Trump at Nat’l Assoc. of Black Journalists (NABJ)

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So you are for socialized medicine?


In all honesty… not to pick a fight… I’m almost certain most of the posters on this site support Socialism but are afraid to admit it.

Enjoyed the talks today.

I’ll leave you guys to your daily GOP bashing!

"Not to pick a fight."

Proceeds to call the entire board socialists.

Grow up, dude.
I am going to give a little bit of unsolicited advice to our board Trumpers and Trumper lurkers who haven’t quite grown the testicular fortitude yet to wade in to the fray, from someone who is a former Republican and a former diehard conservative myself, and as someone who is completely out of my league intellectually from the vast majority of the regular posters in this community. You are not going to do very well here if you are going to try to peddle a bunch of bullshit to a bunch of people who are way too intelligent to not pick your weak, unsubstantiated, feelings-not-facts arguments apart. Nobody in this community dislikes you because you are conservative. Nobody in this community would have a problem if you wanted to debate the finer points and merits of classical conservative policy on taxation, immigration, foreign policy, spending, role of government, etc. but nobody in this community is going to let you peddle your bullshit unchecked, and if it makes you whine and cry and feel oppressed or censored or silenced or canceled by the big mean liberals, you should probably find another board because this one is going to make you very, very, very angry.
So you are for socialized medicine?


In all honesty… not to pick a fight… I’m almost certain most of the posters on this site support Socialism but are afraid to admit it.

Enjoyed the talks today.

I’ll leave you guys to your daily GOP bashing!


Oh please, please please tell us how we're secretly socialists. But remember, it's a pop quiz so no googling during class!
I mean, there are third party candidates or the option to NOT vote if you refuse to vote for a Democrat.

Also, Heelyeah2012 has, in fact, voted for Democratic candidates in the past. He's voted for Roy Cooper, and I believe he's voting for Josh Stein this go-round. But still refuses to turn away from Trump on three different occasions with three different candidates on the Democrat side?

So, the "won't vote for Democrats" doesn't actually apply to him.
Well, I also said rarely.

And the willingness to cross-party lines tends to manifest itself more at the state level than in federal elections. I am much more willing to vote for Republicans in California elections than federal elections. In fact, I don’t think I have ever voted for a Republican at the federal level. Does that make me in a cult, too?

Bill Barr is another Heelyeah type. He was very critical of Trump after the 2020 election and publicly advocated for anyone but Trump to win the primary. That said, he is so steeped in Republican dogma that he couldn’t vote for a democrat. And as Barr points out, third party voting is just throwing your vote away. So he has publicly said that he is supporting Trump. That doesn’t make him part of the Trump base.

Again, if we are going to define every Trump voter as the “base” then that word has lost all meaning.
There's probably a past version of PBO and people like him who'd kick his present-day ass for some of the stuff he now believes. Years of rationalization and accommodation and moving the goalposts (now completely outside the stadium cruising down South Road). Frog in the boiling pot kind of thing.

Or maybe he's always been a weirdo.
So you are for socialized medicine?


In all honesty… not to pick a fight… I’m almost certain most of the posters on this site support Socialism but are afraid to admit it.

Enjoyed the talks today.

I’ll leave you guys to your daily GOP bashing!


So you post bullshit and people respond to your bullshit with links, facts, and articles. Then you determine everybody here supports socialism but are afraid to admit it. And your response to everyone not immediately agreeing with the garbage you post is to whine about being ganged up on and “GOP bashing.”

The problem is that you believe bullshit, and when confronted with that fact you become defensive. And you wonder why no one takes you seriously?
Baiting MAGA into fully removing their white hoods 3 months before the election is just....chef's kiss.
Agree. But I’m afraid trump facilitated the white hood removal a long time ago. Before trump, Charlottesville 2017 would have been a white hood event. But now, with trump it’s red ball caps and no hoods in broad daylight.
So you post bullshit and people respond to your bullshit with links, facts, and articles. Then you determine everybody here supports socialism but are afraid to admit it. And your response to everyone not immediately agreeing with the garbage you post is to whine about being ganged up on and “GOP bashing.”

The problem is that you believe bullshit, and when confronted with that fact you become defensive. And you wonder why no one takes you seriously?
The “fuck your feelings, facts don’t care about your feelings!” crowd sure does have a lot of feelings about facts.
Well, I also said rarely.

And the willingness to cross-party lines tends to manifest itself more at the state level than in federal elections. I am much more willing to vote for Republicans in California elections than federal elections. In fact, I don’t think I have ever voted for a Republican at the federal level. Does that make me in a cult, too?

Bill Barr is another Heelyeah type. He was very critical of Trump after the 2020 election and publicly advocated for anyone but Trump to win the primary. That said, he is so steeped in Republican dogma that he couldn’t vote for a democrat. And as Barr points out, third party voting is just throwing your vote away. So he has publicly said that he is supporting Trump. That doesn’t make him part of the Trump base.

Again, if we are going to define every Trump voter as the “base” then that word has lost all meaning.

I mean, if there’s zero percent chance that they’ll vote for anyone other than Trump in November—and a 100% chance they’ll vote for Trump no matter how low he goes, no matter what he does, no matter how many laws and democratic norms he breaks—that’s pretty much his base.
In about 30 seconds I found two articles from 2016 describing Kamala Harris as biracial (Black and Indian) when she was running for the Senate.
How about our board GOPers give us a time when Kamala was referred to as being only Indian and I can go back further if necessary.
you do have to give a little bit of grace to the GOP crowd. they have a hard time holding 2 thoughts in their mind at the same time so its difficult for them to understand how she can be both indian and black.
This is the sort of drive-by shit posting we want to avoid on this forum.
Agree. When people said last week “I really want conservatives on this new board, I don’t want it to be an echo chamber” I get it. But all we seem to get are Maga Trumpers with their inane BS and no real, old school Republicans with some damn sense.

George Will was a Republican. But he changed to unaffiliated because of all the tea-party, Qanon, Maga crap. If we had some George Will type conservatives on the board making eloquent points and arguing honestly and intellectually, that would be grand.

But the so-called conservatives who’ve reared their ugly heads thus far on the board are to be shunned and ignored, there is no “there” there in their lame attempts at engagement.
In all honesty… not to pick a fight… I’m almost certain most of the posters on this site support Socialism but are afraid to admit it.

I support a mixture of socialism and capitalism.

So do you.

That's why my tax dollars help pay for a fire truck to come to your house when it's on fire (along with 1,000 similar exampbles of how my money benefits you and your family).

You want a fire department based on the principles of free market capitalism? Police department? Military? Roads and infrastructure? Please. Try to be serious.