Second Failed Assassination Attempt on Trump

What are the odds that in barely over 2 months Trump faces 2 assassination attempts and both come from folks with right-wing leanings?

Can't say that that would have been the logical outcome.
Given the number of whack-a-doodles in today’s GOP, GOP-adjacent, and Trumplican groups, AND the ridiculous ease of getting guns in the US, I find the possibility that two disaffected white male conservatives might try to kill a presidential candidate to be quite high.
I used to play baseball. I was a pitcher and played shortstop when not on the mound. If HY came up to bat, I would put my best fastball right in his fucking ear. Just trying to move him off the plate.
Interested to see the impact of this second assassination attempt on the election.

The rhetoric from the left really never slowed down after the first assassination attempt a couple months ago, which occurred days after Biden publicly talked about putting a “bullseye” on Trump.

Then this week, Harris absurdly calls Trump the largest threat to America since the Civil War, and gee whiz another (less dramatic) assassination attempt.

Until the last couple months it bad been what, 45 years since there was a high-profile attempted assassination attempt on a US politician? Reagan in ‘81…
Yeah its definitely rhetoric from the left that is inspiring this stuff...

From a criminal law perspective, pointing a rifle with a scope at an area where you thought Trump would be is definitely enough to qualify as attempted murder. You don’t have to actually fire the shot. You just have to take one direct step toward the act with intent. Like hiring a hit man would qualify.
Really? Does that require communication of a threat or other evidence of intent?
I remember images of Bundy supporters pointing weapons at federal agents, including a guy aiming a rifle at them from an overpass. Was that attempted murder? None of them were so charged.
Really? Does that require communication of a threat or other evidence of intent?
I remember images of Bundy supporters pointing weapons at federal agents, including a guy aiming a rifle at them from an overpass. Was that attempted murder? None of them were so charged.
There has to be the intent to murder. That was a standoff situation. Totally different mens rea than someone lying in wait. No threat needs to be communicated. If you have the intent to murder and you take a direct step to effectuate that intent, you have committed the crime of attempted murder.

Yes there must be evidence of intent -- but it can be circumstantial evidence.
I didn't think being a bald headed white dude was so toxic! I may need to get one of those ball caps with a poney tail to hide my likeness to these idiots.
There has to be the intent to murder. That was a standoff situation. Totally different mens rea than someone lying in wait. No threat needs to be communicated. If you have the intent to murder and you take a direct step to effectuate that intent, you have committed the crime of attempted murder.

Yes there must be evidence of intent -- but it can be circumstantial evidence.
Interesting. Okay, so this may seem like a dumb question but I am genuinely trying to understand: how would they prove intent to murder in this situation today, if Florida is an open carry state (and thus I assume the would-be assassin is allowed to carry the gun) and assuming that there was no previous written or verbal threat to try to kill the former president?
Interested to see the impact of this second assassination attempt on the election.

The rhetoric from the left really never slowed down after the first assassination attempt a couple months ago, which occurred days after Biden publicly talked about putting a “bullseye” on Trump.

Then this week, Harris absurdly calls Trump the largest threat to America since the Civil War, and gee whiz another (less dramatic) assassination attempt.

Until the last couple months it bad been what, 45 years since there was a high-profile attempted assassination attempt on a US politician? Reagan in ‘81…
Spare me the faux outrage. I have eagerly been awaiting your posts about Vance and Trump inciting violence against the Haitian people in Springfield. And even when given the chance to ask people to please back down, they didn't have the common decency to do that.
Interested to see the impact of this second assassination attempt on the election.

The rhetoric from the left really never slowed down after the first assassination attempt a couple months ago, which occurred days after Biden publicly talked about putting a “bullseye” on Trump.

Then this week, Harris absurdly calls Trump the largest threat to America since the Civil War, and gee whiz another (less dramatic) assassination attempt.

Until the last couple months it bad been what, 45 years since there was a high-profile attempted assassination attempt on a US politician? Reagan in ‘81…
Wait you are seriously arguing that Harris is engaging in dangerous rhetoric to "cause" these events? First of all, she has actual evidence to presume such and back up her claims; J6, Trump calling the guilty of J6 patriots, Trump's own words that he will use "his" DOJ to prosecute his adversaries, on and on.

Meanwhile, Trump is saying that our country is in hell and about to die (without him in charge of course), claiming weaponization of DOJ, FBI, etc, still claims an election was stolen from him. He also says there will be blood in the streets if he doesn't win. And you don't see that as threatening in any way when he has no evidence of any of his claims?

You have no credibility. It must get old and painful and shameful, defending the likes of a Manson, Putin, pick your own dictator or cult leader, for so many years. How do you do it?
Wait you are seriously arguing that Harris is engaging in dangerous rhetoric to "cause" these events? First of all, she has actial evidence to presume such; J6, Trump calling the guilty of J6 patriots, Trump's own words that he will use "his" DOJ to prosecute his adversaries, on and on.

Meanwhile, Trump is saying that our country is in hell, claiming weaponization of DOJ, FBI, etc, still claims an election was stolen from him. He also says there will be blood in the streets if he doesn't win. And you don't see that as threatening in any way when he has no evidence of any if his claims?

You have no credibility. It must get old and painful and shameful, defending the likes of a Manson, Putin, pick your own dictator or cult leader, for so many years. How do you do it?
I mean, today's GQP is the source of the shooters and their notion that these folks have military grade weapons is simply a "fact of life."
I used to play baseball. I was a pitcher and played shortstop when not on the mound. If HY came up to bat, I would put my best fastball right in his fucking ear. Just trying to move him off the plate.
You better hit your spot of the earhole where you’re aiming, because if it’s over the plate belt high, it’s gonna be a souvenir for someone in the right field bleachers :):)