ZZLP impact on IC?

Yeah I agree that that’s probably how it all played out, and the ZZLP was getting pretty messy. Still though, how much effort did it really take to moderate that board? And if you’re going to get rid of ZZLP, it seems inevitable that ZZL will be gone too. With their zero tolerance policy they’re going to have to spend even more time than before curbing the political discussion.
I don't think the effort was moderating the board, it was dealing with the fallout of the moderation. And despite the popular cry amongst the aggrieved, Snoop (and it was always Snoop who got blamed for decisions that were unanimously agreed on between the three of them) did not have carte blanche to ban at will. They had hoops they had to jump through to avoid conflicts escalating and despite that conflicts kept escalating. it's hard to win a battle of perception, especially when one side is willing to forgo reality.
I don't think the effort was moderating the board, it was dealing with the fallout of the moderation. And despite the popular cry amongst the aggrieved, Snoop (and it was always Snoop who got blamed for decisions that were unanimously agreed on between the three of them) did not have carte blanche to ban at will. They had hoops they had to jump through to avoid conflicts escalating and despite that conflicts kept escalating. it's hard to win a battle of perception, especially when one side is willing to forgo reality.
So basically too many people were taking an anonymous Internet forum way too seriously.
There is a poster that I think is still active on TP premium that used the "R" word a few years back on multiple threads. I reported him and nothing was ever done. Ben's response (slightly paraphrased was "I understand why that's offensive. Hopefully we can get a profanity filter someday"
fwiw it's something I ban on sight for. I just don't always see it.
fwiw it's something I ban on sight for. I just don't always see it.
It kind of pissed me off that Ben did nothing about it. I still have the screenshots in my PMs. I reported the same poster about a year later for a bunch of homophobic attacks and never got any reply.
So basically too many people were taking an anonymous Internet forum way too seriously.
Tends to happen to anything Internet related. It's just in this case taking it too seriously pulls people away from other jobs such as sending reporters to basketball tourneys, or trying to get someone to speak on record or confirm a scoop etc. I mean it's part of the job, but it's not a fun part of the job, especially when you have to weigh in on something you didn't know existed 2 minutes before. As I have said on here a few times already, much of what burnt me out from ZZL moderation in the era before the board split was trying to keep things off the desk of people who had bigger things to worry about. The stress and pressure of that wore me down after a while, and that was largely in a pre-Trump, pre-covid, pre-100m dash to fascism from the GOP, world.
Is there any? Just from my perspective, after I did my normal morning routine of checking on bees, goats and dogs and come here. I haven't been to IC more than twice in the past month. Just wondering if our absence has even registered a blip.
Well, I cancelled my membership so that’s one less person hanging around.
My time on IC is probably down 95%. Granted, we're currently in the sports dead-zone, but my fervor for college sports has cooled significantly the last few years. With young kids now, I just don't have the room anymore for passionate fandom.

And for football, if we couldn't win anything in 5 years with Howell and Maye, who gives a shit?
Agreed. I used to block off the 3-4 hours every Saturday to watch the Heels. Not any more. And I'll watch a top-10 SEC or Big Whatever game over a Heels game that's on at the same time.
It seems to me that in a broad sense the fundamental flaw in IC's dealing with this stuff is the failure to articulate what is meant by "political,"
There are lots of issues where folks "on both sides" might disagree about the merits of an argument, But in this historic moment we also have the fundamental fact that there are LOTS of statements that are simply untrue, The winner of the 2020 election is not really a "political" issue. Nor is the reality of COVID or the efficacy of vaccines. And there are a host of facts about the economy that can be measured and discussed.
But IC essentially decided that the "side" that believes things that are simply untrue constitute one half of a political divide. That defies reason. But it is good capitalism I suppose
Honestly, I had already reduced my presence on the BB boards because of the BS on the portal threads, the negativity about recruiting, and the negativity toward coach and players.

Also, the board not rendering correctly in edge browser is a pain.

I still check in, but my posting is down 95%
Same here. The IC free basketball board has become a cesspool of negativity and bad vibes since the pandemic, and especially since Coach Davis was hired. Even when we win a game there are still a good number of negative posts about how the team played, attacks on individual players, and grumbling that Coach Davis didn't do this or that, even though we won. I was surprised when during our Final Four run a couple of years ago there were still a significant number of posts about how it was just a fluke, that the season was still a failure because we lost, and on and on. It definitely seems as if there is a fairly large pool of regular posters who simply hate Coach Davis and won't be satisfied until he's gone, and who constantly post "gloom and doom" posts no matter how the team is actually doing. I don't post or even read the board nearly as often as I used to.
If they allowed political threads and moderated them, they'd end up having to ban a good chunk of their paid subscribers, and if Kamala wins they'd probably just have to just shut down the Tar Pit.

I can see why they made the decision. In retrospect I'm super glad they did, because this new site is better an a lot of ways.
So, you're saying that the tar pit will shut down in November, gotcha.
Same here. The IC free basketball board has become a cesspool of negativity and bad vibes since the pandemic, and especially since Coach Davis was hired. Even when we win a game there are still a good number of negative posts about how the team played, attacks on individual players, and grumbling that Coach Davis didn't do this or that, even though we won. I was surprised when during our Final Four run a couple of years ago there were still a significant number of posts about how it was just a fluke, that the season was still a failure because we lost, and on and on. It definitely seems as if there is a fairly large pool of regular posters who simply hate Coach Davis and won't be satisfied until he's gone, and who constantly post "gloom and doom" posts no matter how the team is actually doing. I don't post or even read the board nearly as often as I used to.
The bball boards sucks ass.
What will your life be like without Paramount +?

Seriously, I do like Paramount+ and I have some weird emotional attachment to IC.
My family doesn’t ever really use it tbh.

But, it’s $60/yr if we ever decide to renew.

I spent very little time following the basketball or football boards. The sports don’t have the same appeal they did for me years ago.
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