Summer Olympics

  • Thread starter Thread starter nycfan
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  1. I don't like Paris but they did great for these Olympics
  2. Athletes deserve better than cardboard beds. Make apartments and turn them into affordable housing or even homeless shelters (LA)
  3. Great Olympics with great finishes and moments
  4. Gymnastics judges still tarnish their sport every year
  5. Breaking shouldn't return. Even though the guys were impressive that was just way too random and forced. How about parkour?
  6. Kayak cross should be longer and should run every day because it's awesome
  7. How about a full whitewater raft team sport?
  8. Football should be removed from title 9 so we could have more sports in colleges
  9. Relays are the best
  10. Men's soccer either needs to do away with the age thing or just say it's not a serious Olympic sport. Countries barely care about it because it's just an amateur hour. I understand featuring the youth but the pros are in the other sports and so the quality is so much better
USA still has a chance to tie the gold medal count with some cycling event still going on. I have no idea what I'm watching and how it works lol

  1. I don't like Paris but they did great for these Olympics
  2. Athletes deserve better than cardboard beds. Make apartments and turn them into affordable housing or even homeless shelters (LA)
  3. Great Olympics with great finishes and moments
  4. Gymnastics judges still tarnish their sport every year
  5. Breaking shouldn't return. Even though the guys were impressive that was just way too random and forced. How about parkour?
  6. Kayak cross should be longer and should run every day because it's awesome
  7. How about a full whitewater raft team sport?
  8. Football should be removed from title 9 so we could have more sports in colleges
  9. Relays are the best
  10. Men's soccer either needs to do away with the age thing or just say it's not a serious Olympic sport. Countries barely care about it because it's just an amateur hour. I understand featuring the youth but the pros are in the other sports and so the quality is so much better
Mostly agree with your list. Question on number 8. I agree that football shouldn’t count towards Title IX but I’ve always assumed removing football would result in less sports for colleges like Duke and UNC. Can you talk me through your logic there?

I’m happy to have my mind changed but I always assumed the reason these colleges carry so many women’s sports is to be Title IX compliant; and if you took football out of Title IX the schools would be able to cut some of the unprofitable women’s sports.

  1. I don't like Paris but they did great for these Olympics
  2. Athletes deserve better than cardboard beds. Make apartments and turn them into affordable housing or even homeless shelters (LA)
  3. Great Olympics with great finishes and moments
  4. Gymnastics judges still tarnish their sport every year
  5. Breaking shouldn't return. Even though the guys were impressive that was just way too random and forced. How about parkour?
  6. Kayak cross should be longer and should run every day because it's awesome
  7. How about a full whitewater raft team sport?
  8. Football should be removed from title 9 so we could have more sports in colleges
  9. Relays are the best
  10. Men's soccer either needs to do away with the age thing or just say it's not a serious Olympic sport. Countries barely care about it because it's just an amateur hour. I understand featuring the youth but the pros are in the other sports and so the quality is so much better
Yes, men's soccer should just be removed. The best players on earth already play WAY too many games with all the international tournaments and how demanding the professional calendar is. There's no reason to have them play at the Olympics too. And there should not be any Olympic sports that are JV games.

Agree that breaking was stupid.

I really enjoyed these games and there was great competition across so many sports. No superhero like Usain Bolt but track ended up having a lot of super close finishes rather than one megastar who dusted everyone.
Mostly agree with your list. Question on number 8. I agree that football shouldn’t count towards Title IX but I’ve always assumed removing football would result in less sports for colleges like Duke and UNC. Can you talk me through your logic there?

I’m happy to have my mind changed but I always assumed the reason these colleges carry so many women’s sports is to be Title IX compliant; and if you took football out of Title IX the schools would be able to cut some of the unprofitable women’s sports.
You're probably right, sadly.

Removing football would not have schools add more men's sports to equal the women's. They would just cut a ton of women's sports. Tying football in is the only way to force anyone from offering women's sports at all. Which is interesting as suddenly everyone is really a champion of women's sports and they are SO important. Yet I am 100% sure if they had the chance, we would see institutions dissolve them all if they could.
You're probably right, sadly.

Removing football would not have schools add more men's sports to equal the women's. They would just cut a ton of women's sports. Tying football in is the only way to force anyone from offering women's sports at all. Which is interesting as suddenly everyone is really a champion of women's sports and they are SO important. Yet I am 100% sure if they had the chance, we would see institutions dissolve them all if they could.
yeah. The reason women's crew is such a common sport is it fields a large team (really the only thing even close to comparable to a football team). If you have a daughter put her in a boat early and she can earn a full ride scholarship if she has any athletic ability at all. Its frankly a bit crazy but its the inevitable result of title IX when football essentially pays the bills for the entire athletic department. Other than the crew team and their parents, does anybody really care or follow the sport?
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Mostly agree with your list. Question on number 8. I agree that football shouldn’t count towards Title IX but I’ve always assumed removing football would result in less sports for colleges like Duke and UNC. Can you talk me through your logic there?

I’m happy to have my mind changed but I always assumed the reason these colleges carry so many women’s sports is to be Title IX compliant; and if you took football out of Title IX the schools would be able to cut some of the unprofitable women’s sports.

You would have to mandate to keep enough women's scholarships as they currently have. But without that you are correct
yeah. the reason women's crew is such a common sport is it fields a large team (really the only thing even close to comparable to a football team) if you have a daughter put her in a boat early and she can earn a full ride scholarship it she has any athletic ability at all. its frankly a bit crazy but its the inevitable result of title IX when football essentially pays the bills for the entire athletic department. other than the crew team and their parents, does anybody really care or follow the sport?
Wisconsins Boat House
yeah, that's the exception that proves the rule. I go to Madison frequently. I meant more the ACC.
Gotcha I was just posting how big Rowing is some places . I spent 1972-76 in Madison -yea undergrad

  1. I don't like Paris but they did great for these Olympics
  2. Athletes deserve better than cardboard beds. Make apartments and turn them into affordable housing or even homeless shelters (LA)
  3. Great Olympics with great finishes and moments
  4. Gymnastics judges still tarnish their sport every year
  5. Breaking shouldn't return. Even though the guys were impressive that was just way too random and forced. How about parkour?
  6. Kayak cross should be longer and should run every day because it's awesome
  7. How about a full whitewater raft team sport?
  8. Football should be removed from title 9 so we could have more sports in colleges
  9. Relays are the best
  10. Men's soccer either needs to do away with the age thing or just say it's not a serious Olympic sport. Countries barely care about it because it's just an amateur hour. I understand featuring the youth but the pros are in the other sports and so the quality is so much better
Agree with most all of this except for 1/2 of number 1... Paris is way cool. Me likey. Been there 4 different times between 1985 and 2019...
These are the best women basketball players in the world? Why do they miss so many gimme put back shots that should be routine?
Yeah, Italy has been outstanding in these games. Apparently, they have the top women’s pro volleyball league in the world in Italy.
I’ve never understood why volleyball (women’s or men’s) isn’t more popular in the US. It’s a really fun sport to watch and play.