Stock Market/Investing/Fin Planning Catch-All

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But we have been told countless times how great the economy is based on the stock market correct?

I mean... how many lower-middle class people wake up each day, grab their WSJ and head over to the stock reports?

At least you have a POTUS that is out in front of this and a nominee that has been taking daily questions from the media that are scripted and read from a teleprompter.....

Sorry.... I'm getting told that those statements are false....

Buckle up America... we are watching a crash and potential war in the Middle East.... let's see how this gets blamed on President Trump.
Weird take.
I'll sum it up in two words so it is easy for you to reply back with another one of your over the top essays on how the democrats are the only ones that really know how the economy works.


And that shows in the polls that so many of you on here are slap happy about. 70+% of America thinks that the economy will do better under President Trump.

It's the ones who keep telling people that they have money, their financial situations are great and they should listen to the MSM, talking heads and most of all the Democrat Party.

Ignore all the things you see and feel about the economy. If the Democrats tell you it is fine then you should accept it and continue to live pay check to pay check.

Now.... you were/are among the ones that have clamored about how good the economy is based on the stock market. If this holds up and sends us into a deeper recession what are you going to say?

And please do not blame this on President Trump. I somehow know you will find a way to spin it back to him.
1. Do you believe the economy would perform better with trump as president?
2. Why/How?
But we have been told countless times how great the economy is based on the stock market correct?

I mean... how many lower-middle class people wake up each day, grab their WSJ and head over to the stock reports?

At least you have a POTUS that is out in front of this and a nominee that has been taking daily questions from the media that are scripted and read from a teleprompter.....

Sorry.... I'm getting told that those statements are false....

Buckle up America... we are watching a crash and potential war in the Middle East.... let's see how this gets blamed on President Trump.
Just to be clear since I don’t really know you…..I’m not a Democrat and I think Biden/Harris are a disaster. So I’m not sure if your post was directed at me or not, but just wanted to mention that.
GTFO??? Wow... glad to see you have kept your internet bad ass persona going....

Your party has done nothing but claim how great of a job Joe Biden has done with the economy and how is policies brought America back.

He lies every single time he says "I created 17 million jobs..." That isn't close to being true. The people who were laid off during the pandemic came back to work when things opened up.

He is the fireman that starts the fire then claims hero status when he is first on the scene to put it out.

Biden could have kept the Keystone Pipeline going. Biden could have kept the border under Trump's plan. I know about the bipartisan bill that was rejected but why won't Democrats discuss the bill that has already passed the House and has been sitting on Schumer's desk for nearly two years?

Ahhhhh.... it doesn't offer amnesty.... got to have that voting block expansion am I right?

As far as Trump making the economy better, yes I do. Along with over 70% of the people who have been polled in the last week feel that Trump is better suited to fix the economy. Now I know y'all like to cherry pick polls that only support your side of the discussions but come on.... the economy is crap and has been for ordinary Americans. Biden and Harris have done nothing but make matters worse.

When should we expect to hear directly from her in an unscripted/non-teleprompter interview? I think her honeymoon phase is about over. When in front of the microphone we have seen for years how she does. And she is only 61!!!
You might want to get her age right if you ever hope to be taken seriously.
1. Do you believe the economy would perform better with trump as president?
2. Why/How?
(Disclaimer: im not saying anything you don’t know - just processing aloud.)

This is someone railing on this board as out-of-touch for cheering on an objectively strong economy (in context of … the entire world), and as one of those metrics, including the stock market. Data regarding working class wages outpacing inflation has repeatedly been posted. Data regarding the US’s remarkable mgmt of inflation, relative to peers, has been posted. Labor participation has ticked up. For years, if you want a job, a job was available, if you willing to go to it. Americans are traveling and vacationing on levels at and above pre-pandemic.

But, ttump rails on the economy, bc it benefits ttump to keep people angry. And angry ttump supporters will tell themselves, daily, that the economy SUCKS! bc ttump told them it sucks. And if he wins, and as he did during his first term, ttump will use the stock market as a metric for the “GREATEST ECONIMY IN THE HISTERY OF MAN WOMAN PERSONS!”, and callayeahs will believe it, bc it feels better to them for a philandering, criminal, racist (R) conman to occupy the oval than anyone with a (D) next to their name.

Ttump and his Theil’s will pick the working and middle class pockets to make it happen (just look like P2025), but consumer confidence or some such.
I have some company stock vesting this month. It would be beneficial to me, personally, if we had a little dip in the next couple of weeks right before my vesting date.
Ain’t nothing wrong with that!

August is annual bonus month at my company and I’m already looking forward to buying some discount equities.
Ok, so sell me on what Trump plans to do to make grocery store, restaurant, home prices go down to 2018 levels, without making us go in a recession or without unemployment going up.
He'll declare it's a great economy, that prices are down, wages are up, and they'll lap it up. Just don't mind the accelerated wealth gap, higher tax rate, nor the benzene in your water and air.
What we *really* need to get this economy booming again is for billionaires to pay less taxes, for families of four making $100,000 to pay more, and for old folks to get their lazy asses back into the workforce after we cut their Social Security and Medicare benefits!

and while we're at it, we spend to much on those darn VAs and Tricare!
and while we're at it, we spend to much on those darn VAs and Tricare!
P2025 calls for privatizing much of the VA's administrative functions and some clinic, despite the VA receiving high marks from vets and the VA consistently demonstrating as good, or better, clinical outcomes vs private hospitals. Veterans Health Administration (VA) vs. Non-VA Healthcare Quality: A Systematic Review - PubMed

I work in a hospital closely tied with a VA hospital (think Duke/Durham VA setup). The vets we see consistently report never paying a dime for their care, loving the fact they can get into the VA hospital relatively quickly, and get transferred to the more specialized hospital at a moments notice.
P2025 calls for privatizing much of the VA's administrative functions and some clinic, despite the VA receiving high marks from vets and the VA consistently demonstrating as good, or better, clinical outcomes vs private hospitals. Veterans Health Administration (VA) vs. Non-VA Healthcare Quality: A Systematic Review - PubMed

I work in a hospital closely tied with a VA hospital (think Duke/Durham VA setup). The vets we see consistently report never paying a dime for their care, loving the fact they can get into the VA hospital relatively quickly, and get transferred to the more specialized hospital at a moments notice.
I have visited more than one penniless dying Vet At the VA in Huntington , WVa. Odd thing to remember-but it struck me how kind and helpful the Staff was to us visitors right..

You are posting numbers from a global pandemic as if it is some sort of "gotcha.."

It's not.

Explain to me and the other 70% of Americans that have been polled why they trust Donald J. Trump more with the economy than they do Democrats?

The 30% of Democrats that blindly follow anything and everything the party feeds them will never leave. Look at this board as an example. The DNC must never be doubted or questioned.

Trump had a generational pandemic and didn't exactly handle it well. Biden comes in and tells the world HE CREATED 17+ million jobs. That is a lie. A huge one. And not many people called him out for it... well... everyone knows why.

President Trump will open up energy jobs, deport who needs to be deported, get rid of useless spending. And that does not include SS and Medicare no matter how many times you folks repeat it it's not true and never has been.

Again, outside of the 30% of Democrats that only care about the party affiliation America isn't real keen on Harris' economic plans. Oh... my bad... she hasn't told anyone what her plans are has she? Matter of fact, she hasn't done anything but read off of a teleprompter. She did make a few comments at the hostage return..... and we all heard how those went.

Hiding her like the Democrats did Biden in 2020 may be their best strategy.
Lolololol you are coping so hard and I love that for you! I tell you what, though. Judging by the polls that are starting to come out, it is going to be a really bad week to be a bottle of ketchup or a white wall at Mar-a-lago!
President Trump will open up energy jobs, deport who needs to be deported, get rid of useless spending. And that does not include SS and Medicare no matter how many times you folks repeat it it's not true and never has been.
President Trump will open up energy jobs - How? what? we're leading the world in this regard currently
deport who needs to be deported - this will make grocery, home building, construction prices soar
get rid of useless spending - no one wants the dept of education to get defunded, but if he wants to cut military spending then I'm all for it
Trump had a generational pandemic and didn't exactly handle it well.
That's putting it nicely. He botched it, plain and simple. The pandemic wasn't his fault, but his response was. We were lucky to have people like Fauci around to keep things from getting much worse. I don't want that guy in charge to face the next crisis.
I don’t want to delete a bunch of posts here but please keep it on topic and have the back and forth about Trump/politics in one of the many relevant threads about Trump and/or the election.