Second Failed Assassination Attempt on Trump

Interested to see the impact of this second assassination attempt on the election.

The rhetoric from the left really never slowed down after the first assassination attempt a couple months ago, which occurred days after Biden publicly talked about putting a “bullseye” on Trump.

Then this week, Harris absurdly calls Trump the largest threat to America since the Civil War, and gee whiz another (less dramatic) assassination attempt.

Until the last couple months it bad been what, 45 years since there was a high-profile attempted assassination attempt on a US politician? Reagan in ‘81…
I love how you are trying to blame this nonsense on the Democrats. What a load of shit. 😂

Trump says worse shit about people everyday than anything that’s ever been said about him.
Will have absolutely zero impact. Donald Trump had a bullet fly by his head and possibly scratched his own ear during the first assassination attempt and people forgot about it in days.

Both times the shooter appears to be a Republican Trump supporter (at some point.) Won't even be a story by Tuesday.
Just to be clear, today’s crazy guy tweeted the following to Biden recently:

Interested to see the impact of this second assassination attempt on the election.

The rhetoric from the left really never slowed down after the first assassination attempt a couple months ago, which occurred days after Biden publicly talked about putting a “bullseye” on Trump.

Then this week, Harris absurdly calls Trump the largest threat to America since the Civil War, and gee whiz another (less dramatic) assassination attempt.

Until the last couple months it bad been what, 45 years since there was a high-profile attempted assassination attempt on a US politician? Reagan in ‘81…
And they aren't wrong. Now I know why I had you on ignore.

And those attempts had so much EXTRA strange going on … The Ford attempts are what I thought of today when it became clear that this was another actual attempt (or intent to attempt) … including the way Ford was mercilessly mocked for thinking he was being shot at one other time when a flash bulb exploded near him.
Interested to see the impact of this second assassination attempt on the election.

The rhetoric from the left really never slowed down after the first assassination attempt a couple months ago, which occurred days after Biden publicly talked about putting a “bullseye” on Trump.

Then this week, Harris absurdly calls Trump the largest threat to America since the Civil War, and gee whiz another (less dramatic) assassination attempt.

Until the last couple months it bad been what, 45 years since there was a high-profile attempted assassination attempt on a US politician? Reagan in ‘81…
you're reaching, it will not have any impact. lmao at trying to connect Harris to this.
Oh… There’s HY! I have ‘em on ignore, but not super ignore. He was at the game yesterday - rooting for Central no doubt. Why hasn’t he weighed in on the Vance/Trump Haitian ruse?

Ah… [EDIT — please let it go for the sake of civility]
C’mon man, spare us the unnecessary confrontational posture with moderators.
Yup. I said it Fuck you HY.
(Waits patiently to be wrist slapped by admins. Or worse. Banned. Maybe I can be labeled a hostage - like Jan 6 “patriots” should mods ban me)
Interested to see the impact of this second assassination attempt on the election.

The rhetoric from the left really never slowed down after the first assassination attempt a couple months ago, which occurred days after Biden publicly talked about putting a “bullseye” on Trump.

Then this week, Harris absurdly calls Trump the largest threat to America since the Civil War, and gee whiz another (less dramatic) assassination attempt.

Until the last couple months it bad been what, 45 years since there was a high-profile attempted assassination attempt on a US politician? Reagan in ‘81…
HY you sure you are CFO material with such a limited recall for recent history? Seems like I would want a CFO based on the ability to compare and contrast but being self employed what do I know?
Come on now, anyone can have TWO attempts made on their life in a span of two months and have fundraising text/email blasts ready to go out within moments of each one occurring. Loosen up the tinfoil hats, libs!
Hey, you have got to admire the left’s impressive ability to incite *Republicans* to try to make attempts on the life of the *Republican* presidential candidate.
Besides the flat out lies and disinformation, this intellectually dishonest narrative seems to be the best the right can conjure up when the attempted assassinations continue to be perpetrated by members of their own party. And their outrageous, fanatical refusal to support even the most basic common sense gun laws makes these attempts on Trump's life fairly trivial to carry out for dangerous Pub gun nuts.