Trump Rallies & Interviews Catch-All | Trump - “just stop talking about that”

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New Mexico is interesting. I think he's there because he's worried about NV and AZ...and he wants to try to find something else in case he has a path
Feels very hail maryish

“… A lot of people say “sir, don’t go down in the gutter with her!” I said “well, how will people know she’s lying if I don’t say anything?”
New Mexico is interesting. I think he's there because he's worried about NV and AZ...and he wants to try to find something else in case he has a path
Feels very hail maryish
Either that, or he just needs some fresh faces to blather to. I think he's maxed out the Midwest over the past three years. His crowds have zero energy. I'm obviously not watching this, but does it appear as though the crowd gives a fuck? The recent rallies have felt like mandatory community service.
New Mexico is interesting. I think he's there because he's worried about NV and AZ...and he wants to try to find something else in case he has a path
Feels very hail maryish

I think he’s there because he needed to go somewhere he hasn’t hoping to draw a crowd. His crowds have been dwindling. But also he needs to do damage control from the MSG rally.

Context of insult is that he is saying some people crack under pressure and she is a “cracker”; more interesting from a projection perspective is that he thinks she is exhausted.

Speaking of projection …

It really is the inmates being lined up to run the asylum. Imagine if Marge "tell us you have daddy issues without telling us you have daddy issues" Greene becomes Secretary of Education? In seriousness, you know he'll get her in charge of some damned thing.
Well at least if Mark Robinson gets elected I bet Porn Hub will stop with the age verification thingy in NC. So annoying...

“New Mexico, look, don’t make me waste a whole damn half a day here,”

Yeah, don't make him waste half a day, he could be doing something productive in these crucial last hours of his campaign, like riding around in circles in a garbage truck on a tarmac...