What's the history behind the Zigga Zoomba Lounge?

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As @nycfan fan wrote above...once upon a time there was The ACCBoards.Com -- started up by a Wake Forest Fan in fact, with forums for each school and eventually a couple of common forums for politics and non-political (as if there was such a thing) topics.
I've got a bunch of pics taken at a ACCBoards party. Db, GA2Maine, Boone the Airedale and a bunch of the wuffie folk. I've thought about posting them but didn't want to be accused of doxing.

Simpler times then
on the net..
I also remember a time when the zzl had a fairly heavy dose of somewhat lurid threads focused on bathing suit models and scantily clad women, many of which really pushed the boundaries. I don’t remember if the mods just decided to start enforcing the policies, or whether it was one of the many site transfers to a new platform that caused it, but the enforcement led to a great many of the regular posters heading over and creating the heel talk site.

I also remember that there were a number of MEME threads that were absolutely hilarious, back when memes were just starting to take off on the internet. There were more than one because the threads on the old platform were capped at 500 pages, so a thread would get maxed out, and a follow up would have to be started.
Those type threads are still around on the wuffie 247 public board.
Wasn’t floheel the guy who was upset when a group of black people (who were rowdier than he thought was acceptable) sat next to his family in an Applebee’s and was concerned because he had left his gun in his vehicle?
I wasn't in on the initial decision making of the board split as I had stepped down as a ZZL mod before then, but in general things were deteriorating when I finally couldn't take it anymore. For years people really pushed me to put in anti-trolling rules and I was hesitant to do so because I knew no one would accept whatever definition of trolling we used. I even created a group of posters from across the spectrum to advise me on ZZL decisions, define the rules etc. Eventually they really wanted the anti-trolling rule so I wrote it as best I could:

"While some provocation is to be expected on a message board that covers contentious topics, deliberate and/or repeated posts that lead to the destabilization of threads and the overall harmony of the board will not be tolerated and posters responsible for them shall be removed from the community. This rule is not designed to punish every snide comment that a poster may make, as that behavior falls under Rule #5."

Unfortunately what I feared would happen, because people felt we were not punishing supposed trolls equally and, shockingly, that seemed to go along political lines. Amazingly, someone on one side always felt that the trolls on the other were going unpunished. My inbox was filled daily with political partisans bitching that the other side was not being punished properly. I was essentially miserable and that kind of peaked when I was on a flight with my family (including infant daughter) and there was some bad turbulence and I had two depressing thoughts: If the plane goes down, at least we are all together, and two - I won't have to deal with the ZZL BS any more. The straw that broke my moderator back was when someone on that advisory board absolutely melted down on me in public about how I had done nothing about the trolls despite my re-writing the rules, increase in temp bans, increased conversations over the rules (every time you make a new one, there is a new debate on how someone is/ is or not violating the word and/or spirit of the rule.) I basically told Ben after that, I was out - the amount of sleep I was losing over trying to keep a board open that was only trouble for the site owners wasn't worth it. I would say 95% of what I was doing was trying to keep problems from escalating above me, for the sake of the community. I just ran out of fucks to give I guess. I didn't want the board to shut down, but I also couldn't do it anymore.

I think the decision to split it was to keep that political fighting from spreading on to non-political threads, which was happening a lot, but what it did was suck the air out of the regular ZZL. People were there FOR the fighting. I had the advantage of being on the old software, where we could do zzl-only bans. We lost that ability on 247, which corresponded to about the same time as the board split. They had the political board where people could get nastier with each other, but there were limits. I think a lot of posters did not care for those limits and aside from asking them to stay off the board or risk a site ban, there was not much the ZZL moderators could do - especially with paying customers of a site whose owners felt that the off-topic stuff was bonus. When you could just remove the bonus, that was one thing. When it became all or nothing, a lot more of those issues I kept at my level were getting taken directly to the Ben and Buck level etc because the all or nothing hammer was the only tool besides asking trolls to be police themselves. Also political fights have been spilling over to the basketball and football boards in the last year, with each side blaming the sports' moderators for being too heavy handed/ not heavy handed enough. Each incident was more straw on the camel's back.

I believe things have been getting uglier as of lately too, especially since the debate (just look at the troll grave dancing going right now over the closure of the forum,) and I am guessing UNC1012 has probably hit his limit of being miserable trying to protect a community from itself. He is the one who has to sort things out with Ben when a subscriber is demanding money back after a ban etc. It's not fun.

If we had the better ignore functions of this site, and if people would use it, I suspect the board would be still alive.

Anyway just my not directly involved point of view.
Thanks for summary. Sorry you all (mods) had to go through all of that. And yes, the ignore button is indeed the way to go, and I love the way the ignore feature on Rock’s site works. I think my blood pressure will appreciate it and I know poasters on this board will appreciate less snark and acerbic BS coming from yours truly.

I’ve bounced back to the old board te past day or two just for kicks and giggles - and showed my arse once or twice just to give some ****head a hard time. But I’m not proud of that. I would say I’m better than that, but I’m not. My wife calls me ***hole for reason I feel sure.
@altmin , FWIW, you were and are definitely one of the better moderators in IC history. At the time I joined IC back in 2010, the mods were, IIRC:


You and DC and Cal were usually pretty cool about stuff and were approachable by poasters for a variety of reasons. I don't think Rota ever did any kind of moderating, ever.

If 68 or 1012 got involved with something, it was usually something more serious. Or 68 getting bent out of shape when he perhaps shouldn't have. Back then, I remember 68's avatar was young Leon Trotsky.

But I digress. You did a great job, and I'm glad you're also back to using your Megaman avatar :)
NASAHeel? I lurked on ZZL 15 or so years ago and posted a few times, then i got bold and tried the basketball board. NASA saw me and i was gone never to post again. That dude would ban Duke guys on The Den who never posted on IC or visited. lol, got to love the dedication to his craft.
Thanks for summary. Sorry you all (mods) had to go through all of that. And yes, the ignore button is indeed the way to go, and I love the way the ignore feature on Rock’s site works. I think my blood pressure will appreciate it and I know poasters on this board will appreciate less snark and acerbic BS coming from yours truly.

I’ve bounced back to the old board te past day or two just for kicks and giggles - and showed my arse once or twice just to give some ****head a hard time. But I’m not proud of that. I would say I’m better than that, but I’m not. My wife calls me ***hole for reason I feel sure.
Given what that board has rapidly become now that most of the regulars have abandoned ship to come here or try other boards it's just a zoo over there. Whatever you've posted I'm sure they deserve it. I wouldn't feel guilty at all.
Wasn’t floheel the guy who was upset when a group of black people (who were rowdier than he thought was acceptable) sat next to his family in an Applebee’s and was concerned because he had left his gun in his vehicle?

That's my recollection
Given what that board has rapidly become now that most of the regulars have abandoned ship to come here or try other boards it's just a zoo over there. Whatever you've posted I'm sure they deserve it. I wouldn't feel guilty at all.
But why bother?
But why bother?
If you're bored, why not? I've been reading posts there mostly out of curiosity - it's something to see how many posters on IC (I suspect mostly Tar Pit regulars) hated the ZZLP. It's like they wanted to join a cool fraternity but felt shunned and so now that the frat house is on fire they're thrilled that it's burning down.
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The IC site is an evolution of many things. Others were there before me.

It started as two separate sites - one for basketball and one for football…..owned and run by different people…..they merged.

Many on here date back to Dave Chen’s site; I don’t. Based on long-term posters, I wish I’d found it. IIRC, Dave’s site predates IC.

I joined in 2002 or 2003 and almost exclusively posted on the free hoops board (UNC Football was EXCESSIVELY depressing in that era).

My poasts in that era were as data-driven as they could be. Nothing comparable to today’s data-driven posts.

The posters on IC Free Hoops would comment about how fierce and ferocious ZZL poasters were…….and that you didn’t want to go over there. They’d chew you up and spit you out.

So, I immediately went over to ZZL. Which in those days was non-UNC sports, politics, Pep’s fishing trips, movies, books, stupid shit, Cooper’s crazy neighbor, Cooper’s dead bodies in hotels, glove department and police compartment, glass of Brie, I’m going to Charleston and need vacation advice……..

And, maybe the best part of ZZL - stealth game threads.

Ben and the PTB decreed no UNC sports on ZZL….so, game threads on ZZL were stomped out QUICKLY……well, ZZLers had no interest in discussing games with the cretins on free hoops or free football or the cretinous people who paid for premium and poasted about games on either board.

So, someone (I haven’t a clue) created Stealth Game Threads……some were so well crafted they’d go 20-30-50-75 poasts before it was apparent it was the stealth thread…..no one knew it was the stealth thread AND it was popular enough to sustain itself for dozens or hundreds of posts……someone was the Stealth Thread coordinator (the only person who knew who was starting each Stealth Thread). At some point, IC gave up on opposing talking sports on ZZL.

At some point, ZZL had the most traffic on IC. By far.

IIRC, there were 5 boards when I joined:
  • Free Hoops
  • Free Football
  • Premium Hoops
  • Premium Football
  • ZZL - off-topic
ZZL was by far the most entertaining.

If we could get Pep and Lurid back…..
I believe I used to post on Chen's site. I remember griping about Serge Zwikker. I always got back the "you can't teach height" response. Come to think of it, I guess you still can't teach that.
Man, tons of good old names on this thread.

Would love to see finesse start posting here, and Luvy, and ktc4unc, and pep, and San Diego heel...and heels68...oldnewguy, geez there's a name I hadnt heard in forever

One of my favorite zzl moments was the hurricane Katrina thread...that was just epic on every level
CF, Tully, TurdFerguson et al... is immortalized in a song written by Dean Keaton
NASAHeel? I lurked on ZZL 15 or so years ago and posted a few times, then i got bold and tried the basketball board. NASA saw me and i was gone never to post again. That dude would ban Duke guys on The Den who never posted on IC or visited. lol, got to love the dedication to his craft.

I generally only ban someone who was clearly trying to cause trouble. I will talk to Ben for you. I just looked and it doesn't show a ban on your account, it's maxcrowder over ob 247 right, no other changes on the spelling?
Who was the guy that posted all the archaeology threads on zzl? I loved those posts. Something happened to him or he was run off, I can’t remember. I think I remember some bit of controversy.