Where do we go from here?

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And yet after about three weeks they just stopped using the weird term and ignored it. It does seem as if her campaign switched strategies after she was nominated. They should have continued to go at Trump directly, but instead they started courting Never Trump Republicans. Maybe the reason they stopped calling Trump Republicans weirdos was because they were afraid it would also turn off Republicans they were trying to recruit. And that was a huge mistake - I've read that after all of her campaign's vigorous efforts to win over Republicans who were sick of Trump, she got the exact same percentage of the GOP vote that Biden got - 6%. Hopefully this disaster will finally convince even the Democratic high command that appealing to Republicans isn't a winning strategy in the Age of Trump -they belong to him now, and they're not leaving the cult for anything or anyone else.
Somehow-I don't know how-get out the folks that voted for Obama and Ole Joe
I thought about starting a new thread for this but chose to go ahead and post it here. This is an excellent overview of how we got here and some ideas on where we go from here. Jon Stewart and HCR make some great points. Please take some time and watch this:

Lol, imagine her face reading those notes back to other repub strategists. "Okay, that's one attack vector from the Dems we can ignore... And there's probably many many more"
They should’ve had a smear campaign with the slogan “Dumb and Dangerous” plastered with clips from his rallies and first term. So much content out there Dems could’ve used with a simple message to make it stick.
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Surrender gets you nothing. If his granddaddy saw what this guy dealt with compared to what he did, he'd beat the shit out of the ungrateful bastard. This asshole had a bunch of black people and some white make sacrifices so he can have a say and it's made a difference. It's not fixed and still needs work but that's for the young. Got no use for people like this.

You see it was the extremes on the right and left where neither have the patience to let our country grow. They think there's a destination instead of a process. One of those concepts encompasses the surprises of the future much better.
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I stopped reading after this sentence: "After discussing with my friends and community we came to the conclusion that Kamala was objectively better for society than Trump."

I'll probably finish later as I am interested, but that statement completely supports the point of voting against ones better interest that I don't understand.

If people know which policies are better for them, not participating hurts themselves as well as the rest of us.
I posted this in another thread, but I think it fits here as well.

One thing that ought to be noted, as it's become clearer as more election results are posted, is just how much of this GOP victory was a victory for Trump and not necessarily the party as a whole. In state after state we're seeing Republican Senate or House candidates running well behind Trump and losing. The latest Republican to lose is Sam Brown in Nevada, who got over 70,000 fewer votes than Trump. And we're seeing this pattern over and over again across the country. It really does seem as if voters loved them some Trump but were much less enthusiastic about other members of his party. It's small comfort for the short term, but I do wonder if Trumpism will be transferable to any of the current crop of future GOP presidential contenders, including even people like Haley or Youngkin or Vance. I have doubts that any of them could bring out the vote as Trump did in 2020 and this year. But of course that doesn't excuse the failures of the Democrats or their need to connect with more voters.
If the mass deportation is implemented ( I have my doubts) then I would support as part of the plan to identify any employer who hired said captured illegal immigrant who will be deported and charge that employer with a felony for each illegal hired with a punishment up to 20 years in prison.

This would deter employers from hiring illegals which in turn would deter illegals from entering our country to seek employment for a better way of life.
I agree about going after the employers of illegals. But I also think the narrative that the illegals are “only taking jobs that Americans don’t want” is irritating to many tradesmen that don’t see this as accurate in their world. In many agricultural and meat processing jobs this is probably true, but many local Joe tradesmen get undercut on quotes from basically immigrant crews. I have seen this on several jobs I’ve had quoted in various types of trades and always go with the local Joe types, trying to do my part to support them. It definitely does reduce the amount they can realistically quote, however.
Another from Twitter:
"A reminder that when Trump supporters were given Harris policy proposals blindly they supported them. Also, those who had incorrect facts about the major issues - economy, inflation, crime, border - they overwhelmingly went Trump. Those with facts went Harris."

I still think the outreach/comms/disinfo/education is the first thing that needs to be fixed.
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I read that wanting to get mad but I couldn’t disagree with most of it. He made a lot of good points.

I do feel like the democrats are fighting for these communities (against strong currents) but clearly the messaging is inadequate.

I think the part about the exceptional black men is a really good point. The problem I have is that it is conservatives who push the narrative that a successful black man escaping poverty means all should been capable of doing it. That isn’t a narrative that the left is pushing.
Well the easiest thing to do would be to just rope in his wife, who is just as good a communicator. But I don't think she has any interest.
I hate to say this, but I feel like this election showed that a woman of color just isn’t going to have a good chance of winning a national election against this new wave of Republican fanaticism. Michelle Obama has already been firmly in the cross hairs of conservatives making racist and misogynistic jabs about her. If she ran for president, all of that what come right back to the forefront in the same way that conservatives smeared Kamala Harris as a “slut”.
I agree about going after the employers of illegals. But I also think the narrative that the illegals are “only taking jobs that Americans don’t want” is irritating to many tradesmen that don’t see this as accurate in their world. In many agricultural and meat processing jobs this is probably true, but many local Joe tradesmen get undercut on quotes from basically immigrant crews. I have seen this on several jobs I’ve had quoted in various types of trades and always go with the local Joe types, trying to do my part to support them. It definitely does reduce the amount they can realistically quote, however.
From my experience, which is a little dated since I retired about 7 years ago, the major impact is on apartment and tract home construction and mostly in roofing, carpentry, insulation, painting and masonry. Licensed trades like plumbing, electrical, HVAC and such didn't seem to get much pressure. I did mostly custom stuff and never felt any competition. Their presence did keep prices down some for everybody, though.
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Oprah would win, but she doesn’t want it.
I think Haley would probably win, too. I don’t think being a woman of color is an absolute disqualifier. You just can’t be a liberal DC insider in this particular political moment.