Where do we go from here?

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I thought Bill Maher was a blowhard when I was balls deep in Republicanism, and I think he’s a blowhard now that I’m on other side. He’s not funny, not original, says little of substance, and panders in a way that would make many politicians blush.
By elite, I mean people in the 1%. I definitely don’t mean liberals, but there are a lot of liberals in that 1%.
What do you do with the liberals in that 1%? Seems like it would be kinda difficult to count them as allies when you're scorning the ultra rich as a class. Maybe you're not scorning them as a class (although maybe you are - are you?), but just in general how do you regard the financially elite (super elite) liberal class?
I'm also sick of it partly for the reasons you mentioned, but also for another reason: it's just so damned hypocritical. Liberals are told over and over that they need to "humble" themselves around conservatives, respect them at all times, listen quietly to what they have to say (and accept it as true), and not be so snooty or snobby or whatever. Yet conservatives are at least as arrogant, condescending, and self-righteous as liberals (and they're often in-your-face to boot), but not once have I read that conservatives need to listen to liberals, respect their views, or be "humble" around them. Respect is supposed to be a two-way street, but apparently not when it comes to Trumpers. They can yell and call liberals names and threaten them and pretty much act like assholes around them all they want, but if liberals even mildly respond in kind (such as Biden's garbage remark, which wasn't even aimed at all Trumpers) they lose their shit and meltdown and call liberals arrogant and elitist and blahblahblah. It's gotten really, really old.
This is why the premise of Maher’s monologue is so stupid. I feel comfortable saying that the average Republican voter is much more likely to use hostile language towards democrats than the other way around, but because Maher heard someone talk about calling Republicans dumb, democrats are somehow the ones that need to take a look in the mirror and reevaluate how they view the other side. That’s not even factoring in how many Republican politicians from the local/state level all the way up to Trump are outwardly aggressive towards democrats. They can cry me a fricking river if they get their feelings hurt when they’re on the receiving end of the vitriol.

To add to this: there is plenty of content out there poking fun at democrats for being extra “woke” or tone deaf that is actually funny. Maher does not contribute to that. Even when he’s making fun of conservatives his humor is terrible. No idea how anyone finds him funny.
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This is why the premise of Maher’s monologue is so stupid. I feel comfortable saying that the average Republican voter is much more likely to use hostile language towards democrats than the other way around, but because Maher heard someone talk about calling Republicans dumb, democrats are somehow the ones that need to take a look in the mirror and reevaluate how they view the other side. That’s not even factoring in how many Republican politicians from the local/state level all the way up to Trump are outwardly aggressive towards democrats. They can cry me a fricking river if they get their feelings hurt when they’re on the receiving end of the vitriol.
Everything they do is out of fear, hate, spite, ignorance, racism, bigotry and greed. Nothing they do is out of kindness, love, and equality for all. Yet, the Dems are supposed to try to find common ground with them. To find out what their supporters want and cater to them. Screw them.
Yeah, I do too. I think the difference b/w us is that I actually take things Maher says about libs to heart. I think the woke stuff is a loser politically, regardless of how I feel about it intellectually and morally. Quite a few of his criticisms of the left resonate with me. But it's pretty obvious that his far more vociferous criticisms of maga and Trump have not caused y'all to reconsider your opinion of it or him. Granted, you've given lip service to not "liking" Trump's style and language, blah blah blah, but Maher's substantive and scathing criticisms of Trump fall on deaf ears when you're watching. Your antennae quiver at the first hint of criticism of liberals in any regard, but when he turns to Trump, you tune out. Oh sure, you hear what he's saying, you may even nod and smirk, but it doesn't make any substantive impression on you. Again, you "like" Maher and think he "gets it" when he's criticizing the left. Everything else you just gloss over...
Actually, I think a lot of his humor against Trump and conservatives is funny as hell. I can laugh ay myself and my side, especially since hr’s fair about it.
I thought Bill Maher was a blowhard when I was balls deep in Republicanism, and I think he’s a blowhard now that I’m on other side. He’s not funny, not original, says little of substance, and panders in a way that would make many politicians blush.
How did you switch sides so effortlessly? Are you an opportunitist like Scarborough or Nicole Wallace? You know your new “friends “ will never accept or trust you. So you’re a man without a Country.
How did you switch sides so effortlessly? Are you an opportunitist like Scarborough or Nicole Wallace? You know your new “friends “ will never accept or trust you. So you’re a man without a Country.

How did I switch sides so effortlessly? Because I have immutable principles. I believe that character, honor, and decency are the most important qualifications any leader can possibly have above all else. Period, point blank, full stop. Without those three characteristics, nothing else matters to me. In my book, the Republican Party lost every bit of character, honor, and decency forever by enabling and supporting someone like Donald Trump over the last 8 years.

How did I switch sides so effortlessly? Because I have pride. There is nothing that I hate more than being lied to and to be treated like I am stupid. That is exactly what the Republican Party does every moment of every day. They lie about everything; nothing is too small or too trivial or too outlandishly ridiculous to lie about. Everything about the Republican party in its current state is a lie, and a damned bad lie at that. They treat their voters like they are the dumbest effing people on the planet, and their voters provide them correct over and over and over again. I have way too much pride for that.

How did I switch sides so effortlessly? Because the Republican Party completely abandoned every conservative ideal on which it claimed to stand. I'm a conservative. I believe in the rule of law. I believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution. I believe in free markets. I believe in limited regulation of business and commerce, but also that we should heavily regulate environmental and worker protections. I believe in having the strongest, most powerful military in the world. I believe in America's role in standing up to foreign dictators and thugs, and crushing them when necessary. I believe in America's role as a keeper of peace through strength. I believe in supporting our democratic friends and allies abroad. I believe in the power of our geopolitical alliances and I believe that we gain just as much from their friendship as they gain from ours. I believe in keeping the government as small as possible when it comes to ensuring individual freedom and personal liberty. I believe that diversity is what makes America truly great, and that we need *both* strong, secure borders AND a humane, fair, and efficient system of legal immigration to ensure that the best, brightest, and hardest working in the world can come to the United States and make their lives *and* ours better by contributing positively to our economy and our society. I believe that as the wealthiest country in the history of the world, we should do everything that we can to ensure that we provide a helping hand up (and not a helping hand *out*) to the less fortunate among us. I believe that every able-bodied soul should work. I believe in free speech, even and especially when I don't agree with the speaker. I believe in the constitutional right to own guns, but as a responsible gun owner myself, I believe that we should have robust restrictions and guidelines that ensure that the wrong people can't buy and own guns. Most importantly, I believe in human dignity. I couldn't care less whether you're white, Black, Latino, Asian, straight, gay, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, atheist, agnostic, rich, poor, etc. I don't see people as their race or their ethnicity or their gender or their sexual preference or their religion or their wealth. I just see them as my fellow Americans, and human beings worthy of respect, kindness, compassion, and generosity. The Republican Party has abandoned each and every single one of these conservative ideals over the last 8 years.

Am I an opportunist? You mean as a completely anonymous politics nerd with a totally made-up username who posts on a boutique political forum in one tiny corner of the internet, am I opportunistically seeking some sort of praise or recognition or gain? Uhhhhh....no? I think that's the easiest way to answer that asinine question.

Will my new friends ever accept me? You know, that's a good question, but I guess I'll just have to point to the fact that they accepted me just fine when I was a member of this forum community 8 years ago and openly discussed how I was voting for Donald Trump in 2016, and then again when I stuck by my man and defended him during the early part of his presidency even when I knew internally that I was having a lot of doubt about him, before finally starting to realize in 2019 what a terrible person he is, and then ultimately switching sides in 2020.

Am I man without a country? I don't even know what that means, but I reckon I've got a country. Last time I checked, I'm still here, still proud to be an American, still proud to love my country even when (especially when) my preferred presidential candidate doesn't win an election, and still looking forward to cheering on President Trump's success (and hoping that I have a lot of success to cheer and a lot of crow to eat).

Hope that helps.
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Ignorant? Yep in some corners for sure. But, let's remember Trump stole market share from the Democrats. How is it that Trump took some voters who obviously should be voting for the Democrat simply by saying "he was fighting for them." Or worse, there's a huge number of voters who should be voting for Democrats who stay at home.

For some voters, being offered help to get that first home just may not mean much because they know they will never get one unless its public housing.

Being offered tax credits? May not mean much for the lower income or even the younger crowd unless its refundable (and who understands what that means?). Besides, when you're talking tax credits, that's Greek anyway. You need a tax man for that.

You want to reach Hispanic voters. You better talk in depth about small business. You want to reach small town America? You better talk small business. That's all they have. When do Democrats ever talk about small business in a way that voters realize that Democrats are thinking hard about it?

If you are a struggling American with weak credit and you want to work in this country then you have a huge problem just getting a ride to a job. Your cost of transportation is at least 200% more then non-struggling Americans. Do Democrats ever talk about that?

The Democrats aren't offering help that can be understood by many at the lower end. Or talking about it in ways so that those voters know Democrats are fighting for them. But dang, they sure heard that Trump was fighting for them.
Actually, I think a lot of his humor against Trump and conservatives is funny as hell.
Problem is, it's not humor and it's not funny, nor was it ever intended to be. He's merely using humor to make a larger point that's not humorous at all. Just b/c you chuckle doesn't mean he's not making a serious point. The fact that all you derive from Maher's schtick is a chance to yuck it up says more about you than about Maher or what he's actually getting at, which, overwhelmed and smitten by the easy laugh, you clearly don't "get" at all..
Some post election polling data.

Lost in Translation: Swing Voters’ Misperceptions of Harris And Late Turn To Trump​

These voters—who remained open to persuasion until the very end—delivered not just a rejection of Harris but what they believed the Democratic Party stands for, absorbing right wing narratives.


  • Late Break for Trump: Swing voters broke for Trump 52% versus just 38% for Harris. Nearly half of swing voters who chose Trump made their decision in the final weeks, including 27% in the final days (15% in the last week, 12% on Election Day), suggesting they were genuinely up for grabs. This is substantially later than swing voters who broke for Harris—just 15% of whom decided in the last week or on Election Day.
  • Misaligned Democratic Brand: In the eyes of swing voters who chose Trump, Democrats were misaligned on their top policy priorities. These voters were more likely to view Democrats as “too focused on identity politics” (67%) and “not doing enough to address crime” (68%). 75% of swing voters who chose Trump said it is accurate that Democrats are “too focused on fighting Trump rather than bringing the country together.”
  • Perception Gap: Over 80% of swing voters who chose Trump believed Harris held positions she didn’t campaign on in 2024, including supporting taxpayer funding for transgender surgeries for undocumented immigrants (83%), mandatory electric vehicles by 2035 (82%), decriminalizing border crossings (77%), and defunding the police (72%).
  • Trust Crisis: Only 22% of swing voters who broke for Trump believed Harris prioritized “Americans like me” versus party activists—a stark contrast with the 80% who said Trump prioritizes “Americans like me” over party activists.
In the final days of the 2024 presidential election, one in four swing voters were still making up their minds. When they finally chose, they broke decisively for Donald Trump—delivering a deeply sobering message about Democratic Party misalignment on the high-salience issues of immigration and the economy and laying bare a Democratic brand problem.

Some post election polling data.

Lost in Translation: Swing Voters’ Misperceptions of Harris And Late Turn To Trump​

These voters—who remained open to persuasion until the very end—delivered not just a rejection of Harris but what they believed the Democratic Party stands for, absorbing right wing narratives.


  • Late Break for Trump: Swing voters broke for Trump 52% versus just 38% for Harris. Nearly half of swing voters who chose Trump made their decision in the final weeks, including 27% in the final days (15% in the last week, 12% on Election Day), suggesting they were genuinely up for grabs. This is substantially later than swing voters who broke for Harris—just 15% of whom decided in the last week or on Election Day.
  • Misaligned Democratic Brand: In the eyes of swing voters who chose Trump, Democrats were misaligned on their top policy priorities. These voters were more likely to view Democrats as “too focused on identity politics” (67%) and “not doing enough to address crime” (68%). 75% of swing voters who chose Trump said it is accurate that Democrats are “too focused on fighting Trump rather than bringing the country together.”
  • Perception Gap: Over 80% of swing voters who chose Trump believed Harris held positions she didn’t campaign on in 2024, including supporting taxpayer funding for transgender surgeries for undocumented immigrants (83%), mandatory electric vehicles by 2035 (82%), decriminalizing border crossings (77%), and defunding the police (72%).
  • Trust Crisis: Only 22% of swing voters who broke for Trump believed Harris prioritized “Americans like me” versus party activists—a stark contrast with the 80% who said Trump prioritizes “Americans like me” over party activists.
In the final days of the 2024 presidential election, one in four swing voters were still making up their minds. When they finally chose, they broke decisively for Donald Trump—delivering a deeply sobering message about Democratic Party misalignment on the high-salience issues of immigration and the economy and laying bare a Democratic brand problem.

Idiots. All I needed to see was the too focused on Trump to bring the country together crap. Too stupid to see through the lies from Trump and realize the threat he is to the country. It wouldn't have mattered what Harris and the Dems said. These people are just too ignorant to see reality.
Idiots. All I needed to see was the too focused on Trump to bring the country together crap. Too stupid to see through the lies from Trump and realize the threat he is to the country. It wouldn't have mattered what Harris and the Dems said. These people are just too ignorant to see reality.
What did you expect them to say ?

"In the end I just couldn't bring myself to vote for a black woman" ?
Idiots. All I needed to see was the too focused on Trump to bring the country together crap. Too stupid to see through the lies from Trump and realize the threat he is to the country. It wouldn't have mattered what Harris and the Dems said. These people are just too ignorant to see reality.
I sounded the sirens for months on here and tried to tell you guys that half the country (including moderates and swing voters) saw the prosecution of Trump as using the justice department to prosecute a political rival.

People here were appalled when I would explain to them I knew no details about the Trump trials because I had checked out from following them. While many on the left obsessed over every detail of the individual cases, they failed to see the forest for the trees there on what was actually going on - and most importantly, how swing voters perceived it.
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How did I switch sides so effortlessly? Because I have immutable principles. I believe that character, honor, and decency are the most important qualifications any leader can possibly have above all else. Period, point blank, full stop. Without those three characteristics, nothing else matters to me. In my book, the Republican Party lost every bit of character, honor, and decency forever by enabling and supporting someone like Donald Trump over the last 8 years.

How did I switch sides so effortlessly? Because I have pride. There is nothing that I hate more than being lied to and to be treated like I am stupid. That is exactly what the Republican Party does every moment of every day. They lie about everything; nothing is too small or too trivial or too outlandishly ridiculous to lie about. Everything about the Republican party in its current state is a lie, and a damned bad lie at that. They treat their voters like they are the dumbest effing people on the planet, and their voters provide them correct over and over and over again. I have way too much pride for that.

How did I switch sides so effortlessly? Because the Republican Party completely abandoned every conservative ideal on which it claimed to stand. I'm a conservative. I believe in the rule of law. I believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution. I believe in free markets. I believe in limited regulation of business and commerce, but also that we should heavily regulate environmental and worker protections. I believe in having the strongest, most powerful military in the world. I believe in America's role in standing up to foreign dictators and thugs, and crushing them when necessary. I believe in America's role as a keeper of peace through strength. I believe in supporting our democratic friends and allies abroad. I believe in the power of our geopolitical alliances and I believe that we gain just as much from their friendship as they gain from ours. I believe in keeping the government as small as possible when it comes to ensuring individual freedom and personal liberty. I believe that diversity is what makes America truly great, and that we need *both* strong, secure borders AND a humane, fair, and efficient system of legal immigration to ensure that the best, brightest, and hardest working in the world can come to the United States and make their lives *and* ours better by contributing positively to our economy and our society. I believe that as the wealthiest country in the history of the world, we should do everything that we can to ensure that we provide a helping hand up (and not a helping hand *out*) to the less fortunate among us. I believe that every able-bodied soul should work. I believe in free speech, even and especially when I don't agree with the speaker. I believe in the constitutional right to own guns, but as a responsible gun owner myself, I believe that we should have robust restrictions and guidelines that ensure that the wrong people can't buy and own guns. Most importantly, I believe in human dignity. I couldn't care less whether you're white, Black, Latino, Asian, straight, gay, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, atheist, agnostic, rich, poor, etc. I don't see people as their race or their ethnicity or their gender or their sexual preference or their religion or their wealth. I just see them as my fellow Americans, and human beings worthy of respect, kindness, compassion, and generosity. The Republican Party has abandoned each and every single one of these conservative ideals over the last 8 years.

Am I an opportunist? You mean as a completely anonymous politics nerd with a totally made-up username who posts on a boutique political forum in one tiny corner of the internet, am I opportunistically seeking some sort of praise or recognition or gain? Uhhhhh....no? I think that's the easiest way to answer that asinine question.

Will my new friends ever accept me? You know, that's a good question, but I guess I'll just have to point to the fact that they accepted me just fine when I was a member of this forum community 8 years ago and openly discussed how I was voting for Donald Trump in 2016, and then again when I stuck by my man and defended him during the early part of his presidency even when I knew internally that I was having a lot of doubt about him, before finally starting to realize in 2019 what a terrible person he is, and then ultimately switching sides in 2020.

Am I man without a country? I don't even know what that means, but I reckon I've got a country. Last time I checked, I'm still here, still proud to be an American, still proud to love my country even when (especially when) my preferred presidential candidate doesn't win an election, and still looking forward to cheering on President Trump's success (and hoping that I have a lot of success to cheer and a lot of crow to eat).

Hope that helps.
Thank you for posting this, CFordUNC. Perhaps I missed it, and I'm not sure you want to discuss it, but I'm wondering why you were drawn to Trump/the republicans in the first place?
I sounded the sirens for months on here and tried to tell you guys that half the country (including moderates and swing voters) saw the prosecution of Trump as using the justice department to prosecute a politics rival.

People here were appalled when I would explain to them I knew no details about the Trump trials because I had checked out from following them. While many on the left obsessed over every detail of the individual cases, they failed to see the forest for the trees there on what was actually going on - and most importantly, how swing voters perceived it.
And yet you didn't feel the same way about "Lock Her Up" and I'm pretty sure you won't feel the same way about how the next administration is going to go after anyone who hasn't been a Trump loyalist. It's really an amazing thing to watch what does and doesn't concern you as the self-anointed spokesperson for the average man.
And yet you didn't feel the same way about "Lock Her Up" and I'm pretty sure you won't feel the same way about how the next administration is going to go after anyone who hasn't been a Trump loyalist. It's really an amazing thing to watch what does and doesn't concern you as the self-anointed spokesperson for the average man.
I never claim to be the perfect average man, but I’m way closer to a political moderate/swing voter than 99% of people who post on here, based on the mere fact that so few here vote for any Republicans - while I routinely split my ticket and vote based on the candidate and not simply the party.

I’ve always said I’m center-right and not dead center. But I do bring a perspective to the board that could be valuable to people if they would take some of my posts as a differing perspective that comes from a place of good faith.

“In an interview, Mr. Gallego said the Democratic Party had failed to address the deep-seated anxiety that Latino men felt over rising prices, which left them unable to provide for their families no matter how much harder they worked.”

“‘You could use identity politics to connect, but you’ve got to deliver an economic message at the end,” Mr. Gallego said. “Right now, there’s these two warring camps, and they’re both wrong. You’re going to have to do both.’”
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How did I switch sides so effortlessly? Because I have immutable principles. I believe that character, honor, and decency are the most important qualifications any leader can possibly have above all else. Period, point blank, full stop. Without those three characteristics, nothing else matters to me. In my book, the Republican Party lost every bit of character, honor, and decency forever by enabling and supporting someone like Donald Trump over the last 8 years.

How did I switch sides so effortlessly? Because I have pride. There is nothing that I hate more than being lied to and to be treated like I am stupid. That is exactly what the Republican Party does every moment of every day. They lie about everything; nothing is too small or too trivial or too outlandishly ridiculous to lie about. Everything about the Republican party in its current state is a lie, and a damned bad lie at that. They treat their voters like they are the dumbest effing people on the planet, and their voters provide them correct over and over and over again. I have way too much pride for that.

How did I switch sides so effortlessly? Because the Republican Party completely abandoned every conservative ideal on which it claimed to stand. I'm a conservative. I believe in the rule of law. I believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution. I believe in free markets. I believe in limited regulation of business and commerce, but also that we should heavily regulate environmental and worker protections. I believe in having the strongest, most powerful military in the world. I believe in America's role in standing up to foreign dictators and thugs, and crushing them when necessary. I believe in America's role as a keeper of peace through strength. I believe in supporting our democratic friends and allies abroad. I believe in the power of our geopolitical alliances and I believe that we gain just as much from their friendship as they gain from ours. I believe in keeping the government as small as possible when it comes to ensuring individual freedom and personal liberty. I believe that diversity is what makes America truly great, and that we need *both* strong, secure borders AND a humane, fair, and efficient system of legal immigration to ensure that the best, brightest, and hardest working in the world can come to the United States and make their lives *and* ours better by contributing positively to our economy and our society. I believe that as the wealthiest country in the history of the world, we should do everything that we can to ensure that we provide a helping hand up (and not a helping hand *out*) to the less fortunate among us. I believe that every able-bodied soul should work. I believe in free speech, even and especially when I don't agree with the speaker. I believe in the constitutional right to own guns, but as a responsible gun owner myself, I believe that we should have robust restrictions and guidelines that ensure that the wrong people can't buy and own guns. Most importantly, I believe in human dignity. I couldn't care less whether you're white, Black, Latino, Asian, straight, gay, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, atheist, agnostic, rich, poor, etc. I don't see people as their race or their ethnicity or their gender or their sexual preference or their religion or their wealth. I just see them as my fellow Americans, and human beings worthy of respect, kindness, compassion, and generosity. The Republican Party has abandoned each and every single one of these conservative ideals over the last 8 years.

Am I an opportunist? You mean as a completely anonymous politics nerd with a totally made-up username who posts on a boutique political forum in one tiny corner of the internet, am I opportunistically seeking some sort of praise or recognition or gain? Uhhhhh....no? I think that's the easiest way to answer that asinine question.

Will my new friends ever accept me? You know, that's a good question, but I guess I'll just have to point to the fact that they accepted me just fine when I was a member of this forum community 8 years ago and openly discussed how I was voting for Donald Trump in 2016, and then again when I stuck by my man and defended him during the early part of his presidency even when I knew internally that I was having a lot of doubt about him, before finally starting to realize in 2019 what a terrible person he is, and then ultimately switching sides in 2020.ernment

Am I man without a country? I don't even know what that means, but I reckon I've got a country. Last time I checked, I'm still here, still proud to be an American, still proud to love my country even when (especially when) my preferred presidential candidate doesn't win an election, and still looking forward to cheering on President Trump's success (and hoping that I have a lot of success to cheer and a lot of crow to eat).
Problem is, it's not humor and it's not funny, nor was it ever intended to be. He's merely using humor to make a larger point that's not humorous at all. Just b/c you chuckle doesn't mean he's not making a serious point. The fact that all you derive from Maher's schtick is a chance to yuck it up says more about you than about Maher or what he's actually getting at, which, overwhelmed and smitten by the easy laugh, you clearly don't "get" at all..
Problem is, it's not humor and it's not funny, nor was it ever intended to be. He's merely using humor to make a larger point that's not humorous at all. Just b/c you chuckle doesn't mean he's not making a serious point. The fact that all you derive from Maher's schtick is a chance to yuck it up says more about you than about Maher or what he's actually getting at, which, overwhelmed and smitten by the easy laugh, you clearly don't "get" at all..

Problem is, it's not humor and it's not funny, nor was it ever intended to be. He's merely using humor to make a larger point that's not humorous at all. Just b/c you chuckle doesn't mean he's not making a serious point. The fact that all you derive from Maher's schtick is a chance to yuck it up says more about you than about Maher or what he's actually getting at, which, overwhelmed and smitten by the easy laugh, you clearly don't "get" at all..
Maher IS funny in a way modern, late night comedians are not. He pokes fun at both sides.
I sounded the sirens for months on here and tried to tell you guys that half the country (including moderates and swing voters) saw the prosecution of Trump as using the justice department to prosecute a politics rival.

People here were appalled when I would explain to them I knew no details about the Trump trials because I had checked out from following them. While many on the left obsessed over every detail of the individual cases, they failed to see the forest for the trees there on what was actually going on - and most importantly, how swing voters perceived it.
So true. So true. I consume a lot of MSNBC just to see what the other side is up too. It's hard to describe how much energy they put into covering lawfare. Show after show would have their legal panels on to breathlessly discuss the lawsuits (civil and criminal) against Trump, analyzing each and every aspect of the cases with the end game of Trump being frog marched out of Mar Lago in an orange jumpsuit. Their audience obviously ate it up. Now, it's all gone. Their dream is dead and the public at large didn't buy it.