes seemingly lying in wait for Trump to come nearby.

That's an assassination attempt by any reasonable metric.
Yeah. I’ve now been dutifully educated by someone else with a background in law and and more than happy to amend my position.
From a criminal law perspective, pointing a rifle with a scope at an area where you thought Trump would be is definitely enough to qualify as attempted murder. You don’t have to actually fire the shot. You just have to take one direct step toward the act with intent. Like hiring a hit man would qualify.
What if you just think about it? Wistfully...
NY Post, so not the best source:

Routh was a supporter of Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley, according to one of his posts in which he encouraged the Republican presidential candidates to continue their races. “You cannot quit. Why. You must stay on the ballot to the end. You must fight. You must continue giving speeches and push all the way to election day no matter the election results. Do not give in. Join Nikki and keep working. Never give up,” he wrote.

Routh is also a staunch supporter of Ukraine and Taiwan in their respective conflicts against Russia and China. He claims on X that he tried to “sell” the idea of having former Afghanistan troopers fight for Ukraine in Russia, but was denied multiple times before giving up after six months. …”

Supposedly His Twitter feed indicates he voted for Trump in 2016 but became disillusioned with him.
So yet another nutcase Republican tries to kill Trump. They really do hate one another, it seems.
The completely unrelated idiot on idiot violence somewhat near Mar-a-Lago was completely random and had nothing to do with Trump. Of course team Trump jumped on it for political gain.

A guy with a scope hiding out in bushes 500 yards from the club sounds much more related. Not sure what you call it at this point, but does not sound unrelated to Trump.
What if it was simply a Haitian immigrant hunting golf course geese? No harm, no foul?
Well your party is the one inflaming things pal.

Funny you show back up today
Huh? I posted on here late Friday night and took one day off of posting, as I was in Chapel Hill all day yesterday enjoying college football with friends and family. You act like I’ve been MIA for weeks lol