“Black peoples jobs”

I understand it helps the overall economy in a way. But I’m just talking about construction industry. Many work their way up starting with just a high school diploma to making it to a management position. These are the guys I’m talking about. They don’t have a two or four year degree to use in another career that’s not a dead end job. Construction is an opportunity for that type of person to make a really good living that they wouldn’t have chance to in any other industry like construction does. With poor entry level pay and higher cost of living it’s just not viable for a lot of people like it use to be.

I tend to agree with everything said in this article. Mainly that illegal immigration helps the overall economy but in a way that helps the employers get richer and makes life harder for low skilled workers already here.
I'm not fully following your position.

I am of the opinion that we need comprehensive immigration reform. I'm also of the opinion that the wage gap needs to shrink and we need labor rules that will help the middle class. We need to stop watching the richest of the rich get more and more and more while the average worker is struggling to live.

I know there is some overlap in the Vinn Diagram of these two, but they are not completely dependent.

I have to ask, which policies offered by the two presidential candidates do you believe would best support the construction worker and allow them to make enough to live with dignity?
Paying workers cash to avoid paying taxes and other benefits is illegal. Only the workers seem to get punished for it while the employers get all the benefit. The powerful don’t want these folks to come out of the shadows. There is the side benefit of using these vulnerable folks as political pawns to stoke fear and racism.
Without creating means to help those folks who have to rely on such work, we should not make it harder for them to obtain such positions. Surely you can agree with that.
I'm not fully following your position.

I am of the opinion that we need comprehensive immigration reform. I'm also of the opinion that the wage gap needs to shrink and we need labor rules that will help the middle class. We need to stop watching the richest of the rich get more and more and more while the average worker is struggling to live.

I know there is some overlap in the Vinn Diagram of these two, but they are not completely dependent.

I have to ask, which policies offered by the two presidential candidates do you believe would best support the construction worker and allow them to make enough to live with dignity?

I'm not fully following your position.

I am of the opinion that we need comprehensive immigration reform. I'm also of the opinion that the wage gap needs to shrink and we need labor rules that will help the middle class. We need to stop watching the richest of the rich get more and more and more while the average worker is struggling to live.

I know there is some overlap in the Vinn Diagram of these two, but they are not completely dependent.

I have to ask, which policies offered by the two presidential candidates do you believe would best support the construction worker and allow them to make enough to live with dignity?
I’m not anti immigration. What I’d prefer is a strong southern border and once that is established resources go into promoting legal immigration, fast legal immigration. Make it make sense. If you have nothing to hide and will tell us who you are come on in. That’s my belief and stance.
I’m not anti immigration. What I’d prefer is a strong southern border and once that is established resources go into promoting legal immigration, fast legal immigration. Make it make sense. If you have nothing to hide and will tell us who you are come on in. That’s my belief and stance.

What makes you think the border is weak?
I’ve crossed it. Crossing a boarder is not a big deal

How do you define a strong border
A weak border endangers lives of so many. I doubt you’ve lost a family member to the hands of an illegal or know illegals can die on big construction sites and it be covered up. Not only that but the sex trafficking and child sex trafficking that happens at the border. It’s a big deal.
A weak border endangers lives of so many. I doubt you’ve lost a family member to the hands of an illegal or know illegals can die on big construction sites and it be covered up. Not only that but the sex trafficking and child sex trafficking that happens at the border. It’s a big deal.


Turk Took GIF
A weak border endangers lives of so many. I doubt you’ve lost a family member to the hands of an illegal or know illegals can die on big construction sites and it be covered up. Not only that but the sex trafficking and child sex trafficking that happens at the border. It’s a big deal.
I live on the border.
A weak border endangers lives of so many. I doubt you’ve lost a family member to the hands of an illegal or know illegals can die on big construction sites and it be covered up. Not only that but the sex trafficking and child sex trafficking that happens at the border. It’s a big deal.

Do illegals murder, rape, steal and sex traffic more than other groups?
Do illegals murder, rape, steal and sex traffic more than other groups?
Don’t know the exact rate do we? Do know it adds more crime in the country. I also know my uncle was left brain dead in a ditch by an illegal Spiel.
Give them a green card. That doesn’t solve the problem of the tax cheats, wage theft, or worse. Not like suddenly employers will be giving them a 1099 if you don’t enforce penalties against them.
It still takes time to apply/obtain a work permit. Now, if you are talking about something like an "emergency" work permit that allows them to work immediately then I'm with ya.