What's the history behind the Zigga Zoomba Lounge?

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Thank you. You can call me whatever you wish, but I'd prefer to go by my new username as there's so much terrible stuff associated with Bo that I rightfully brought on myself. I really wrestled with making that post because my intent was for Bo to be dead and gone, but when someone registered that name I figured it was best just to come out and try to nip that in the bud.

If we ever have a ZZLP meet up I could explain everything that happened in person so as to not clog the board with my personal BS, but it was a hell of a ride. I appreciate the kind words from you and others, though.
Good on you for owning your problems and turning your life around. I lost a sister last week because she never managed to do that... or more accurately, by the time she mostly did she'd done too much damage to herself to ever fully come back. I've worried about you over the years, as Bo always came across to me as a parody account seeking connection with people (even if it was with a fake you). It makes me happy to hear you faced your demons and turned your life around.
Thank you. You can call me whatever you wish, but I'd prefer to go by my new username as there's so much terrible stuff associated with Bo that I rightfully brought on myself. I really wrestled with making that post because my intent was for Bo to be dead and gone, but when someone registered that name I figured it was best just to come out and try to nip that in the bud.

If we ever have a ZZLP meet up I could explain everything that happened in person so as to not clog the board with my personal BS, but it was a hell of a ride. I appreciate the kind words from you and others, though.
Know this had to be hard to put out here. Glad you are on the upswing.
Good on you for owning your problems and turning your life around. I lost a sister last week because she never managed to do that... or more accurately, by the time she mostly did she'd done too much damage to herself to ever fully come back. I've worried about you over the years, as Bo always came across to me as a parody account seeking connection with people (even if it was with a fake you). It makes me happy to hear you faced your demons and turned your life around.
I'm sorry to hear about your sister BB. I was lucky to get through my stuff years ago when the world was a bit simpler. Times are scarier now; people are so much more isolated....at least that's my perception. I'm here if you need anything.
The Party Pics thread was hours and hours of entertainment. Who was the poster who went to the Raleigh Airport Hooters to try to meet Fara? And someone posted a photo with DJ KStones?
The Party Pics thread was hours and hours of entertainment. Who was the poster who went to the Raleigh Airport Hooters to try to meet Fara? And someone posted a photo with DJ KStones?
Have to admit I would look at that one
randman is a childhood friend of mine and I am still close to his siblings. Saw two of them last weekend at the Connells show at the NC Art Museum. I would've loved to have seen his antics on the ZZL/P. I'm sure I could get him over here if anyone is interested (I kid, I kid)...
It all began on one simple thread about Serena Williams. Some loved her as a sex symbol. Others like myself, merely stated she was too masculine and built like a middle linebacker. It was right before the NCAA tourney started. I came up with the brilliant idea of a "Babe Tourney bracket" game.
Who made the Final Four? Who won?
You know, I really do not remember. I think it was Beyonce on one side and another girl that was an internet legend but I don't recall her name, to make Final Four.

The other side had Elle McPherson, Adriana Lima, Kate Beckensale, and Jessica Alba make deep runs. I think Kate or Alba won.
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tarheel69 was by far the most generous person on the board and maybe of anyone I've ever had the pleasure to know. his Dean Dome ticket invites were simply amazing.
Yes. I was lucky enough to be in that group for David Noel’s senior night. Great guy and his wife was equally kind.
Why are people still posting on the ZZLP?

It's shut in 6 days. Just stop going to it IMO
Can't speak for everybody, but I think it's a "go out with a bang" kind of deal. I'm enjoying throwing snowballs at some of these dipshit trolls and since I'm trying to be nicer over here, it's good to get it out of my system in a final bender.