I do want conservatives on here

This didn't come from 247. It was an internal decision based on increasing incidents and diminishing patience for dealing with issues that were not core to the business. If you are stretched thin between covering the spring football game, basketball post season, the start of baseball and the new world of the transfer portal free for all - the last thing you want to deal with is some subscriber pissed that someone they loathe on an off-topic board was able to get in three insults before a lock when they only got two in.

For well over a decade I did my best to keep things from getting to that level, but the board and the subscriber base was smaller then. The 247 $1 signup blitz have swelled the numbers and that includes people who feel as subscribers they should set the rules. It's been bad enough on the sports boards where each loss seems to set off a race of who can be more performatively angry about a sports ball game not going their way. We get push back on that too. You would think a 24 hour ban from posting for player attacks or spamming negativity or something was the start of a Balkan blood feud with how some people overreact in their angry missives to Ben. Now apply that to someone demanding their money back because they were not allowed to call Michelle Obama a man and you can see how the situation built to where it was.

I have doubts that keeping politics off of all facets of the site will go smoothly, but that's a me problem, not a community problem. i think THIS site goes a long way in helping that. Those who post in good faith and might trouble finding the line in a regular ZZL or sports board environment will just come here and post it. it's those who are seeking to try to hold our own rules against us and try to redraw the lines that will be the problem. They will also be the ones who holler the loudest when we push back. I don't look forward to that.
Thanks for the explanation. I just thought I would mention that I read that there was a move across 247 to restrict or eliminate politics boards, and the end of the IC ZZLP certainly fits the pattern, although as you just said there was no directive from 247 to do so. I also seriously doubt that the politics ban will keep at least a few posters (mostly Trumpers, to be honest) from attempting to start politically-related posts on the ZZL or sports boards, especially after any debates this fall or election night. Very happy that I'm not a mod over there (or anywhere, really), especially after seeing all of the very personal attacks on Snoop and some others by Trumpers over the past few days.
Rock and nyc have the best advice about using the ignore feature. But there is absolutely no reason the troublemakers have to ruin this place too.

I am not talking about the posters that get labeled trolls by fervent liberals here, that make their arguments, show some facts from their side and demand you immediately run out and register Dem and denounce any conservative opinion you hold. Those posters do exist, and there are many that label you a troll unless you do the above.

I am talking about the real instigators that only want to trash EITHER side with Trump like childish attacks. No discussion or participation, just instigating. I say insta permaban from Rock on either side.
Thanks for the explanation. I just thought I would mention that I read that there was a move across 247 to restrict or eliminate politics boards, and the end of the IC ZZLP certainly fits the pattern, although as you just said there was no directive from 247 to do so. I also seriously doubt that the politics ban will keep at least a few posters (mostly Trumpers, to be honest) from attempting to start politically-related posts on the ZZL or sports boards, especially after any debates this fall or election night. Very happy that I'm not a mod over there (or anywhere, really), especially after seeing all of the very personal attacks on Snoop and some others by Trumpers over the past few days.
I have doubts too, but I feel like I have clear operating parameters on the sports board at least. We keep records on offenses and if I see the smallest hint of a pattern from a poster, I won't hesitate to take action. For the amount of trouble this can all be, i do it because I care about the community and I am glad this particular one had a place to go. I was nearly at the point of wanting to step back into ZZL moderating if it meant a new lease on life for that forum, but I had to remember what it did to my mental health last time and I decided to have faith that the community would take care of itself.

I care about the sports board community as well, but I have become more detached to that one after a few decades. There are so many discussions I have seen a million times and it's been a struggle to remain my enthusiasm for the sport seeing how people behave when things don't go their way. Generally I just want to try to keep it going as long as it can, but fear the toxic culture that has taken over the sports' forums as well. I am hoping less expectations will help this season, but that is a temporary balm. These are the same people who wanted to fire Roy two years past a national championship. They don't operate in the same realm of rational response that I do.
It's very much a team sport thing. They went on a run and built a lead so they talked trash. That's why they struggle to understand the blowback from their politics. If you replace "politics" with "sports" much of it makes more sense. "Why would you let sports ruin a family or friendship? That's crazy, it's only sports."
Bingo. Trumpers thought their "team" had built a nearly insurmountable lead after the debate and then called game after the failed assassination attempt on Trump so they came out in full force to spike the football.
I have doubts too, but I feel like I have clear operating parameters on the sports board at least. We keep records on offenses and if I see the smallest hint of a pattern from a poster, I won't hesitate to take action. For the amount of trouble this can all be, i do it because I care about the community and I am glad this particular one had a place to go. I was nearly at the point of wanting to step back into ZZL moderating if it meant a new lease on life for that forum, but I had to remember what it did to my mental health last time and I decided to have faith that the community would take care of itself.

I care about the sports board community as well, but I have become more detached to that one after a few decades. There are so many discussions I have seen a million times and it's been a struggle to remain my enthusiasm for the sport seeing how people behave when things don't go their way. Generally I just want to try to keep it going as long as it can, but fear the toxic culture that has taken over the sports' forums as well. I am hoping less expectations will help this season, but that is a temporary balm. These are the same people who wanted to fire Roy two years past a national championship. They don't operate in the same realm of rational response that I do.
I don't read or post on the free basketball or football boards like I used to because of how negative those boards have become over the past 3 or so years. On the basketball board there seems to be a substantial group of posters that insist on being negative about everything, even if we win a game and they're posting on the postgame victory thread. It just seems obvious that some of these posters hate Coach Davis and want him gone and so they refuse to see anything good about the program, and others weren't happy with his hire and want to be proven right that he wouldn't succeed even if it means the program as a whole suffers.

On the free Tar Pit I'm a little more understanding of the frustration of many posters, given the high expectations at the start of recent seasons with stellar quarterbacks and good recruiting classes that have usually ended with a late season collapse and bowl loss, and 3 losses in a row to State. At any rate I wish you sincere good luck with keeping the sports boards a good place to post.
Bingo. Trumpers thought their "team" had built a nearly insurmountable lead after the debate and then called game after the failed assassination attempt on Trump so they came out in full force to spike the football.
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Rock and nyc have the best advice about using the ignore feature. But there is absolutely no reason the troublemakers have to ruin this place too.

I am not talking about the posters that get labeled trolls by fervent liberals here, that make their arguments, show some facts from their side and demand you immediately run out and register Dem and denounce any conservative opinion you hold. Those posters do exist, and there are many that label you a troll unless you do the above.

I am talking about the real instigators that only want to trash EITHER side with Trump like childish attacks. No discussion or participation, just instigating. I say insta permaban from Rock on either side.
If any of those folks come in and say eff you, eff you, stick it up your butt, and eff you, they will swiftly be shown the door.

We are on high alert for the foreseeable future.

Because DEI was borne out of providing true equal opportunity AND trying to make organizations more in line with the actual citizenry of our country.

I am against pure quota systems. But making an effort to seek out and find truly qualified individuals of non-white males in certain industries, especially at the management and upper management and above levels.

I forget which Pub said it, but he said it best. "we need to be more inclusive. we look like a group of old white men, the Dems look America.

The original intent and definition above is the true meaning and how Dems understand it. When Pubs use it as slam against Harris, what they are saying is that she is not qualified. And they are also throwing red meat to the racist element of the Right, which nobody should deny exists.

Mr. Trump, David Duke has endorsed you, will you denounce his endorsement? "I don't know anything about David Duke, or who he is." Yeah right.
Great post!
It's really interesting how things like the debate can act as a universal signal for say MAGA types to unleash hell. It happened on Phog.net in the politics thread. They've slowly lost their steam and given up since the Kamala swing and now 247 is acting kind of goofy and seems like it may get rid of the politics thread altogether.
Phog.net has a politics thread?
If any of those folks come in and say eff you, eff you, stick it up your butt, and eff you, they will swiftly be shown the door.

We are on high alert for the foreseeable future.

My request/advice would be to leave the offensive post(s) with a comment that says, “This is unacceptable.” And why.

Graduating to “This post results in your banning.”
Phog.net has a politics thread?
Six months ago, 247 came by and made the politics forum VIP only. Unfortunately, KU has one staffer on that site and no one pays for VIP so this decision effectively killed the board. No one has posted on it in months.

Somehow, the mods convinced 247 to allow a politics thread in the general discussion forum. But, it is heavily moderated and obviously it is a terrible format because everything gets thrown into one thread and people can have arguments and stuff that derail an entire thread etc.

Just more of 247s brilliant decision-making!