Trump "Press Conference" Game Thread

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Ask yourself a serious question. Would I be on this board if I enjoyed only reading opinions that will give me confirmation bias? Every time I log in I have 10+ notifications of you guys all being #madonline about me voting for Trump. I’m the opposite of someone who lives in a bubble/safe space/cocoon.
Don't even try that bullshit. It won't fly. You're not here for information. You're here for attention. I'm done giving you mine.
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The other issue could have been the sloppy/rushed set-up of the space. His lectern was flimsy and just had a MAL logo on it, like something they use for a business group renting the space for a retreat event. It wobbled terribly when he leaned on it.

There were four US flags behind him but no Trump/Vance campaign signs. And no one had provided a microphone for the assembled reporters — you couldn’t really make out what anyone was asking on the (apparently unedited) PBS feed I watched on YouTube. Maybe you could hear the rest of the room better on other feeds, I didn’t check; the PBS feed was focused on the lectern and actually opened with about 10 minutes of dead time before he arrived. I picked it b/c it was longer than the others and I thought might have more detail, but just had to fast forward to get to the actual start.

Anyway, it looked like the campaign staff either wasn’t involved or had the day off and someone told some resort staff to set up the space in a rush.
You are correct about the PBS feed. They don't edit anything. And they start recording - and don't end recording - well before, and well after events. And they don't have a bunch of talking heads stepping in either. It's like watching a CSPAN live feed on the floor of congress, only even more stark. That's what I like about PBS, they don't gloss over or "dress" up or put any kind of spin on anything, for the most part.
The other issue could have been the sloppy/rushed set-up of the space. His lectern was flimsy and just had a MAL logo on it, like something they use for a business group renting the space for a retreat event. It wobbled terribly when he leaned on it.

There were four US flags behind him but no Trump/Vance campaign signs. And no one had provided a microphone for the assembled reporters — you couldn’t really make out what anyone was asking on the (apparently unedited) PBS feed I watched on YouTube. Maybe you could hear the rest of the room better on other feeds, I didn’t check; the PBS feed was focused on the lectern and actually opened with about 10 minutes of dead time before he arrived. I picked it b/c it was longer than the others and I thought might have more detail, but just had to fast forward to get to the actual start.

Anyway, it looked like the campaign staff either wasn’t involved or had the day off and someone told some resort staff to set up the space in a rush.
I’ll bet there were some arguments among campaign staff trying in vain to prevent him from doing this. It was a shoddy production because he insisted on doing it now rather than well.
Look man, nobody cares if you vote for Romney, Bush, McCain, etc. None of those guys were ever deal breakers. Families and friendships weren't wrecked over whether someone voted for McCain vs. Obama. But when you vote for a man who tried to overthrow the government with a coup, and filed 70 failed lawsuits to overturn a free and fair election, it's simply not justifiable by your lame excuse that you support Republican policies more on a national level. Not to mention he's a felon and a rapist. Never in the history of this country have two major groups from the same party as a president aligned to prevent him from being re-elected. The Lincoln Project and Republicans for Harris should tell you all you need to know. And if you just can't bear to vote D on a national level, don't vote. It's still a bad option because everyone should actively try to prevent this man from having power again, but you can't vote for this man and call yourself an American. So I could give a rat's ass if we have everything in common and agree on everything non-political. I will never call anyone who votes for this man my friend.
Ignore him. You'll sleep better. Honestly, I try to put Trump on ignore, but that's impossible because the media keeps throwing his bile in our face 24-7 on TV on the radio and in print and online.
You either misunderstand "equity" or you are a complete asshole.

We've got 2 kids at our college. One is from a good family, upper middle class neighborhood, took a bunch of AP's in high school, and will certainly transfer to a top tier 4 year university once they receive their Associates Degree from us. The other is a former foster youth who is 1/2 step away from being an alcoholic on the street, or else being sex trafficked, or both.

"Equality" means we treat them equally in terms of resources (equal money, time, personnel, counselling, bookstore vouchers, etc)

"Equity" means we give more to the foster kid to try to give him/her the same fighting chance as the kid from the stable family.

If you're opposed to "equity" in that sense, you're nothing but a heartless bastard. I'm actually truly hoping that you simply misunderstand the term.
"You either misunderstand... or you are a complete asshole."
He's a complete asshole.
And all these "I don't put anyone on ignore" types can have at him. HY is a big time candidate for the "ignore" button
"You either misunderstand... or you are a complete asshole."
He's a complete asshole.
And all these "I don't put anyone on ignore" types can have at him. HY is a big time candidate for the "ignore" button
Have at it bud, put me on ignore. Wouldn’t want you to be exposed to even ONE person who has the opposite viewpoints on a political message board!
He's not using the Trump Vance thing on the podium. That's different to use the MarioLuigiGo logo
I'm the opposite. I will never give Donald Trump any power over my personal friendships.
It's actually not about giving "Donald Trump any power over my personal friendships" but it is ALL ABOUT how some of my personal friends have allowed Trump power over THEM. I will not countenance that, nor will I try to engage with those "friends" anymore in some sort of discussion or debate anymore. They have literally and figuratively drank every bit of the kool-aid. It gets us nowhere fast, and after 8 years of it, I'm the bigger fool if I continue down that path with them. It's a much better idea to ignore, block or otherwise avoid them until - hopefully - they awaken from the Rumpelstiltskin-type slumber!
It's actually not about giving "Donald Trump any power over my personal friendships" but it is ALL ABOUT how some of my personal friends have allowed Trump power over THEM. I will not countenance that, nor will I try to engage with those "friends" anymore in some sort of discussion or debate anymore. They have literally and figuratively drank every bit of the kool-aid. It gets us nowhere fast, and after 8 years of it, I'm the bigger fool if I continue down that path with them. It's a much better idea to ignore, block or otherwise avoid them until - hopefully - they awaken from the Rumpelstiltskin-type slumber!
I have a own brother....can't hardly see him for more than a half hour.
Son't even try that bullshit. It won't fly. You're not here for information. You're here for attention. I'm done giving you mine.
IGNORE HIM! He's been placated here long enough. He showed who he is long ago on the old ZZLP. I was notified by admin to IGNORE the trolls on this new site to allow for easier moderation. I'm trying to comply. HY2012 is at this point in time, on this site, a 100% troll looking for attention. He claims he has to vote for trump (again) not because he likes him as a candidate, but because he has to "Vote for" the policies - and platform - of trump and against the Dem policies on principle. BUT just look at what he is actually saying: He WANTS TO VOTE FOR Project 2025! Anyone who can say with a straight face they want to vote for trump because of the "policies" is trolling you. Ignore that shit.
IGNORE HIM! He's been placated here long enough. He showed who he is long ago on the old ZZLP. I was notified by admin to IGNORE the trolls on this new site to allow for easier moderation. I'm trying to comply. HY2012 is at this point in time, on this site, a 100% troll looking for attention. He claims he has to vote for trump (again) not because he likes him as a candidate, but because he has to "Vote for" the policies - and platform - of trump and against the Dem policies on principle. BUT just look at what he is actually saying: He WANTS TO VOTE FOR Project 2025! Anyone who can say with a straight face they want to vote for trump because of the "policies" is trolling you. Ignore that shit.
Thank you for being an ignore button missionary! It really does help.

page ignore GIF
Draining the swamp: major candidates to be cut significantly are FBI, IRS, ATF, Department of Ed, and I’m sure there are a ton of others. The bloat is just absurd and this is an area where I think Ramaswamy was really on the right track even if he sometimes went a little bit too far - I think he was talking about 75% reductions or similar and maybe that’s possible (idk), but certainly could trim some serious fat from all of these. All the money spent on paying the bureaucrats in the department of education should be rerouted to teachers on the front lines.

Merit: I agree that socioeconomic status should be what is considered for college admissions etc, and not race or gender. A lot of conservatives like me would support factoring in socioeconomic status because that is actually targeting the right people, whereas discriminating based on race goes against everything America is supposed to stand for.

Immigration: all I’ll add here is that the reason the bill was tanked was twofold. First, Trump wanted this to be an issue Biden had to explain during the campaign. In his view, after four years of Biden and Harris letting the border crisis rage, he wasn’t in the mood to throw them a lifeline and let them pass bipartisan legislation in an election year that would mitigate Biden/Harris’s #1 weakest area from their administration. That’s just politics but I admit that’s why Republicans like Trump were happy to punt this issue to 2025. The other reason is because that bill did have some compromise in it that Republicans don’t like (Ukraine support was tied together with illegal immigration bill, right?) and they feel like if Trump wins in November, they can get what they want on immigration through Trump executive order without having to make the concessions that were in the bill.

War: no boots on the ground, but the Afghanistan withdrawal was a total clusterfuck and the situations in Ukraine and Gaza are extremely concerning to everyone. The temperature overseas in terms of wars feels a lot less stable right now than it did under Trump.

Fair share: good stats on NATO defense spending. That seems to be moving in the right direction and it needs to. Other G7 countries at a minimum need to be paying their fair share.

Transgender: this is one we’ll just have to disagree on.

Energy: I put this one last because this is the one I’m probably least educated on so I’ll admit that. But as an example, we have an entire agency (see “drain the swamp” section above) called the Nuclear Regulatory Committee that is holding us back significantly on fully embracing nuclear energy at a time when America could be at the forefront of nuclear.

Appreciate the back and forth!

1. Do you seriously believe that the Republicans who want to cut the Department of Education have any intention of "rerouting that money to teachers on the front lines"? They don't. Your wife is a teacher, right? I know you care about teachers and think they're underpaid. There is only one party, at the state and national level, that champions paying teachers more. It isn't Republicans.

In terms of actually "cutting the fat," here is the Department of Education's most recent budget request.


Their total request for salaries and administration is $3.5 billion dollars, which is a tiny fraction of their total budget (running into the hundreds of billions). (And as you will note, about $2 billion of that $3.5 billion goes to salary and administration for student aid programs; who is going to do that if not the fat cat bureaucrats you suppose are hoovering up all our tax dollars for their own benefit?.) You could pull every dime that goes to those "bureaucrats" and you would accomplish absolutely nothing in terms of any "fat-cutting." Why don't you look through the document at where the money actually goes and see what you think about Vivek's batshit crazy (not "a little far") proposal to cut the department's budget by 75%?

2. On immigration - I mean you're admitting that Trump and the Republicans intentionally kept us from doing anything about the immigration problem for purely political reason. You have, right there, the perfect illustration of the dichotomy between the modern Republican party and the Democrats: The Republicans have no desire to fix anything at all because they want to campaign on all the problems. This has been illustrated over and over again. Yet you still think Republicans are the party to vote for if you want to "fix" the border? Leaving aside any policy disagreements you and I have about the border (and I promise they are many) why do you and other Republican voters keep credulously swallowing the Republicans' proclamations about being the party for border security when they so clearly have no intention of fixing the problem? It's exactly the same thing as health care/Obamacare - Republicans literally have no plan. They'll just have Trump issue some meaningless executive orders, hire more border patrol officers to murder a few more people trying to cross the border, and proclaim it's all fixed then as soon ass Dems are elected again they will talk about the CRISIS AT THE BORDER that has NOW AGAIN SUDDENLY HAPPENED! You're smarter than this. Come on.

3. As for foreign policy - correlation isn't causation man. You can't possibly believe that there was more relative peace during Trump's presidency because the dictators of the world - who Trump routinely praises as strong leaders he admires - were quaking in their boots at the thought of big, bad Trump. Trump is an isolationist; he doesn't want to project our strength in foreign countries, he wants to pull us back from the international stage and leave other countries to their own fate. There is a reason Putin has worked so hard over the last decade or so to have Trump in power. Why do you want Vladimir Putin to get what he wants - either in terms of who the US President is, or whatever countries he decides he wants to annex?
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