ZZLP impact on IC?

It is so funny, though, that all of the MAGAs and Trumpers came scurrying over to the ZZLP- many/most of them for the first time ever- to spike the football and taunt the libs for the ~2 weeks or so where it appeared, post-debate, where Trump was going to cruise to a victory. Now that the tide is completely reversed and we are watching Trump completely unravel in real time and heading straight for an asskicking in November, they're nowhere to be found. Sad!
Morning of Nov. 6th I’m picturing CFord running all around Alabama spiking footballs on car hoods and Klan hoods statewide.
Yep. Speaking for myself personally, both as someone who has always been a “Carolina football first” fan and also as a former UNC Football letterman, our completely wasting the two greatest quarterbacks in school history back to back has just completely taken the wind out of my sails. It’s hard to muster much enthusiasm after that, and then when you factor in the schedule is just a complete joke this year, it’s really hard to get too amped up. I will obviously watch every game but my level of give a damn is, unfortunately right now, more diminished than ever before. I’m just not sure that the university has the actual appetite or desire to try to be really, really good in football- but I was also a part of the Butch Davis era where the university threw the whole football program under the bus in a way that I do not believe would have happened had the basketball program been the object of an NCAA investigation (and to be very clear, I love Carolina basketball- I’m not saying anything negative about the program itself. Just that I do not believe that the football program has ever had or will ever have the same administrative support from the university).
You were a football letterman?
The zzl used to pay me $0.03 per word I posted per every 2.0 replies said post received. A quoted post had a bonus of a fraction of a dime per quoted in another ider's post, but with a x0.25 compound rate, so the pay here could quickly escalate.

A magnifier of 0.03x was placed on all quotations happening withing the hour of when I first posted, thus you'd see a remarked increase in traffic during midday weekdays.

I was also paid specifically to post during nominal high traffic periods such as 10 to 1800 est on weekdays, and a 1.25 pay rate to post in evening times, est. Bonuses were offered (x0.5 rate per word) for any after hours traffic (post 2200, est) I could generate with 1k+ clicks.

Naturally, business was very good and very easy.

Then they got cheap on me. That was Hammond's mistake.
It's pretty clearly not a huge fraud.

You may have a legitimate gripe about it, but talking like that is just going to erode your credibility with anyone who can tell shit from shinola.

Put another way, IC pays Sherrell McMillan's salary, and that dude is awesome, and so are other individuals associated with the site.
Not saying the dont have a couple of decent reporters altho they say what they are approved to say. I said IC is a fraud and you surely wouldnt support them if you knew what I know. Its all public record if you are samet enough to find it, but they have hid it really well and have greatly profited off of frauding the cult following.
Not saying the dont have a couple of decent reporters altho they say what they are approved to say. I said IC is a fraud and you surely wouldnt support them if you knew what I know. Its all public record if you are samet enough to find it, but they have hid it really well and have greatly profited off of frauding the cult following.
So what exactly is the fraud?
Not saying the dont have a couple of decent reporters altho they say what they are approved to say. I said IC is a fraud and you surely wouldnt support them if you knew what I know. Its all public record if you are samet enough to find it, but they have hid it really well and have greatly profited off of frauding the cult following.
Why not tell us what you know?
Not saying the dont have a couple of decent reporters altho they say what they are approved to say. I said IC is a fraud and you surely wouldnt support them if you knew what I know. Its all public record if you are samet enough to find it, but they have hid it really well and have greatly profited off of frauding the cult following.

If it's public record, then link it.
I’m certainly not going to pile on IC. More than 25 years ago, when I was looking for a good website to get info on UNC basketball recruiting, I found Ben’s UNCBasketball.com. I eventually found my way to the message boards linked from the site— ACCBoards.com— and enjoyed discussing college hoops and other topics with other UNC fans.

Then UNCBasketball.com went over to IC. I could get news on all UNC sports over there and could discuss UNC basketball, football, and other topics with fellow UNC fans. I really, really appreciate all the work Ben and staff have put into the site over the years. I enjoyed having a place to get my scoops and to discuss the things I’m interested in with others who share my interests.

Things have changed and that will impact the time I spend on IC. I used to really enjoy following basketball recruiting. But recruiting has changed drastically. I already started losing interest during the OAD era, particularly when it became normal for players who weren’t even ranked among the top 25 and/or who weren’t even all-conference caliber players to expect to be OAD. Now, with NIL, recruiting just isn’t very interesting at all. Following recruiting is just seeing who the highest bidders are. And the portal just makes it too much to keep up with. As such, I don’t spend nearly as much time on the site during the off-season as I used to.

I’m also not going to lie; some of the folks who post on the sports boards are insufferable. Just extremely negative people. But there is also some good discussion and I love talking about the games and season as it’s happening.
I canceled my premium account, checked back once before it expired, saw basketball recruiting was going poorly per Sherell and football was pumping up Des Evans again lol so i knew they weren’t going to be neutral arbiter of facts and promptly left
I kinda get tired of the endless headlines on recruits that read something to the effect of “Josh Killibrew says UNC ‘has that family feeling’” or “UNC ‘right up there’ with 3 star Vinny Turnbull.” I know every story can’t be a blockbuster scoop and in fact most aren’t and never will be, but the boilerplate “right up there,” etc., quotes in the headline just bug me for some reason. Not sure there’s anything to be done about it but it still bugs me..
Yeah the whole move was curious. Talk about how "this is a sports board" was disingenuous, as what IC is before all else is an advertising platform for its owners to make money on. And such boards make money by generating views. If you intentionally kick off a large percentage of your viewers, you're shooting yourself in the foot. I'm kinda surprised CBS (or whoever the parent company is) didn't step in a squash this stupid move.

(With that said, I'm glad the advertisers haven't discovered us here yet.)
I kinda get tired of the endless headlines on recruits that read something to the effect of “Josh Killibrew says UNC ‘has that family feeling’” or “UNC ‘right up there’ with 3 star Vinny Turnbull.” I know every story can’t be a blockbuster scoop and in fact most aren’t and never will be, but the boilerplate “right up there,” etc., quotes in the headline just bug me for some reason. Not sure there’s anything to be done about it but it still bugs me..
This isn’t IC’a fault, but after reading numerous interviews with players and recruits over the years, I’ve found they all are essentially the same. They could all pretty much be cut and pasted. Again, that’s not IC’s fault, it’s just the way players and recruits answer questions. It’s like they learn from one another exactly what to say. And it’s all just pretty generic.

When an interview with a player is published, some posters will say, “Everybody needs to read that interview.” Then I read it, and that player is just saying the exact same generic things that just about every player seems to say when they’re interviewed.
This isn’t IC’a fault, but after reading numerous interviews with players and recruits over the years, I’ve found they all are essentially the same. They could all pretty much be cut and pasted. Again, that’s not IC’s fault, it’s just the way players and recruits answer questions. It’s like they learn from one another exactly what to say. And it’s all just pretty generic.

When an interview with a player is published, some posters will say, “Everybody needs to read that interview.” Then I read it, and that player is just saying the exact same generic things that just about every player seems to say when they’re interviewed.
So the obvious question is what value is "recruiting news?" When it is time to play the games, I just pull for the guys in the UNC uniforms. I realize recruiting is the lifeblood of college sports, but I'll be damned if I'm going to follow the ups and downs of some 16 year old's whims.
So the obvious question is what value is "recruiting news?" When it is time to play the games, I just pull for the guys in the UNC uniforms. I realize recruiting is the lifeblood of college sports, but I'll be damned if I'm going to follow the ups and downs of some 16 year old's whims.
I’ve lost interest in almost all things that happen before and after the actual games.
IC gets good info, often gets it before it's publicly available. However, that info is rarely available more than 24 hours before public announcements.

I won't be dropping my premium subscriptions. I still like the sports boards. If they lose the paramount subscription benefit, that might cause me to rethink things.

Plus the jury is still out on this place, it's going to need an influx of new blood.