“Eat the Rich” memes spread, but is it a political movement?

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Multi culturalism is more difficult to manage / satisfy people's concerns and needs. It erodes national unity. Happiest countries - Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden - All comparatively lacking in diversity. A single culture is easier to manage from a g'ment perspective. We might be the most difficult. We are like a 10 member church committee trying to pick the next most important project or a paint color.
True that multiculturalism presents social complexities. But, we have to keep trying... there's no choice.
Multi culturalism is more difficult to manage / satisfy people's concerns and needs. It erodes national unity. Happiest countries - Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden - All comparatively lacking in diversity. A single culture is easier to manage from a g'ment perspective. We might be the most difficult. We are like a 10 member church committee trying to pick the next most important project or a paint color.
Which cultures are causing the problems?
Not sure that I consider tobacco and alcohol taxes regressive. The heavier the user, the more demands they are going to make on the system in terms of health care, accidents, etc. Why shouldn't they be paying extra?
Plus, one has a choice to pay those taxes.
Then it needs to quit focusing on culture wars and dei and get in the game because right now the American people only see one viable party and it isn't the left. I question if you can leave that behind. You guys just don't seem to get it. Voters are tired of they / them and just want to deal with everyday issues that affect their spending power and providing for their family. Woke is out. I think that makes the left mad though and the mindset is we won't let it be out.
Listening to you one would think that trump surely achieved over 50% of the voters voting for him and had to have recieved 10-12 million more votes than his competition.

Yet he didn't. The numbers just don't seem to support that there is only one party or anything else you've proposed.

The guy barely won the popular vote and didn't hit 50% of the actual votes.
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Farmers have been getting bailed out for decades. That's hardly new or limited to one party. I did vote for the candidate whose economic policies will result in less g'ment spending. DOGE for the win.
At least you hope that.

Can you tell us how you know which policy trump is actually going to try and implement vs the ones you are convinced he's only lying about?
It wasn’t too long ago that a large percentage of chip manufacturing took place in the United States. That number has declined from about 37% of chips sold globally in 1990 to 12% in 2019. The original offshoring of these jobs took place under neoliberalism, which I think you’re a proponent of if I remember your past posts correctly.

Your second bullet point is the most important. Direct economic incentive is what drives this industry. Obviously, legislation must be passed in order for these changes to take place. This is a modern country with a fairly modern economy.

The most famous examples of left wing populists in the U.S. are AOC and Bernie Sanders. Do you think people of this ilk would not support legislation that reshores certain domestic industries? That’s kind of their whole brand, so that would be weird if they didn’t.

I’m not a policy expert, but I know that there are a plethora of ways to spur domestic chip manufacturing that don’t involve no-strings-attached giveaways to companies that were already massively profitable and still spending large portions of their money on stock buybacks and executive salary packages.

A populist movement would force these industries to invest in America and Americans. If you think it’s Lenin on one side and Hitler on the other with no daylight in between when it comes to populism, I really don’t know what to tell you.
I’m curious.

What level of protectionist policy should the US enact?

With enough protectionism, we’d still have textile and shoe manufacturing in the US.
It's not unpopular with me. I'm just as scared of ultra left devotees as I am those who are ultra right...and im utterly terrified of the ultra right.
Speaking of ultra left, what's up with Antifa, the great bogeyman of the right? I never quite figured out what Antifa is, or how well 'subscribed' it is. Does it still exist?
Nah, I can’t imagine that. Che was a singular figure. That’s why I think the path for the American left is firmly rooted in the history of American left-wing populism from Tom Paine to Jefferson to FDR to Sanders.
That slave-owning, rapist, sexual abuser, yeoman farmer promoting Thomas Jefferson is a left-wing populist?
Ah, so the war on Christmas continues, eh?

Nation’s Oppressed Christians Huddle Underground To Light Single Shriveled Christmas Shrub​

You mean the way Republican right wing extremists used the debt ceiling as a weapon against Democrats who were actually trying to govern? Are those the kind of games you’re referring to?
One is a negotiating style. The other is playing political games.
Speaking of ultra left, what's up with Antifa, the great bogeyman of the right? I never quite figured out what Antifa is, or how well 'subscribed' it is. Does it still exist?
I found it interesting that Antifa = anti-fascist, but so many who were against Antifa claimed to not be pro-fascist.