Trump at Nat’l Assoc. of Black Journalists (NABJ)

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Kamala blamed herself — said it her initial bar prep was the most half-assed effort of her life. Lesson learned, apparently.
When I first moved to Los Angeles, I lived with one of my old roommates from Chapel Hill who had been going to USC for law school. By the end of the year she was studying for the bar and had an absolute meltdown on me because my now wife, was coming town to visit me, and she felt it would get in the way of her prep. She was under so much pressure in bar prep that the fight between us was total scorched Earth and I ended up moving out to an apartment that opened up across the courtyard in the building.

We are good now, but it took a while for things to heal. She's now a federal prosecutor that specializes in prosecuting child sexual exploitation, but those months leading up to California bar nearly broke her.
Kamala blamed herself — said it her initial bar prep was the most half-assed effort of her life. Lesson learned, apparently.
I passed the Bar Exam the first time I took it. Why? I was absolutely scared feces-less. I genuinely believed when I took the bar exam that going to law school was the biggest gamble of my entire life and failing the bar would expose me for the fraud that I am and that everyone else suspected I was. On those two days, you could not have pulled the proverbial greased needle out of my anus with a bulldozer. That attitude was what it took for me to pass. If VP Harris' attitude was, "Let's not go full on, bat-feces crazy yet, I will get a second-chance," then I applaud her reasoning. I think having a President who doesn't automatically elevate everything to a life or death, 3-alarm fire is a good idea.
I passed the Bar Exam the first time I took it. Why? I was absolutely scared feces-less. I genuinely believed when I took the bar exam that going to law school was the biggest gamble of my entire life and failing the bar would expose me for the fraud that I am and that everyone else suspected I was. On those two days, you could not have pulled the proverbial greased needle out of my anus with a bulldozer. That attitude was what it took for me to pass. If VP Harris' attitude was, "Let's not go full on, bat-feces crazy yet, I will get a second-chance," then I applaud her reasoning. I think having a President who doesn't automatically elevate everything to a life or death, 3-alarm fire is a good idea.
Yeah, I was much more in your lane taking the bar. Had a 6-figure job lined up in BigLaw in NYC and staring down huge loan payments, I was scared shitless that somehow the bar would prove I was an impostor somehow.
I passed the Bar Exam the first time I took it. Why? I was absolutely scared feces-less. I genuinely believed when I took the bar exam that going to law school was the biggest gamble of my entire life and failing the bar would expose me for the fraud that I am and that everyone else suspected I was. On those two days, you could not have pulled the proverbial greased needle out of my anus with a bulldozer. That attitude was what it took for me to pass. If VP Harris' attitude was, "Let's not go full on, bat-feces crazy yet, I will get a second-chance," then I applaud her reasoning. I think having a President who doesn't automatically elevate everything to a life or death, 3-alarm fire is a good idea.
I wouldn't go that far. All things being equal, I'd prefer a president that passed the bar on her first attempt. That said, it is probably item No. 10,000 or lower on my list of qualifications for president.
Yeah, I was much more in your lane taking the bar. Had a 6-figure job lined up in BigLaw in NYC and staring down huge loan payments, I was scared shitless that somehow the bar would prove I was an impostor somehow.
You misspelled “feces-less” 😎

But here we are, off-topic sort off.

Ok, all this xenophobic, ethnocentric, racist crap put out by team trump speaks to my thread about “what can the right really throw at Harris”?

It’s nothing but “she’s a woman, she’s black/she ain’t black enough, and plastic straws”. That’s it.
His base is nowhere close to that. Probably at 35% absolute max.

The problem is that there are a lot of Heelyeahs out there who hate Ds and will vote for anyone with the magic R next to their name over any D. Some of those people may just stay home, but enough will vote for Trump to get him to at least 46%.

It is important to keep in mind that Trump voter does not automatically equal MAGA. In many cases, they are just virulently anti-D as a circumstance of birth and culture.
Honestly at this point I'm not sure that's any different than being MAGA
Yeah, I was much more in your lane taking the bar. Had a 6-figure job lined up in BigLaw in NYC and staring down huge loan payments, I was scared shitless that somehow the bar would prove I was an impostor somehow.
My approach was different. I blew off studying for the bar. In fairness, I was having a very hard summer for a number of reasons. But I went to the first bar prep class, revolted against the mindlessness, and tried to get myself situated in NYC after my clerkship in DC. Time passed.

I was thirsty for a relationship because I was lonely and had recently been dumped by a woman who I thought I might marry. I was buying a house in Westchester County so I could take the train to Midtown while she was in driving distance of her residencies in the Bronx and in Westchester County. After much searching, we found a place, but there was some radon in the basement; I managed to convince the sellers that they had to pay for remediation, but my gf -- a physician! -- said she didn't want to live in a "sick house." After some argument, she broke it off. I scrambled to find something different because there was no way in hell I was going to live by myself in a big house in the burbs. I found a place in Park Slope, but it was new construction and it wasn't ready yet. So I was subletting.

Anyway, I spent a lot of time doing internet dating. Internet dating is a pretty bad experience for someone with emotional troubles, though it's better than the alternative of pure loneliness. Being ghosted is incredibly demoralizing. Sending emails into the ether and hoping for a reply is demoralizing. But again, at least it's hope. I was not in a position where I could really socialize in a normal fashion.

So I dawdled and got distracted and three days before the bar exam, I realized, "oh shit, the bar exam is in three days." I hit the Bar Bri books. I focused on the multistate section first, because I remembered a lot of that from 1L and it was a big part of the test score. For the NY section of the exam, I was strategic. No way I was going to try to learn procedure -- I just blew that off. I focused on the topics that would be easier, less expansive, and overall easier to learn in a couple of hours.

I passed, but barely. I could have failed. I'm pretty sure that I could take ALL the cognitive tests in the world SIMULTANEOUSLY and score better on all of them than Trump would score on any single one.
So you are for socialized medicine?


In all honesty… not to pick a fight… I’m almost certain most of the posters on this site support Socialism but are afraid to admit it.

Enjoyed the talks today.

I’ll leave you guys to your daily GOP bashing!

Since nations with socialized medicine have measurably better health outcomes than we do in the US, shouldn't pretty much everyone be in favor of socialized medicine?

There are clearly services better delivered by government than the private sector...roads, police, fire, military....why should Healthcare be sacrosanct and immune from a rational comparison of outcomes?
Not to be "that guy" but, long before yesterday, to anyone with two working neurons to rub together, yesterday was not a surprise. Yeah, yeah, grandpa looked liked he was about to drop trous, dig into his Depends, and start throwing poop into the audience. But here's the deal, to the MAGA faithful, yesterday's performance was a feature, not a flaw.
Very true, but he didn't gain any votes yesterday. He lost them. Minority votes, women's votes, independents' votes, some moderate R's votes, etc. He'll always have a non-zero chance at winning the EC even if only the most rabid of his base shows out. But yesterday was a very bad day for him, no matter what he Truths about it later.
Anyway, I spent a lot of time doing internet dating. Internet dating is a pretty bad experience for someone with emotional troubles, though it's better than the alternative of pure loneliness. Being ghosted is incredibly demoralizing. Sending emails into the ether and hoping for a reply is demoralizing. But again, at least it's hope. I was not in a position where I could really socialize in a normal fashion.
This is getting really off topic but kind of topical for me because my girlfriend and I were watching a video where they discussed how Internet dating is causing a lot of depression among young men. The idea is that women get so many messages that many only respond to the top 5-10%. (I think that is more true for the younger generation.) That has the following effects:

1. Most men don’t get a lot of traction if any. That destroys their self esteem.
2. That top 5% of men are often players because the situation allows them to be so.
3. Women have a horrible experience because they are dealing with creeps and players.

The whole ecosystem is broken.

When I was single I had better experiences
In bars and I am a very shy person who has never approached a women with romantic intentions unless she showed clear signs of interest first.

I’d like to thank Donald Trump for making it abundantly clear that people of diverse backgrounds can relate to a broader group of people than those of very homogenous backgrounds and that multiracial people should be proud of all of their heritage. I’ve always personally struggled how to frame myself racially and ethnically when it has come up (I’m biologically white and Puerto Rican with significant Cuban heritage culturally from my dad’s stepfather who raised him). Thanks Trump for pointing out that people in America these days don’t fit into neat little boxes where they come from and that our leadership should reflect the broad diversity of our society.