I guess if Biden can claim to be Polish, Black, Italian, Greek, Puerto Rican, Jewish etc…. It’s perfectly OK for Harris to switch her heritage depending on the direction of the political winds.
The one hour special CNN did on her being Indian and her Indian heritage is a must see.
I mean in all honesty isn’t that the main platform of the Democrat Party? Identity politics?
That is a true statement and has been for decades.
Since the Civil Rights movement look at all the things the Democrats have done for minorities and how they have pulled them out of poverty, increased their education level and provided them with countless job opportunities across the entire employment spectrum.
Not to mention solving the inner city crime problem.
There's been some strong research, published in the Cambridge Press journal, that looked into the respective parties and their impacts on minority groups in America.
I'll share a bit here:
"To help answer these debates, we offer a simple, direct test that examines the correlation between party control and minority well-being.39 This test for race does exactly what Larry Bartels’s study did for class.40 We trace the well-being of racial and ethnic minorities over time using objective, empirical measures, and then compare the relative progress of these demographic groups under different partisan regimes. Specifically, we test to see whether blacks and other racial and ethnic minorities fare better on basic indicators of well-being like income, poverty, and unemployment when Democrats control the presidency or whether they do better under Republican administrations."
"To assess well-being, we focus first and foremost on basic measures of economic well-being: income, poverty, and unemployment."
"The pattern of results is clear. African Americans tend to experience substantial gains under Democratic presidents whereas they tend to incur significant losses or remain stagnant under Republicans. On every basic economic indicator t-tests show that gains under Democrats were significantly greater than gains under Republicans. In terms of income, black families gained on average $895 annually under Democrats but only managed $142 in annual income growth under Republicans. The difference in income growth of $754 is not only highly significant (p,.01), it is substantial. The pattern for poverty is even starker. Under Democratic presidents black poverty declined by an average of 2.41 points per year. In sharp contrast, black poverty actually grew under Republicans—by .15 points annually. Finally, the difference is most remarkable for unemployment. The black unemployment rate declined over a third of a point (.36)annually under Democratic presidents while it grew by over a third (.39) under Republicans."
"What is also impressive is the consistency of this partisan divergence over the last half century. As figure 1illustrates, over the different years and different administrations, there are relatively few exceptions to the basic partisan pattern. Generally speaking, in the years when Democrats were in office, black economic well-being improved. Black incomes grew in 77 percent of the years that Democrats held the presidency, black poverty declined in 88 percent of those years, and black unemployment fell in 71 percent of those years. In sharp contrast, blacks more often than not lost under Republican administrations. In fact, during the majority of years of Republican presidential leadership black poverty increased and black unemployment grew. Only in terms of income did blacks make annual gains more often than not under Republicans. The same consistent partisan divergence appears whether we focus on black well-being in isolation or instead on black well-being relative to white well-being. Put simply, however measured, blacks made consistent gains under Democratic presidents and suffered regular losses under Republicans."
"The overall pattern of results for Latinos mirrors what we saw earlier for blacks. Latinos appear to benefit from Democratic leadership and often suffer losses under Republicans. For Latinos, Democratic presidencies are associated with large annual gains in income, substantial declines in poverty, and real drops in unemployment. By contrast, under Republican administrations Latinos tend to lose income, become poorer, and experience greater unemployment. This is true whether we look at Latinos in isolation or whether we compare Latino gains and losses to those of whites."
I encourage you to read through the study. It's comprehensive enough without overwhelming the reader.